Granular materials consist of a large number of discrete solid particles. When subjected to external vibrations, they exhibit various intricate dynamical behaviors, Which usually depend in a complicated way on many physical factors, such as air dragging, friction from the container wall and so forth. In this work, vertical vibrations are applied to a bed of stainless-steel spheres contained in a glass tube, and the subharmonic bifurcations of impact of particles on the container bottom are investigated. To eliminate the effects of air dragging, we evacuate the container or perforate the container bottom to make it quite permeable to the air. Experiments performed in such containers reveal that the impact bifurcations are controlled solely by the normalized vibration acceleration, but independent of the particle size, the filling height of particles, and the frequency of forced vibration. The sliding friction from the container wall is treated as a constant one with the direction opposite to the velocity relative to the container wall. By involving this damping term into the completely inelastic bouncing ball model, an explanation for the experimental results is made. Simulations on the averaged experimental bifurcation points indicate that the magnitude of wall friction is about 10% of the total weight of the particles.
- granular materials /
- wall friction /
- subharmonic bifurcations /
- impact
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[1] Duran J 2000 Sands powders and grains: An introduction to the physics of granular materials (New York: Springer-Verlag)
[2] de Gennes P G 1999 Rev. Mod. Phys. 71 374
[3] Sperl M 2006 Granul. Matter. 8 59
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[12] Pastor J M, Maza D, Zuriguel I, Garcimartin A, Boudet J F, 2007 Physica D 232 128
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[20] Akiyama T, Kimura N, Iguchi T 1996 Powder. Technol. 89 133
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[22] Horváth V K, Jánosi I M, Vella P J 1996 Phys. Rev. E 54 2005
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[24] Peng Z, Wang L Z, Jiang Y M 2011 J. Shandong Univ. Nat. Sci. 46 42 [彭政, 王璐珠, 蒋亦民 2011 山东大学学报 (理学版) 46 42]
[25] Géminard J C, Losert W, Gollub J P 1999 Phys. Rev. E 59 5881
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[27] Wassgren C R, Brennen C E, Hunt M L 1996 J. Appl. Mech. 63 712
[28] Hsiau S S, Pan S J 1998 Powder. Technol. 96 219
[29] Jiang Z H, Jing Y F, Zhao H F, Zheng R H 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 5923 (in Chinese) [姜泽辉, 荆亚芳, 赵海发, 郑瑞华 2009 58 5923]
[30] Jiang Z H, Zhang F, Guo B, Zhao H F, Zheng R H 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 5581 (in Chinese) [姜泽辉, 张锋, 郭波, 赵海发, 郑瑞华 2010 59 5581]
[31] Cheng Y F, Guo S J, Lai H Y 2000 Powder. Technol. 107 123
[32] Rhodes M, Takeuchi S, Liffman K, Muniandy K 2003 Granul. Matter. 5 107
[33] Luck J M, Metha A 1993 Phys. Rev. E 48 3988
[34] Gilet T, Vandewalle N, Dorbolo S 2009 Phys. Rev. E 79 055201
[35] Jiang Z H, Zheng R H, Zhao H F, Wu J 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 3727 (in Chinese) [姜泽辉, 郑瑞华, 赵海发, 吴晶 2007 56 3727]
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