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Steady state characteristics in FHN neural system driven by correlated non-Gaussian noise and Gaussian noise

Shen Ya-Jun Guo Yong-Feng Xi Bei


Steady state characteristics in FHN neural system driven by correlated non-Gaussian noise and Gaussian noise

Shen Ya-Jun, Guo Yong-Feng, Xi Bei
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  • Recently, the dynamics problems of nonlinear systems driven by noises have attracted considerable attention. The researches indicate that the noise plays a determinative role in system evolution. This irregular random interference does not always play a negative role in the macro order. Sometimes it can play a positive role. The various effects of noise are found in physics, biology, chemistry and other fields, such as noise-induced non-equilibrium phase transition, noise-enhanced system stability, stochastic resonance, etc. Especially, in the field of biology, the effects of noise on life process are significant. At present, a large number of researchers have studied the kinetic properties of the neuron system subjected to noises. However, these studies focus on the Gaussian noise, while the researches about non-Gaussian noise are less. In fact, it is found that all the noise sources among neuronal systems, physical systems and biological systems tend to non-Gaussian distribution. So it is reasonable to consider the effects of the non-Gaussian noise on systems, and it is closer to the actual process. Therefore, it has some practical significance to study the FHN system driven by the non-Gaussian noise and analyze the kinetic properties of this system. In this work, we study the stationary probability distribution (SPD) in FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN) neural system driven by correlated multiplicative non-Gaussian noise and additive Gaussian white noise. Using the path integral approach and the unified colored approximation, the analytical expression of the stationary probability distribution is first derived, and then the change regulations of the SPD with the strength and relevance between multiplicative noise and additive noise are analyzed. After that, the simulation results show that the intensity of multiplicative noise, the intensity of additive noise, the correlation time of the non-Gaussian noise and the cross-correlation strength between noises can induce non-equilibrium phase transition. This means that the effect of the non-Gaussian noise intensity on SPD is the same as that of the Gaussian noise intensity. However, the non-Gaussian noise deviation parameter cannot induce non-equilibrium phase transition. Moreover, we also find that the increases of the multiplicative noise intensity and the cross-correlation strength between noises are conducive to the conversion of the exciting state into the resting state. And with the additive noise intensity and the correlation time increasing, the conversion of the resting state into the exciting state becomes obvious. Meanwhile, the increase of non-Gaussian noise deviation parameter increases the probability of staying in the resting state.
      Corresponding author: Guo Yong-Feng,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11102132).

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  • Received Date:  08 March 2016
  • Accepted Date:  09 April 2016
  • Published Online:  05 June 2016

