Nuclear structure phase transitions SU(3)–U(5)–SU(3) of the yrast-band structure in 182Os nucleus are successfully described, based on the association of microscopic interacting Boson model (IBM) with the γ-ray energy on spin curves (E-GOS). It is very abstract because of lack of concrete facts. A probable explanation of these one after the other phase transitions are geometrically given, with a functional relation of microscopic parameters in microscopic sdIBM-Fmax approach and potential energy surface in Bohr collective model. It is expounded that at high angular momentum, in a well-deformed nucleus, a probable way to the γ-vibrational energy can become lower than the rotational energy bcause there are a number of degeneracy states formed by quantum effect between the highter and lower excition states so as to achieve SU(3)–U(5) structue phase transition.
- evolution of yrast-band structure /
- potential energy surface /
- critical region in phase transition /
- 182Os nucleus
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[1] Landau L D, Lifshitz E M 1980 Statistical Physics (3rd Edn.) Part 1 (Oxford Pergamon Press) pp257-260, 446-516
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[20] Hao X, Zhu L H, Wu X G 2011, Chin. Phys. Lett. 28 112101
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[26] Pattison L K, Cullen D M, Smith J E, Fletcher A M, Walker P M 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 182501
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