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Line-imaging optical recording velocity interferometer at Shenguang-II laser facility and its applications

Shu Hua Fu Si-Zu Huang Xiu-Guang Ye Jun-Jian Zhou Hua-Zhen Xie Zhi-Yong Long Tao


Line-imaging optical recording velocity interferometer at Shenguang-II laser facility and its applications

Shu Hua, Fu Si-Zu, Huang Xiu-Guang, Ye Jun-Jian, Zhou Hua-Zhen, Xie Zhi-Yong, Long Tao
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  • A line-imaging optical recording velocity interferometer (VISAR) is implemented at the Shenguang II laser facility. The spatial resolution is ~ 7 m, the effective field of view in the target plane is ~ 1 mm. We propose a new illumination method with increasing three times the luminosity of such a diagnostic. The VISAR is applied to experiments of laser-driven equation of state shockless compression, and shocktiming.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2010AA8041016).

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    Boehly T R, Goncharov V N, Seka W, Hu S X, Marozas J A, Meyerhofer D D, Celliers P M, Hicks D G, Barrios M A, Fratanduono D, Collins G W 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 195005

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    Bark L, Hollenbach R 1974 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 33 1617


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    Cellier P M, Bradley D K, Collins G W, Hicks D G, Boehly T R, Armstrong W J 2004 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75 4916


    Benuzzi A, Lwer T, Koenig M, Faral B, Batani D, Beretta D, Danson C, Pepler D 1996 Phys. Rev. E 54 2162


    Batani D, Morelli A, Tomasini M, Benuzzi A, Philippe F, Koenig M, Marchet B, Masclet I, Rabec M, Reverdin Ch, Cauble R, Celliers P, Collins G, DaSilva L, Hall T, Moret M, Sacchi B, Baclet P, Cathala B 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 235502


    Batani D, Strati F, Stabile H, Tomasini M, Lucchini G, Ravasio A, Koenig M, Benuzzi A, Nishinura H, Ochi Y, Ullschmied J, Skala J, Kralikova B, Pfeifer M, Kadlec Ch, Mocek T, Prag A, Hall T, Milani P, Barborini E, Piseri P 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 065503


    Boehly T R, Vianell E, Miller J E, Craxton R S, Collins T J B, Goncharov V N, Igumenshchev I V, Meyerhofer D D, Hicks D G, Celliers P M, Collins G W 2006 Phys. Plasmas 13 056303


    Boehly T R, Munro D, Celliers P M, Olson R E, Hicks D G, Goncharov V N, Collins G W, Robey H F, Hu S X, Morozas J A, Sangster T C, Landen O L, Meyerhofer D D 2009 Phys. Plasmas 16 056302


    Robey H F, Boehly T R, Olson R E, Nikroo A, Celliers P M, Landen O L, Meyerhofer D D 2010 Phys. Plasmas 17 012703


    Song P, Wang Q S, Dai C D 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 476 (in Chinese) [松萍, 王青松, 戴诚达 2011 60 476]


    Park H S, Remington B A, Becker R C, Becker R C, Bernier J V, Cavallo R M, Lorenz K T, Pollaine S M, Prisbrey S T, Rudd R E, Barton N R 2010 Phys. Plasmas 17 056314


    Bushman A V, Zhernokletov M V, Lomonosov I V, Sutulov Y N, Fortov V E, Khishchenko K V 1996 Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 109 1662


    McQueen R G, Marsh S P, Taylor J W, Fritz J N, Carter W J 1970 The Equation of State of Solids from Shock Wave Studies (New York: Academic Press) p293


    Thiel M V 1977 Compendium of Shock Wave Data (Livermore: Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Report UCRL-50108) p504


    Marsh S P 1980 LASL Shock Hugoniot Data (Berkeley: Univ. California Press) p600


    Dudoladov I P, Rakitin V I, Sutulov Y N, Telegin G S 1969 Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 4 148


    Barrios M A, Hicks D G, Boehly T R Fratanduono D E, Eggert J H, Celliers P M, Collins G W, Meyerhofer D D 2010 Phys. Plasmas 17 056307


    Swift D C, Johnson R P 2005 Phys. Rev. E 71 066401


    Boehly T R, Vianello E, Miller J E, Craxton R S, Collins T J B, Goncharov V N, Igumenshchev I V, Meyerhofer D D, Hicks D G, Celliers P M, Collins G W 2006 Phys. Plasmas 13 056303


    Shu H, Fu S Z, Huang X G, Jia G, Zhou H Z, Wu J, Ye J J, Gu Y 2010 Chin. Opt. Lett. 8 1142


    Boehly T R, Goncharov V N, Seka W, Hu S X, Marozas J A, Meyerhofer D D, Celliers P M, Hicks D G, Barrios M A, Fratanduono D, Collins G W 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 195005

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  • Received Date:  30 July 2011
  • Accepted Date:  05 June 2012
  • Published Online:  05 June 2012

