The Isosarmentosim crystal C11H17O7N belongs to monoclinic system. The space group is C22 -P21. The crystal parametera are a = 12.185 (±0.005)?, b = 10.318 (±0.005)?,c = 4.853 (±0.004)?, β = 98.80 (±0.08) °. Two molecules are contained in a unit cell, c = 2. The diffraction data has been collected bylusing PW-1100 four-circle diffra-ctomter, the total number of independent diffractions amounts to 1139. The crystal structure has been determined by direct method (MULTAN-78), and structure parameter has been refined by means of block matrix least-squares method, R= 0.058. The difference Fourier syntheses gives out all the hydrogen position. Between the molecules there exist hydrogen-bonds, the avarage length of which are 2.869?.