Based on a general dynamical model for disaster spreading, in different network structures, i.e. in Erdos-Renyi network, scale-free network and small world network, the influences of network centrality on the speed and trend of disaster spreading are analyzed by simulation. By changing the initial spreading condition, the influence of initial state on the spreading efficiency is analyzed. In this paper the differences between final disaster spreading state are mainly discussed based on four initial vertex-choosing strategies. For the four strategies, it is shown that there are apparent differences. Complex network has a strong ability to resist random attacks but is is fragile to resist intentional attacks. However, the three networks show different degrees of fragility. And then, the theoretical analysis results are verified in an actual network.
- complex network /
- disaster spreading /
- network centrality
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[1] Watts D J, Strogatz S H 1998 Nature 440 442
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[9] Beggs J M, Plenz D 2003 Journal of Neuroscience 23 11167
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[12] Ormerod P, Roach A P 2004 Physica A 339 645
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[14] Weng W G, Ni S J, Shen S F, Yuan H Y 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 1943 (in Chinese) [翁文国, 倪顺江, 申世飞, 袁宏永 2007 55 1938]
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[20] Chen G L 2008 Adva. Mech. 6 53 [陈光荣2008力学进展 653 662]
[21] Pan Q D 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: China University of Mining and Technology) (in Chinese) [潘启东 2011 博士学位论文 (北京: 中国矿业大学)]
[22] Barabasi A L 2003 Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What it Means (New York: The Penguin Group)
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