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张建强 秦彦军 方峥 范晓珍 马云 李文忠 杨慧雅 邝富丽 翟耀 师应龙 党文强 叶慧群 方允樟



张建强, 秦彦军, 方峥, 范晓珍, 马云, 李文忠, 杨慧雅, 邝富丽, 翟耀, 师应龙, 党文强, 叶慧群, 方允樟

Regulation mechanism of giant magneto-impedance effect of multi-field coupling Fe-based alloy

Zhang Jian-Qiang, Qin Yan-Jun, Fang Zheng, Fan Xiao-Zhen, Ma Yun, Li Wen-Zhong, Yang Hui-Ya, Kuang Fu-Li, Zhai Yao, Shi Ying-Long, Dang Wen-Qiang, Ye Hui-Qun, Fang Yun-Zhang
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • Fe基合金性能优异, 是首选的“双绿色”节能材料, 在电力电子信息领域具有重要的应用价值. 本文对单辊快淬制备的Fe64.8Co7.2Nb4Si4.8B19.2非晶薄带实施多场耦合热处理(电流张应力退火), 采用阻抗仪和磁力显微镜观测薄带纵向驱动巨磁阻抗效应及磁畴结构, 结合X射线衍射、随机各向异性模型和数值拟合分析薄带的磁晶各向异性和应力各向异性, 提出磁各向异性竞争因子k, 从磁各向异性角度研究合金带巨磁阻抗效应调控机制. 结果表明, $ k \leqslant 0.147 $的薄带展现出“单峰”和“穹顶”状的巨磁阻抗效应, 且具有较规则的横向磁畴结构; 而$ k \gt 0.147 $的薄带展现出“尖刺+穹顶”状巨磁阻抗效应, 同时在较不规则的横向畴畴壁处观测到新畴的形核和分裂, 这为磁各向异性的竞争抑制作用提供了佐证. 因此, 本研究认为多场耦合热处理Fe64.8Co7.2Nb4Si4.8B19.2合金薄带展现出良好的应力敏感特性可由磁各向异性的竞争抑制作用解释, 它是材料巨磁阻抗效应实现调控的主要原因, 在调制优化材料磁性能方面具有良好的应用前景.
    Fe-based amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys are considered as the preferred dual-green energy-saving materials due to their unique magnetic properties, such as high permeability, low coercivity, and near-zero saturation magnetostriction. As such, they have received extensive attention in applications like magnetic core material for high-frequency transformers, common model chokes, ground fault interrupters, and rotors in motors, over the past decades. In this work, Fe64.8Co7.2Nb4Si4.8B19.2 (in atom percent) amorphous alloy ribbons are prepared by using the single roller quenching method, then subsequently subjected to multi-field coupling heating treatment in the air which includes heating by Joule heating effect and tensile stress field. Furthermore, the longitudinally driven giant magneto-impedance effect and magnetic domain structures of ribbons are observed by using 4294A impedance analyzer and magnetic force microscopy, respectively. The magneto-crystalline anisotropy field and stress anisotropy field of ribbons are analyzed by using X-ray diffraction, random anisotropy model, and numerical fitting. Meanwhile, the concept of magnetic anisotropy competing factor (k) is proposed, from the viewpoint of magnetic anisotropy, a mechanism for regulating giant magneto-impedance effect of ribbons prepared with multi-field coupling is studied. It is found that the longitudinally driven giant magneto-impedance effect gradually transforms from the single peak to dome-like with tensile stress increasing. However, a spike and dome-like giant magneto-impedance effect appears during such transformation, which is composed of two parts: spike-like top and dome-like base. Based on the magnetic domain structure of ribbons, it is found that the typical stress-annealed transversal magnetic domain structure is observed in ribbons of $k \leqslant 0.147$, while nucleation and splitting phenomenon of new domains are observed at the transversal magnetic domain wall in ribbons of k > 0.147. Both longitudinally driven giant magneto-impedance effect and domain structures provide evidence to support the competing inhibition effect of magnetic anisotropy which exists in Fe-based alloy ribbon. Therefore, it is suggested that Fe-based alloys exhibit excellent stress-sensitive properties that can be understood by the competing inhibition effects of magnetic anisotropy. It is further shown that the competing inhibition effect of magnetic anisotropy is the main reason for regulating the giant magneto-impedance effect of soft magnetic materials. This multi-field coupling Fe-based alloy has good application prospects in regulating magnetic properties of magnetic materials.
      通信作者: 张建强, zhjian8386@163.com ; 方允樟, fyz@zjnu.cn
    • 基金项目: 新疆维吾尔自治区重点专项研发项目 (批准号: KYZ04Y21100)、国家自然科学基金地区科学基金 (批准号: 12064037)、甘肃省科技计划项目(批准号: 21JR1RE288)、新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金(批准号: 2021D01B47)和天水师范学院高级别预研项目 (批准号: GJB2021-09) 资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Jian-Qiang, zhjian8386@163.com ; Fang Yun-Zhang, fyz@zjnu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the Key Specialized Research and Development Program of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China (Grant No. KYZ04Y21100), the Fund for Less Developed Regions of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12064037), the Program on Science and Technology of Gansu Province, China (Grant No. 21JR1RE288), the Natural Science Foundation of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China (Grant No. 2021D01B47), and the High Level Pre-research Program of Tianshui Normal University, China (Grant No. GJB2021-09) .

    Duwez P, Willens R H, Klement W 1960 J. Appl. Phys. 31 1136


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    Fang Y Z, Xu Q M, Ye H Q, Zheng J J, Fan X Z, Pan R M, Ma Y, Li W Z 2011 Funct. Mater. 42 1083


    Zhukov A, Ipatov M, Churyukanova M, Talaat A, Blanco J M, Zhukova V 2017 J. Alloys Compd. 727 887Google Scholar


    Herzer G 2013 Acta. Mater. 61 718Google Scholar


    Zhukov A, Ipatov M, Corte-Leon P, Gonzalez-Legarreta L, Churyukanova M, Blanco J M, Gonzalez J, Taskaev S, Hernando B, Zhukova V 2020 J. Alloys Compd. 814 152225Google Scholar


    Corte-Leon P, Zhukova V, Ipatov M, Blanco J M, Gonzalez J, Zhukov A 2019 Intermetallics 105 92Google Scholar


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    Bolyachkin A S, Volegov A S, Kudrevatykh N V 2015 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 378 362Google Scholar


    Muscas G, Concas G, Laureti S, Testa A M, Mathieu R, De Toro J A, Cannas C, Musinu A, Novak M A, Sangregorio C, Lee S S, Peddis D 2018 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 28634Google Scholar


    纪松, 杨国斌, 王润 1996 45 2061Google Scholar

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    Hinokihara T, Miyashita S 2021 Phys. Rev. B 103 054421Google Scholar


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    张建强, 路飞平, 赵小龙, 何林芳 2019 磁性材料及器件 50 9

    Zhang J Q, Lu F P, Zhao X L, He L F 2019 J. Magn. Mater. Device 50 9


    Jaafar M, Pablo-Navarro A, Berganza E, Ares P, Magén C, Masseboeuf A, Gatel C, Snoeck E, Gómez-Herrero J, Teresa J M, Asenjo A 2020 Nanoscale 12 10090Google Scholar

  • 图 1  Fe基合金LDGMI效应 (a) 0−503 MPa退火; (b) “单峰”状; (c) “尖刺+穹顶”状; (d) “穹顶”状

    Fig. 1.  LDGMI effect of Fe-based alloy: (a) Annealed with different tensile stress (0−503 MPa); (b) single peak shape; (c) spike and dome shape; (d) dome shape.

    图 2  Fe基合金最大磁阻抗比及磁灵敏度与退火应力关系

    Fig. 2.  Maximum magneto-impedance ratio and magnetic sensitivity of Fe-based alloys ribbons as a function of annealing tensile stress.

    图 3  MFC热处理Fe基合金带的XRD谱

    Fig. 3.  XRD pattern of Fe-based alloy heated with MFC method.

    图 4  “尖刺+穹顶”状LDGMI曲线高斯拟合 (a) 180 MPa退火合金带LDGMI效应拟合; (b) 总拟合曲线; (c) “尖刺”状; (d) “穹顶”状

    Fig. 4.  Gaussian fitting of “spike and dome” like LDGMI effect curve: (a) Fitting curve of LDGMI effect for Fe-based alloy ribbon annealed with tensile stress of 180 MPa; (b) the whole fitting curve; (c) spike shape; (d) dome shape.

    图 5  应力各向异性场和磁晶各向异性场与应力关系

    Fig. 5.  Stress anisotropy field and the magneto-crystalline anisotropy field of Fe-based alloy ribbons as a function of annealing tensile stress.

    图 6  不同退火应力下, MFC热处理Fe基合金磁畴结构图 (a) 0 MPa; (b) 94 MPa; (c) 339 MPa

    Fig. 6.  Domain structure patterns of Fe-based alloy ribbons heated by MFC under different tensile stress: (a) 0 MPa; (b) 94 MPa; (c) 339 MPa.

    图 7  Fe基合金磁各向异性竞争抑制作用模型示意图

    Fig. 7.  Schematic diagram of the competing inhibition model of magnetic anisotropy in Fe-based alloys.

    表 1  未加张应力退火Fe基合金带的结构参数和磁学量参数

    Table 1.  Structural and magnetic parameters of Fe-based alloy annealed without tensile stress.

    磁学量参数K1/(J·m–3) 8000[26]
    A/(J·m–1) 10–11[26]
    Js/T 1.24[25]
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    表 2  MFC热处理Fe基合金带LDGMI效应曲线拟合DPGF参数和磁学参数

    Table 2.  DPGF parameters of LDGMI effect curves and magnetic parameters of Fe-based alloy heated by MFC method.

    DPGF参数磁各向异性场 实验值
    W1W2RHk/(A·m–1)Hσ/(A·m–1)Heff/(A·m–1) kHeff/(A·m–1)
    94105.64549.940.997 52.82274.97280.000.195
    180139.97893.040.986 69.98446.52451.970.157
    260177.791183.860.97588.90591.93598.57 0.150
    339106.5745.23752.800.143 772.52
    421124.32899.94908.490.138 903.81
    503 142.361056.561066.110.135 1012.43
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    Duwez P, Willens R H, Klement W 1960 J. Appl. Phys. 31 1136


    汪卫华, 张哲峰 2021 金属学报 57 1Google Scholar

    Wang W H, Zhang Z F 2021 Acta Metall. Sin. 57 1Google Scholar


    姚可夫, 施凌翔, 陈双琴, 邵洋, 陈娜, 贾蓟丽 2018 67 016101Google Scholar

    Yao K F, Shi L X, Chen S Q, Shao Y, Chen N, Jia J L 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 016101Google Scholar


    Panina L V, Mohri K 1994 Appl. Phys. Lett. 65 1189


    Mohri K, Kawashiwa K, Yoshida H, Panina L V 1992 IEEE. Trans. Magn. 28 3150Google Scholar


    Indaa K, Mohri K, Inuzuka K 1994 IEEE. Trans. Magn. 30 4623Google Scholar


    Panina L V, Mohri K, Uchiyama T, Noda M, Bushida 1995 IEEE. Trans. Magn. 31 1249Google Scholar


    Kawashima K, Kohzawa K, Yoshida H, Mohri M 1993 IEEE. Trans. Magn. 29 3168Google Scholar


    杨介信, 杨夑龙, 陈国, 蒋可玉, 沈国土, 胡炳元, 金若鹏 1998 中国科学 43 1051Google Scholar

    Yang J X, Yang X L, Chen G, Jiang K Y, Shen G T, Hu B Y, Jin R P 1998 Chin. Sci. Bull. 43 1051Google Scholar


    Gong W Y, Wu Z M, Lin H, Yang J X, Zhao Z J 2008 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 320 1553Google Scholar


    方允樟, 许启明, 叶慧群, 郑金菊, 范晓珍, 潘日敏, 马云, 李文忠 2011 功能材料 42 1083

    Fang Y Z, Xu Q M, Ye H Q, Zheng J J, Fan X Z, Pan R M, Ma Y, Li W Z 2011 Funct. Mater. 42 1083


    Zhukov A, Ipatov M, Churyukanova M, Talaat A, Blanco J M, Zhukova V 2017 J. Alloys Compd. 727 887Google Scholar


    Herzer G 2013 Acta. Mater. 61 718Google Scholar


    Zhukov A, Ipatov M, Corte-Leon P, Gonzalez-Legarreta L, Churyukanova M, Blanco J M, Gonzalez J, Taskaev S, Hernando B, Zhukova V 2020 J. Alloys Compd. 814 152225Google Scholar


    Corte-Leon P, Zhukova V, Ipatov M, Blanco J M, Gonzalez J, Zhukov A 2019 Intermetallics 105 92Google Scholar


    Zhukova V, Blanco J M, Ipatov M, Gonzalez J, Churyukanova M, Zhukov A 2018 Scr. Mater. 142 10Google Scholar


    Phan M H, Peng H X 2008 Prog. Mater. Sci. 53 323Google Scholar


    Ohnuma M, Yanai T, Hono K, Nakano M, Fukunaga H, Yoshizawa Y, Herzer G 2010 J. Appl. Phys. 108 093927Google Scholar


    Kernion S J, Ohodnicki P R, Grossmann J J, Leary A, Shen S, Keylin V, Huth J F, Horwath J, Lucas M S, McHenry M E 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 102408Google Scholar


    Iannotti V, Amoruso S, Ausanio G, Wang X, Lanotte L, Barone A C, Margaris G, Trohidou K N, Fiorani D 2011 Phys. Rev. B 83 214422Google Scholar


    Bolyachkin A S, Volegov A S, Kudrevatykh N V 2015 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 378 362Google Scholar


    Muscas G, Concas G, Laureti S, Testa A M, Mathieu R, De Toro J A, Cannas C, Musinu A, Novak M A, Sangregorio C, Lee S S, Peddis D 2018 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 28634Google Scholar


    纪松, 杨国斌, 王润 1996 45 2061Google Scholar

    Ji S, Yang G B, Wang R 1996 Acta Phys. Sin. 45 2061Google Scholar


    Hinokihara T, Miyashita S 2021 Phys. Rev. B 103 054421Google Scholar


    Hofmann B, Kronmüller H 1996 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 152 91Google Scholar


    Herzer G 1995 Scr. Metall. Mater. 33 1741Google Scholar


    Hernando A, Kulik T 1994 Phys. Rev. B 49 7064Google Scholar


    张建强, 路飞平, 赵小龙, 何林芳 2019 磁性材料及器件 50 9

    Zhang J Q, Lu F P, Zhao X L, He L F 2019 J. Magn. Mater. Device 50 9


    Jaafar M, Pablo-Navarro A, Berganza E, Ares P, Magén C, Masseboeuf A, Gatel C, Snoeck E, Gómez-Herrero J, Teresa J M, Asenjo A 2020 Nanoscale 12 10090Google Scholar

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