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合肥先进光源: 赋能关联电子系统研究

孙喆 沈大伟 罗震林 闫文盛


合肥先进光源: 赋能关联电子系统研究

孙喆, 沈大伟, 罗震林, 闫文盛

Hefei Advanced Light Facility: Empowering research of correlated electron systems

Sun Zhe, Shen Da-Wei, Luo Zhen-Lin, Yan Wen-Sheng
cstr: 32037.14.aps.73.20240943
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 合肥先进光源是一个第四代衍射极限储存环光源, 计划于2028年投入运行, 凭借其高亮度和高相干性X射线, 将突破当前X射线技术研究关联电子系统所面临的时空分辨率瓶颈, 为理解这些材料中新奇物性的本质和微观起源提供关键信息. 本文介绍了合肥先进光源的主要科学目标和技术优势, 重点阐述了角分辨光电子能谱、磁圆二色、相干X射线散射和相干X射线成像等核心技术在量子材料和关联电子系统研究中的应用前景. 这些技术将能精细解析电子/自旋/轨道态的分布和动力学过程, 揭示各种新奇量子现象, 以及关联电子体系中各种序参量的涨落. 合肥先进光源的建成将为解码复杂量子态和非平衡演化行为提供先进的技术支持, 最终推动量子材料和关联电子系统在能源、信息等前沿领域的应用.
    The Hefei Advanced Light Facility is the fourth-generation diffraction-limited storage ring light source, scheduled to begin operation in 2028. With its high-brightness and highly coherent X-rays, it will break through the current spatiotemporal resolution bottlenecks of X-ray techniques in studying correlated electron systems, providing crucial information for understanding the nature and microscopic origins of novel physical properties in these materials. This article introduces the main scientific goals and technical advantages of the Hefei Advanced Light Facility, focusing on the application perspectives of advanced technologies such as angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, magnetic circular dichroism, coherent X-ray scattering, and coherent X-ray imaging in researches of quantum materials and correlated electron systems. These techniques will enable the detailed analysis of the distribution and dynamics of electronic/spin/orbital states, reveal various novel quantum phenomena, and elucidate the fluctuations of order parameters in correlated electron systems. The completion of the Hefei Advanced Light Facility will provide advanced technical supports for decoding complex quantum states and non-equilibrium properties, ultimately promoting the application of quantum materials and correlated electron systems in frontier fields such as energy and information.
      通信作者: 孙喆, zsun@ustc.edu.cn
      Corresponding author: Sun Zhe, zsun@ustc.edu.cn

    Jens Als-Nielsen, Des McMorrow 著 (封东来 译) 2015 现代X光物理原理 (上海: 复旦大学出版社)

    Als-Nielsen J, McMorrow D (translated by Feng D L) 2015 Modern Elements of X-ray Physics (Shanghai: Fudan University Press


    麦振洪2013同步辐射光源及其应用 (上卷和下卷) (北京: 科学出版社)

    Mai Z H 2013 Synchrotron Radiation Sources and Applications (Vol. 1 and 2) (Beijing: Science Press


    Eberhardt W 2015 J. Electron Spectrosc. 200 31Google Scholar


    Eriksson M, van der Veen J F, Quitmann C 2014 J. Synchrotron Radiat. 21 837Google Scholar


    Sobota J A, He Y, Shen Z X 2021 Rev. Mod. Phys. 93 025006Google Scholar


    Iwasawa H 2020 Electron. Struct. 2 043001Google Scholar


    Lisi S, Lu X B, Benschop T, de Jong T A, Stepanov P, Duran J R, Margot F, Cucchi I, Cappelli E, Hunter A, Tamai A, Kandyba V, Giampietri A, Barinov A, Jobst J, Stalman V, Leeuwenhoek M, Watanabe K, Taniguchi T, Rademaker L, van der Molen S J, Allan M P, Efetov D K, Baumberger F 2021 Nat. Phys. 17 189Google Scholar


    Cattelan M, Fox N A 2018 Nanomaterials-Basel 8 284Google Scholar


    Mo S K 2017 Nano Converg. 4 6Google Scholar


    Chen C T, Sette F, Ma Y, Modesti S 1990 Phys. Rev. B 42 7262Google Scholar


    van der Laan G, Figueroa A I 2014 Coordin. Chem. Rev. 277 95Google Scholar


    Klewe C, Qian L, Mengmeng Y, N’Diaye A T, Burn D M, Hesjedal T, Figueroa A I, Chanyong H, Jia L, Hicken R J, Shafer P, Arenholz E, van der Laan G, Qian Z 2020 Synchrotron Radiat. News 33 12Google Scholar


    Purbawati A, Coraux J, Vogel J, Hadj-Azzem A, Wu N J, Bendiab N, Jegouso D, Renard J, Marty L, Bouchiat V, Sulpice A, Aballe L, Foerster M, Genuzio F, Locatelli A, Mentes T O, Han Z V, Sun X D, Núñez-Regueiro M, Rougemaille N 2020 ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 12 30702Google Scholar


    Barinov A, Dudin P, Gregoratti L, Locatelli A, Mentes T O, Niño M A, Kiskinova M 2009 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 601 195Google Scholar


    Sutton M, Mochrie S G J, Greytak T, Nagler S E, Berman L E, Held G A, et al. 1991 Nature 352 608Google Scholar


    Bluschke M, Basak R, Barbour A, Warner A N, Fürsich K, Wilkins S, Roy S, Lee J, Christiani G, Logvenov G, Minola M, Keimer B, Mazzoli C, Benckiser E, Frano A 2022 Sci. Adv. 8 eabn6882Google Scholar


    Shpyrko O G 2014 J. Synchrotron Radiat. 21 1057Google Scholar


    Sandy A R, Zhang Q T, Lurio L B 2018 Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 48 167Google Scholar


    Zhang Q T, Dufresne E M, Sandy A R 2018 Curr. Opin. Solid St. M. 22 202Google Scholar


    Shpyrko O G, Isaacs E D, Logan J M, Feng Y J, Aeppli G, Jaramillo R, Kim H C, Rosenbaum T F, Zschack P, Sprung M, Narayanan S, Sandy A R 2007 Nature 447 68Google Scholar


    Grübel G, Madsen A, Robert A 2008 Soft Matter Characterization (Dordrecht: Springer) p953


    范家东, 江怀东 2012 61 218702Google Scholar

    Fan J D, Jiang H D 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 218702Google Scholar


    Miao J W, Ishikawa T, Robinson I K, Murnane M M 2015 Science 348 530Google Scholar


    Rau C 2017 SRN 30 19Google Scholar


    Tripathi A, Mohanty J, Dietze S H, Shpyrko O G, Shipton E, Fullerton E E, Kim S S, McNulty I 2011 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 108 13393Google Scholar


    Prosekov P A, Nosik V L, Blagov A E 2021 Crystallogr. Rep. 66 867Google Scholar


    Pfeiffer F 2018 Nat. Photonics 12 9Google Scholar


    Donnelly C, Scagnoli V 2020 J. Phys. : Condens. Matter 32 213001Google Scholar


    Lo Y H, Zhao L, Gallagher-Jones M, Rana A, Lodico J J, Xiao W, Regan B C, Miao J 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 1826Google Scholar

  • 图 1  合肥先进光源XMCD线站配置 (a) 双波荡器光源示意图; (b) XMCD谱; (c) 双光路设计的俯视图

    Fig. 1.  Configuration of the XMCD beamline at the Hefei Advanced Light Source: (a) Schematic diagram of the twin undulator sources; (b) XMCD spectrum; (c) top view of the dual beam path design.

    图 2  相干X射线散射实验设置(a)和反铁磁衍射图案的演化(b) (得到文献[16]的授权重印, 版权归©2022美国科学促进协会所有)

    Fig. 2.  Coherent X-ray scattering experimental setup (a) and evolution of antiferromagnetic diffraction patterns (b) (Reproduced with permission of Ref. [16], Copyright of ©2022 The American Association for the Advancement of Science).

    图 3  相干衍射成像技术对多层Gd/Fe薄膜中的铁磁畴的成像和原位磁场调控研究 (a) X射线扫描相干X射线成像测量的示意图, 对比度主要来自X射线磁圆二色性(XMCD)效应, 在远场用X射线面探测器记录衍射图案; (b) 样品磁化强度随外加磁场变化时, 重建图像中Gd的磁构型演化(得到文献[25]的授权重印, 版权归©2011美国国家科学院所有)

    Fig. 3.  Coherent diffraction imaging of ferromagnetic domains in multilayer Gd/Fe thin films and their in-situ magnetic field manipulation study: (a) Schematic diagram of X-ray scanning coherent X-ray imaging measurement, where the contrast primarily arises from the XMCD effect, and diffraction patterns are recorded in the far-field using an X-ray area detector; (b) evolution of the Gd magnetic configuration in reconstructed images as the sample magnetization changes with the applied external magnetic field (Reproduced with permission of Ref. [25], Copyright of ©2011 National Academy of Sciences).

  • [1]

    Jens Als-Nielsen, Des McMorrow 著 (封东来 译) 2015 现代X光物理原理 (上海: 复旦大学出版社)

    Als-Nielsen J, McMorrow D (translated by Feng D L) 2015 Modern Elements of X-ray Physics (Shanghai: Fudan University Press


    麦振洪2013同步辐射光源及其应用 (上卷和下卷) (北京: 科学出版社)

    Mai Z H 2013 Synchrotron Radiation Sources and Applications (Vol. 1 and 2) (Beijing: Science Press


    Eberhardt W 2015 J. Electron Spectrosc. 200 31Google Scholar


    Eriksson M, van der Veen J F, Quitmann C 2014 J. Synchrotron Radiat. 21 837Google Scholar


    Sobota J A, He Y, Shen Z X 2021 Rev. Mod. Phys. 93 025006Google Scholar


    Iwasawa H 2020 Electron. Struct. 2 043001Google Scholar


    Lisi S, Lu X B, Benschop T, de Jong T A, Stepanov P, Duran J R, Margot F, Cucchi I, Cappelli E, Hunter A, Tamai A, Kandyba V, Giampietri A, Barinov A, Jobst J, Stalman V, Leeuwenhoek M, Watanabe K, Taniguchi T, Rademaker L, van der Molen S J, Allan M P, Efetov D K, Baumberger F 2021 Nat. Phys. 17 189Google Scholar


    Cattelan M, Fox N A 2018 Nanomaterials-Basel 8 284Google Scholar


    Mo S K 2017 Nano Converg. 4 6Google Scholar


    Chen C T, Sette F, Ma Y, Modesti S 1990 Phys. Rev. B 42 7262Google Scholar


    van der Laan G, Figueroa A I 2014 Coordin. Chem. Rev. 277 95Google Scholar


    Klewe C, Qian L, Mengmeng Y, N’Diaye A T, Burn D M, Hesjedal T, Figueroa A I, Chanyong H, Jia L, Hicken R J, Shafer P, Arenholz E, van der Laan G, Qian Z 2020 Synchrotron Radiat. News 33 12Google Scholar


    Purbawati A, Coraux J, Vogel J, Hadj-Azzem A, Wu N J, Bendiab N, Jegouso D, Renard J, Marty L, Bouchiat V, Sulpice A, Aballe L, Foerster M, Genuzio F, Locatelli A, Mentes T O, Han Z V, Sun X D, Núñez-Regueiro M, Rougemaille N 2020 ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 12 30702Google Scholar


    Barinov A, Dudin P, Gregoratti L, Locatelli A, Mentes T O, Niño M A, Kiskinova M 2009 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 601 195Google Scholar


    Sutton M, Mochrie S G J, Greytak T, Nagler S E, Berman L E, Held G A, et al. 1991 Nature 352 608Google Scholar


    Bluschke M, Basak R, Barbour A, Warner A N, Fürsich K, Wilkins S, Roy S, Lee J, Christiani G, Logvenov G, Minola M, Keimer B, Mazzoli C, Benckiser E, Frano A 2022 Sci. Adv. 8 eabn6882Google Scholar


    Shpyrko O G 2014 J. Synchrotron Radiat. 21 1057Google Scholar


    Sandy A R, Zhang Q T, Lurio L B 2018 Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 48 167Google Scholar


    Zhang Q T, Dufresne E M, Sandy A R 2018 Curr. Opin. Solid St. M. 22 202Google Scholar


    Shpyrko O G, Isaacs E D, Logan J M, Feng Y J, Aeppli G, Jaramillo R, Kim H C, Rosenbaum T F, Zschack P, Sprung M, Narayanan S, Sandy A R 2007 Nature 447 68Google Scholar


    Grübel G, Madsen A, Robert A 2008 Soft Matter Characterization (Dordrecht: Springer) p953


    范家东, 江怀东 2012 61 218702Google Scholar

    Fan J D, Jiang H D 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 218702Google Scholar


    Miao J W, Ishikawa T, Robinson I K, Murnane M M 2015 Science 348 530Google Scholar


    Rau C 2017 SRN 30 19Google Scholar


    Tripathi A, Mohanty J, Dietze S H, Shpyrko O G, Shipton E, Fullerton E E, Kim S S, McNulty I 2011 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 108 13393Google Scholar


    Prosekov P A, Nosik V L, Blagov A E 2021 Crystallogr. Rep. 66 867Google Scholar


    Pfeiffer F 2018 Nat. Photonics 12 9Google Scholar


    Donnelly C, Scagnoli V 2020 J. Phys. : Condens. Matter 32 213001Google Scholar


    Lo Y H, Zhao L, Gallagher-Jones M, Rana A, Lodico J J, Xiao W, Regan B C, Miao J 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 1826Google Scholar

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  • 收稿日期:  2024-07-08
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