White light emitting diode (LED) is expected to replace the incandescent lamp and becomes the next generation of lighting source because of its long life expectancy, high tolerance to humidity, and low power consumption. It is proposed that for the indoor visible light communication system white LED should be used as both lighting source and base station for its properties of high brightness and high speed modulation. Indoor visible light communication has a very wide area of applications, but there is a lack of research on receiver optical antenna that functions as an energy concentrator so as to increase received power. In order to meet the needs of high gain and meanwhile large field of view of receiver optical antenna for indoor visible light communication, two-cascade optical antenna is designed. It is shown that the field of view from 40 to 60 degrees can meet the requirements for high speed communication by analyzing the relationship between signal-to-noise ratio and data rate of different fields of view. The performances of the traditional optical antenna of Fresnel lens and the compound parabolic concentrator are simulated and analyzed by TacrePro. The gains of the designed two-cascade optical antenna are discussed at different incident angles. The results show that two-cascade optical antenna has better performance than traditional receiver optical antenna. The distribution of received power of two-cascade optical antenna is analyzed by using Matlab. The received average power by using two-cascade optical antenna is about 7 dBm larger than that without any optical antenna. The designed optical antenna provides a field of view of 40 degrees and enough gain for indoor visible light communication system.
- indoor visible light communication /
- two-cascade optical receiver antenna /
- field of view /
- gain
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[1] Wang Z J, Li P L, Yang Z P, Guo Q L, Li X 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 017801
[2] Xie Z L, Zhang R, Fu D Y, Liu B, Xiu X Q, Hua X M, Zhao H, Chen P, Han P, Shi Y, Zheng Y D 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 116801
[3] Hu J, Du L, Zhuang Y Q, Bao J L, Zhou J 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 1384 (in Chinese) [胡瑾, 杜磊, 庄奕琪, 包军林, 周江 2006 55 1384]
[4] Komine T, Nakagawa M 2004 IEEE Trans. Consum. Electron 50 100
[5] Ab-Rahman M S, Shuhaimi N I, Azizan L A, Hassan M R 2012 J. Comput. Sci. 8 141
[6] Wang K, Nirmalathas A, Lim C, Skafidas E 2011 IEEE Photon. Tech. L 23 519
[7] Matsumoto Y, Nakada H 2012 Electron. Commun. Jpn. 95 9
[8] Xu N, Xu D T, Yang G, Sun X Y 2012 Chin. J. Quantum Electron. 29 629 (in Chinese) [徐宁, 徐丹彤, 杨庚, 孙晓芸 2012 量子电子学报29 629]
[9] Burton A, Ghassemlooy Z, Rajbhandari S, Liaw S K 2014 Trans. Emerg. Telecommun. Technol. 25 591
[10] Wang F, Sui C H, Ye B Q 2010 Opt. Instrum. 32 68 (in Chinese) [汪飞, 隋成华, 叶必卿 2010 光学仪器 32 68]
[11] Kong M M, Liang Z C, Zhang G H 2012 Infrared and Laser Engineer 41 750 (in Chinese) [孔梅梅, 梁忠诚, 张国虎 2012 红外与激光工程 41 750]
[12] Kahn J M, Barry J R 1997 Proc. IEEE 85 265
[13] Shen Z M 2014 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Beijing Institute of Technology) (in Chinese) [沈振民 2014 博士学位论文 (北京: 北京理工大学)]
[14] Davis A, Kühnlenz F 2007 Opt. Photon. 2 52
[15] Li X, Lan T, Wang Y, Wang L H 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 024201 (in Chinese) [李湘, 蓝天, 王云, 王龙辉 2015 64 024201]
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