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4 K大冷量GM型脉冲管制冷机

刘旭明 潘长钊 张宇 廖奕 郭伟杰 俞大鹏


4 K大冷量GM型脉冲管制冷机

刘旭明, 潘长钊, 张宇, 廖奕, 郭伟杰, 俞大鹏

4 K GM-type pulse tube cryocooler with large cooling capacity

Liu Xu-Ming, Pan Chang-Zhao, Zhang Yu, Liao Yi, Guo Wei-Jie, Yu Da-Peng
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 液氦温区GM型脉冲管制冷机由于具有大冷量、低振动、高可靠性等优点, 在凝聚态物理、量子计算等前沿领域具有重要应用. 调相机构对脉冲管制冷机性能有重要影响, 先前针对GM型脉冲管制冷机调相机构的研究, 主要集中在制冷机获取液氦温度后单个调相元件对制冷性能的影响方面. 本文围绕4 K GM型脉冲管制冷机, 基于Sage软件设计并构建了气耦合两级结构的整机仿真模型, 分析了一、二级小孔和一、二级双向分别对两级制冷温度的影响, 研究了制冷机达到液氦温区温度的调节优化过程. 在此基础上, 搭建了实验系统, 实验样机经优化最低温度可达3.1 K, 并可在4.2 K提供0.8 W制冷量. 该研究不仅可以推进4 K制冷平台国产化进程, 对相关前沿基础科学研究和重要科学仪器设备的自主研制也有支撑作用.
    Owing to the advantages of large cooling capacity, low vibration and high reliability, GM-type pulse tube cryocoolers at liquid helium temperature have important applications in frontier fields of condensed matter physics research, quantum computing, etc. The phase shifter has an important influence on the cooling performance of pulse tube cryocooler. Previous researches on the phase shifter of GM-type pulse tube cryocooler mainly focused on the effect of a single phase shifter on the performance of the cryocooler at liquid helium temperature. In this paper, based on Sage software, a simulation model of a 4 K two-stage gas-coupled GM-type pulse tube cryocooler is first designed and constructed. The influence of the phase shifters of the two stages on the first-stage and the second-stage temperatures are calculated. The adjustment and optimization process of the cryocooler to obtain the liquid helium temperature is studied. Numerical simulations are given below. 1) The lowest temperature of the model is only about 100 K when the phase shifters of the two stages are closed. The lowest temperature of the model can be reduced to 2.7 K by optimizing the first-stage orifice valve, the second-stage orifice valve, the first-stage double-inlet valve and the second-stage double-inlet valve in sequence. 2) The first-stage orifice valve, the second-stage orifice valve, and the second-stage double-inlet valve have a significant effect on reducing the cooling temperature of the second stage, while the first-stage double-inlet valve has little effect on reducing the temperature of the second stage. 3) The first-stage orifice valve and the second-stage double-inlet valve have a significant effect on reducing the cooling temperature of the first stage, and the first-stage double-inlet valve has little effect on reducing the temperature of the first stage. The second-stage orifice valve will worsen the first stage performance. Finally, an experimental system is constructed. The lowest temperature of the experimental prototype can reach 3.1 K, and the cooling capacity of 0.8 W can be produced at 4.2 K, which is presently the best result obtained by the domestic two-stage gas-coupled valve-separated GM type pulse tube cryocooler. This research can not only promote the independent construction of domestic 4 K refrigeration platform, but also support the relevant frontier basic scientific research and the development of important scientific instruments and equipment. In the future, the structure of the first-stage cold-end heat exchanger and the impedance matching between the compressor and the cryocooler will be improved, and the gas coupling characteristics inside the cryocooler will be studied theoretically and experimentally in depth.
      通信作者: 潘长钊, pancz@sustech.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 深圳市优秀科技创新人才计划(博士启动)项目(批准号: RCBS20221008093120048)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Pan Chang-Zhao, pancz@sustech.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the Science and Technology Innovation Commission of Shenzhen, China (Grant No. RCBS20221008093120048).

    俎红叶, 程维军, 王亚男, 王晓涛, 李珂, 戴巍 2023 72 080701Google Scholar

    Zu H Y, Cheng W J, Wang Y N, Wang X T, Li K, Dai W 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 080701Google Scholar


    Yang B, Gao Z Z, Xi X T, Chen L B, Wang J J 2022 J. Low Temp. Phys. 206 321Google Scholar


    Radebaugh R 2009 J. Phys. Condens. Matter 21 164219Google Scholar


    Gifford W, Longsworth R 1964 J. Eng. Ind. 86 264Google Scholar


    Radebaugh R 1990 Adv. Cryog. Eng. 35 1191


    Matsubara Y, Gao J L 1994 Cryogenics 34 259


    Tanida K, Gao J L, Yoshimura N, Matsubara Y 1996 Adv. Cryog. Eng. 41 1503


    Wang C, Thummes G, Heiden C 1997 Cryogenics 37 857Google Scholar


    Wang C, Heiden C, Thummes G 1998 Cryogenics 38 689Google Scholar


    Chen G B, Qiu L M, Zheng J Y, Yan P D, Gan Z H, Bai X, Huang Z X 1997 Cryogenics 37 271Google Scholar


    Chen G B, Zheng J Y, Qiu L M, Bai X, Gan Z H, Yan P D, Yu J P, Jin T, Huang Z X 1997 Cryogenics 37 529Google Scholar


    Qiu L M, He Y L, Gan Z H, Chen G B 2006 AIP Conf. 823 845Google Scholar


    成渝 2006 硕士学位论文 (哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学)

    Cheng Y 2006 M. S. Thesis (Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology


    闫磊 2007 硕士学位论文 (哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学)

    Yan L 2007 M. S. Thesis (Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology


    Jiang N, Lindemann U, Giebeler F, Thummes G 2004 Cryogenics 44 809Google Scholar


    Wang C 2016 Cryocoolers 19 299


    Qiu L M, Zhang K H, Dong W Q, Gan Z H, Wang C, Zhang X J 2012 Int. J. Refrig. 35 2332Google Scholar


    Schmidt B, Vorholzer M, Dietrich M, Falter J, Schirmeisen A, Thummes G 2017 Cryogenics 88 129Google Scholar


    Schmidt J A, Schmidt B, Dietzel D, Falter J, Thummes G, Schirmeisen A 2022 Cryogenics 122 103417Google Scholar


    Japanese 4 K Two-stage GM Type Pulse Tube Cryocoolers https://www.shicryogenics.com/products/cryocoolers/ [2023-6-29


    American 4 K Two-Stage GM Type Pluse Tube Cryocoolers https://www.cryomech.com/cryocoolers/pulse-tube-cryocoolers/ [2023-6-29


    Wang C 1997 Cryogenics 37 207Google Scholar


    Wang C 1997 Cryogenics 37 215Google Scholar


    Wang C, Thummes G, Heiden C 1997 Cryogenics 37 159Google Scholar


    Qiu L M, Thummes G 2002 Adv. Cryog. Eng. 47 625Google Scholar


    Qiu L M, Thummes G 2002 Cryogenics 42 327Google Scholar


    Kim K, Zhi X Q, Qiu L, Nie H L, Wang J J 2017 Int. J. Refrig. 77 1Google Scholar


    Liu X M, Chen L B, Wu X L, Yang B, Wang J, Zhu W X, Wang J J, Zhou Y 2020 Sci. China Technol. Sci. 63 434Google Scholar


    Gedeon D 2016 Sage User’s Guide: Stirling, Pulse-Tube and Low-T Cooler Model Classes v11 Edition (Athens: Gedeon Associates) p6


    戴巍, 罗二仓 2005 低温工程 144 24Google Scholar

    Dai W, Luo E C 2005 Cryog. Eng. 144 24Google Scholar


    Pan C Z, Zhang T, Zhou Y, Wang J J 2016 Cryogenics 77 20Google Scholar

  • 图 1  双向进气型气耦合两级GM脉冲管制冷机结构示意图

    Fig. 1.  Schematic of the two-stage gas-coupled double-inlet GM type pulse tube cryocooler.

    图 2  一、二级小孔分别对一级和二级制冷温度的影响

    Fig. 2.  Dependence of the cooling temperatures of the two stages on the openings of the first-stage and the second-stage orifice valves.

    图 3  一、二级双向分别对一级和二级制冷温度的影响

    Fig. 3.  Dependence of the cooling temperatures of the two stages on the openings of the first-stage and the second-stage double-inlet valves.

    图 4  二级双向DC直流对一级和二级制冷温度的影响

    Fig. 4.  Dependence of the cooling temperatures of the two stages on the DC flow rates caused by the second-stage double-inlet valve.

    图 5  实验系统实物照片

    Fig. 5.  Photo of the experimental system with the cryocooler prototype.

    图 6  制冷机样机典型降温曲线

    Fig. 6.  Time-dependent temperature distributions of the cryocooler prototype.

    图 7  制冷机样机不同温度下的典型制冷量

    Fig. 7.  Tested cooling power of the cryocooler prototype at different temperatures.

    图 8  制冷机样机不同位置压力波动 (a)实时数据; (b)傅里叶分析

    Fig. 8.  Tested pressure oscillation of the cryocooler prototype at different positions: (a) Real-time data; (b) Fourier analysis.

    图 9  制冷机样机相位调节和直流调节的影响 (a)实物照片; (b)温度波动

    Fig. 9.  Effects of phase shifting and DC flow on the cryocooler prototype: (a) Physical photo; (b) temperature fluctuation.

    表 1  4 K GM型脉冲管制冷机主要结构参数

    Table 1.  Main structural parameters of the 4 K GM-type pulse tube cryocooler.

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    表 2  与其他同类主流制冷机产品比较

    Table 2.  Comparison with mainstream products of 4 K GM-type pulse tube cryocoolers.

    生产厂商 降温
    Sumitomo RP-182 B2 S 2 < 2.8 1.5 W@4.2 K
    Cryomech PT415* 2 2.8 1.35 W@4.2 K
    本文 3 3.1 0.8 W@4.2 K
    注: *表示阀分离型
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    俎红叶, 程维军, 王亚男, 王晓涛, 李珂, 戴巍 2023 72 080701Google Scholar

    Zu H Y, Cheng W J, Wang Y N, Wang X T, Li K, Dai W 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 080701Google Scholar


    Yang B, Gao Z Z, Xi X T, Chen L B, Wang J J 2022 J. Low Temp. Phys. 206 321Google Scholar


    Radebaugh R 2009 J. Phys. Condens. Matter 21 164219Google Scholar


    Gifford W, Longsworth R 1964 J. Eng. Ind. 86 264Google Scholar


    Radebaugh R 1990 Adv. Cryog. Eng. 35 1191


    Matsubara Y, Gao J L 1994 Cryogenics 34 259


    Tanida K, Gao J L, Yoshimura N, Matsubara Y 1996 Adv. Cryog. Eng. 41 1503


    Wang C, Thummes G, Heiden C 1997 Cryogenics 37 857Google Scholar


    Wang C, Heiden C, Thummes G 1998 Cryogenics 38 689Google Scholar


    Chen G B, Qiu L M, Zheng J Y, Yan P D, Gan Z H, Bai X, Huang Z X 1997 Cryogenics 37 271Google Scholar


    Chen G B, Zheng J Y, Qiu L M, Bai X, Gan Z H, Yan P D, Yu J P, Jin T, Huang Z X 1997 Cryogenics 37 529Google Scholar


    Qiu L M, He Y L, Gan Z H, Chen G B 2006 AIP Conf. 823 845Google Scholar


    成渝 2006 硕士学位论文 (哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学)

    Cheng Y 2006 M. S. Thesis (Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology


    闫磊 2007 硕士学位论文 (哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学)

    Yan L 2007 M. S. Thesis (Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology


    Jiang N, Lindemann U, Giebeler F, Thummes G 2004 Cryogenics 44 809Google Scholar


    Wang C 2016 Cryocoolers 19 299


    Qiu L M, Zhang K H, Dong W Q, Gan Z H, Wang C, Zhang X J 2012 Int. J. Refrig. 35 2332Google Scholar


    Schmidt B, Vorholzer M, Dietrich M, Falter J, Schirmeisen A, Thummes G 2017 Cryogenics 88 129Google Scholar


    Schmidt J A, Schmidt B, Dietzel D, Falter J, Thummes G, Schirmeisen A 2022 Cryogenics 122 103417Google Scholar


    Japanese 4 K Two-stage GM Type Pulse Tube Cryocoolers https://www.shicryogenics.com/products/cryocoolers/ [2023-6-29


    American 4 K Two-Stage GM Type Pluse Tube Cryocoolers https://www.cryomech.com/cryocoolers/pulse-tube-cryocoolers/ [2023-6-29


    Wang C 1997 Cryogenics 37 207Google Scholar


    Wang C 1997 Cryogenics 37 215Google Scholar


    Wang C, Thummes G, Heiden C 1997 Cryogenics 37 159Google Scholar


    Qiu L M, Thummes G 2002 Adv. Cryog. Eng. 47 625Google Scholar


    Qiu L M, Thummes G 2002 Cryogenics 42 327Google Scholar


    Kim K, Zhi X Q, Qiu L, Nie H L, Wang J J 2017 Int. J. Refrig. 77 1Google Scholar


    Liu X M, Chen L B, Wu X L, Yang B, Wang J, Zhu W X, Wang J J, Zhou Y 2020 Sci. China Technol. Sci. 63 434Google Scholar


    Gedeon D 2016 Sage User’s Guide: Stirling, Pulse-Tube and Low-T Cooler Model Classes v11 Edition (Athens: Gedeon Associates) p6


    戴巍, 罗二仓 2005 低温工程 144 24Google Scholar

    Dai W, Luo E C 2005 Cryog. Eng. 144 24Google Scholar


    Pan C Z, Zhang T, Zhou Y, Wang J J 2016 Cryogenics 77 20Google Scholar

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