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Gravity field model calculated by using the GOCE data

Su Yong Fan Dong-Ming You Wei


Gravity field model calculated by using the GOCE data

Su Yong, Fan Dong-Ming, You Wei
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  • Global static gravitational field determined by GOCE satellite data has become a hotspot in current research of geodesy. In this paper, a global static gravity field model entitled SWJTU-GO01S up to the degree and order 210 is recovered based on 12 months of GOCE orbit and gradient data from 2011-02-28 to 2012-03-05 with direct approach. GOCE gradient data are filtered by the zero phase finite impulse band-pass digital filter, and then a gradient observation equation is founded directly in gradiometer coordinates, which avoids high-accuracy gradient component loss in accuracy in the conversion process, while the orbit data is processed with short-arc integral approach. The optimal weight of combination result based on SST and SGG data is determined by variance component estimation and the polar gaps is dealt with the Kuala regularization method. Comparison of internal and external precision of SWJTU-GO01S with EGM2008 and with GPS leveling data of North America, shows that the geoid error and cumulative error of the SWJTU-GO01S model with the degree and order 210 are 2.1 cm and 13.7 cm respectively. Compared with the second generation models released by ESA and ITG-GRACE2010S, the accuracy of the model SWJTU-GO01S is higher than that of the model ITG-GRACE2010S and ESA official time-wise and space-wise model in the above degree and order 150. This study provides a reference to further joint multi-class satellite observation data to recover gravity field models.
    • Funds: Project supported by the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (Grant No. 2012018412006), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (Grant Nos. SWJTU10ZT02 and SWJTU12BR012), and the Doctoral Innovation Funds of Southwest Jiaotong University.

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    Zheng W, Xu H Z, Zhong M, Liu C S, Yun M J 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 109101


    Bruinsma S L, Marty J C, Balmino G, Biancale R, Foerste C, Abrikosov O, Neumayer H 2010 Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium Bergen, Norway, June 27-July 2, 2010 p1


    Pail R, Goiginger H, Mayrhofer R, Schuh W D, Brockmann J M, Krasbutter I, Höck E, Fecher T 2010 Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium Bergen, Norway, June 27-July 2, 2010 p978


    Migliaccio F M, Reguzzoni M, Sanso F, Tscherning C C, Veicherts M 2010 Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium Bergen, Norway, June 27-July 2, 2010 p987


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    Yu J H, Wan X Y 2012 Sci. China Earth Sci. 56 1193


    Farahani H H, Ditmar P, Klees R, Liu X, Zhao Q, Guo J 2013 J. Geod. 87 843


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    Pail R, Goiginger H, Schuh W D, Höck E, Brockmann J M, Fecher T, Gruber T, Mayer-Grr T, Kusche J, Jäggi A, Rieser D 2010 Geophys. Res. Lett. 37 L 20314


    Yi W 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Mnchen: Technische Universität Mnchen)


    You W 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Chengdu: Southwest Jiaotong University) (in Chinese) [游为 2011 博士学位论文(成都: 西南交通大学)]


    Baur O, Reubelt T, Weigelt M, Roth M, Sneeuw N 2012 Adv. Space Res. 50 385


    Mayer-Grr T 2006 Ph. D. Dissertation (Bonn: Institut fr Theoretische Geodäsie der Universität Bonn)


    EGG-C https://earth. esa. int/web/guest/missions/esa-operational-eo-missions/goce [2013-11-12]


    Petrovskaya M S, Vershkov A N 2006 J. Geod. 80 117


    Fuchs M J, Bouman J 2011 Geophys. J. Int. 187 743


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    Zhong B 2010 Ph. D. Dissertation (Wuhan: Wuhan University) (in Chinese) [钟波 2010 博士学位论文(武汉: 武汉大学)]


    Koch K R, Brockmann J M, Schuh W D 2012 J. Geod. 86 647


    Tsoulis D, Patlakis K 2013 Rev. Geophys. 51 186


    Tsoulis D, Patlakis K 2013 Surv. Geophys. 34 375

  • [1]

    Drinkwater M R, Floberghagen R, Haagmans R, Muzi D, Popescu A 2003 Earth Gravity Field from Space-from Sensors to Earth Sciences (Berlin: Springer Netherlands) p419


    Garcia R F, Bruinsma S, Lognonné P, Doornbos E, Cachoux F 2013 Geophys. Res. Lett. 40 1


    Pail R, Bruinsma S, Migliaccio F, Förste C, Goiginger H, Schuh W D, Höck E, Reguzzoni M, Brockmann J M, Abrikosov O, Veicherts M, Fecher T, Mayrhofer R, Krasbutter I, Sansò F, Tscherning C C 2011 J. Geod. 85 819


    Haines K, Johannessen A J, Knudsen P, Lea D, Rio M H, Bertino L, Davidson F, Hernandez F 2011 Ocean Sci. 7 151


    Bingham R J, Knudsen P, Andersen O, Pail R 2011 Geophys. Res. Lett. 38 L01606


    Zheng W, Xu H Z, Zhong M, Liu C S, Yun M J 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 049101


    Zheng W, Xu H Z, Zhong M, Liu C S, Yun M J 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 109101


    Bruinsma S L, Marty J C, Balmino G, Biancale R, Foerste C, Abrikosov O, Neumayer H 2010 Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium Bergen, Norway, June 27-July 2, 2010 p1


    Pail R, Goiginger H, Mayrhofer R, Schuh W D, Brockmann J M, Krasbutter I, Höck E, Fecher T 2010 Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium Bergen, Norway, June 27-July 2, 2010 p978


    Migliaccio F M, Reguzzoni M, Sanso F, Tscherning C C, Veicherts M 2010 Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium Bergen, Norway, June 27-July 2, 2010 p987


    Kern M, Preimesberger T, Allesch M, Pail R, Bouman J, Koop R 2005 J. Geod. 78 509


    Wan X Y, Yu J H, Zeng Y Y 2012 Chinese J. Geophys. 55 2909 (in Chinese)[万晓云, 于锦海, 曾艳艳 2012 地球 55 2909]


    Kusche J, Klees R 2002 J. Geod. 76 359


    Ditmar P, Kusche J, Klees R 2003 J. Geod. 77 465


    Koch K R, Kusche J 2002 J. Geod. 76 259


    Ditmar P, Visser P, Klees R 2003 Advances in Geosciences 1 87


    Bruinsma S L, Förste C, Abrikosov O, Marty J C, Rio M H, Mulet S, Bonvalot S 2013 Geophys. Res. Lett. 40 3607


    Yu J H, Wan X Y 2012 Sci. China Earth Sci. 56 1193


    Farahani H H, Ditmar P, Klees R, Liu X, Zhao Q, Guo J 2013 J. Geod. 87 843


    Yi W 2012 Adv. Space Res. 50 371


    Pail R, Goiginger H, Schuh W D, Höck E, Brockmann J M, Fecher T, Gruber T, Mayer-Grr T, Kusche J, Jäggi A, Rieser D 2010 Geophys. Res. Lett. 37 L 20314


    Yi W 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Mnchen: Technische Universität Mnchen)


    You W 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Chengdu: Southwest Jiaotong University) (in Chinese) [游为 2011 博士学位论文(成都: 西南交通大学)]


    Baur O, Reubelt T, Weigelt M, Roth M, Sneeuw N 2012 Adv. Space Res. 50 385


    Mayer-Grr T 2006 Ph. D. Dissertation (Bonn: Institut fr Theoretische Geodäsie der Universität Bonn)


    EGG-C https://earth. esa. int/web/guest/missions/esa-operational-eo-missions/goce [2013-11-12]


    Petrovskaya M S, Vershkov A N 2006 J. Geod. 80 117


    Fuchs M J, Bouman J 2011 Geophys. J. Int. 187 743


    Kusche J 2003 Advances in Geosciences 1 81


    Zhong B 2010 Ph. D. Dissertation (Wuhan: Wuhan University) (in Chinese) [钟波 2010 博士学位论文(武汉: 武汉大学)]


    Koch K R, Brockmann J M, Schuh W D 2012 J. Geod. 86 647


    Tsoulis D, Patlakis K 2013 Rev. Geophys. 51 186


    Tsoulis D, Patlakis K 2013 Surv. Geophys. 34 375

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  • Received Date:  27 November 2013
  • Accepted Date:  13 January 2014
  • Published Online:  05 May 2014

