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魏坤 黑东炜 刘军 徐青 翁秀峰 谭新建



魏坤, 黑东炜, 刘军, 徐青, 翁秀峰, 谭新建

Theoretical analysis and experimental verification of scintillator luminescence nonlinearity based on carrier quenching model

Wei Kun, Hei Dong-Wei, Liu Jun, Xu Qing, Weng Xiu-Feng, Tan Xin-Jian
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 闪烁体探测器是辐射物理领域重要的探测器件, 闪烁体作为其中的核心部分, 其特性受到广泛研究, 特别是闪烁体在高激发密度下的非线性效应由于其对测量结果的直接影响而得到格外关注. 本文结合目前国内外闪烁体发光的相关理论, 以载流子方程为基础, 量化分析了激子的二阶猝灭效应对于载流子动力学过程的影响, 着重计算分析了脉冲测量场景下不同激发密度产生的不同初始载流子浓度对于闪烁体光衰减曲线、光产额以及效率的影响. 接着利用光致激发实验, 研究了CeF3闪烁体光产额与激发密度的关系, 并利用载流子猝灭模型对实验数据进行了拟合, 拟合曲线与实验数据一致性较高, 并得到了CeF3闪烁体10%非线性效应对应的能量密度阈值. 通过本文研究工作建立的物理模型, 结合不同的模型参数, 可以实现多种闪烁材料发光非线性特性的预测和解释, 对于理解及解决实验中遇到的闪烁体在高激发密度下产生的非线性效应问题具有重要作用.
    The scintillator detector is one of the most important detectors in the field of radiation detection and radiation physics. The characteristics and performance of scintillator that is a core part of the measurement system, are widely studied. Especially, the nonlinearity of scintillators under high excitation density has received more attention because of its direct influence on the measurement results. In this paper, physical modeling and experimental research on this problem are carried out in-depth.First, the second-order quenching effect of excitons on the scintillator luminescence process is quantitatively analyzed based on the carrier dynamic equation. The luminescence attenuation curves of scintillator under different initial carrier concentrations generated by different excitation densities are obtained. The relationship of the light yield and the efficiency of scintillator with the initial carrier concentration is analyzed, and the results show that with the increase of the initial carrier concentration, the light yield tends to be saturated and the light efficiency decreases. Then CeF3 scintillator is studied in the Z-scan photoluminescence experiment. The relationship between the light yield and the excitation density is obtained, and the experimental data can be fitted by the carrier quenching model well, which verifies the physical model. At the same time, the energy density threshold corresponding to the 10% nonlinearity of CeF3 scintillator is obtained.The physical model established in this paper can be used to predict and explain the nonlinear luminescence of various scintillation materials according to different parameters of crystal materials, which is important to understand and solve the nonlinearity problem of scintillators under high excitation density in practical application of radiation detection.
      通信作者: 黑东炜, heidw@nint.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11905173)和西北核技术研究所预先研究课题(批准号: 13021901)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Hei Dong-Wei, heidw@nint.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11905173) and the Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology Pre-research Project, China (Grant No. 13021901).

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    Krzywinski J, Andrejczuk A, Bionta R M, Burian T, Chalupsky J, Jurek M, Krim M, Nagirnyi V, Sobierajski R, Tiedtke K, Vielhauer S, Juha L 2017 Opt. Mater. Express 7 665Google Scholar


    Vielhauer S, Babina V, De Graziab M, Feldach E, Kirm M, Nagirnyi V, Vasil'ev A 2009 Proc. SPIE 7361 73610RGoogle Scholar


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    施朝淑, 陈永虎, 张国斌, 许小亮, 汤洪高 2002 发光学报 23 217Google Scholar

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    Nagirnyi V, Dolgov S, Grigonis R, Kirm M, Nagornaya L L, Savikhin F, Sirutkaitis V, Vielhauer S, A. Vasil'ev A 2010 IEEE Trans Nucl. Sci. 57 1182Google Scholar

  • 图 1  不同初始载流子浓度下的归一化荧光衰减曲线

    Fig. 1.  Normalized luminescence attenuation curves at different initial carrier concentrations.

    图 2  光产额与初始载流子浓度的关系

    Fig. 2.  Relationship between luminescence yield and initial carrier concentration.

    图 3  光效率与初始载流子浓度的关系

    Fig. 3.  Relationship between luminescence efficiency and initial carrier concentration.

    图 4  Z扫描实验设置示意图

    Fig. 4.  Schematic diagram of Z scan experiment settings

    图 5  CeF3晶体不同Z处的荧光波形曲线

    Fig. 5.  Luminescence waveform curves at different Z of CeF3 crystal.

    图 6  CeF3的Z扫描实验数据及拟合曲线

    Fig. 6.  Z-scan experimental data and fitting curve of CeF3.

  • [1]

    Moses W W, BizarriG A, WilliamsR T, Payne S A, Vasil'ev A N, Singh J, Li Q, Grim J Q, Choong W S 2012 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 59 2038Google Scholar


    Khodyuk I V, Dorenbos P 2012 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 59 3320Google Scholar


    Moses W W, PayneS A, ChoongW S, Hull G, Reutter B W 2008 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 55 1049Google Scholar


    Siengsanoh K, LimkitjaroenpornP, Sustini E, Kaewkhao J 2018 Mater. Today Proc. 5 15024Google Scholar


    Limkitjaroenporn P, Hongtong W, Chaiphaksa W, Kang S J, Kaewkhao J, Siengsanoh K 2018 Mater. Today Proc. 5 15110Google Scholar


    Klamra W, Balcerzyk M, Czarnacki W, Kozlov V, Mosynski M, Syntfeld-Kazuch A, Szczesniak T 2009 J. Instrum. 4 05006Google Scholar


    Swiderski L, Marcinkowski R, Szawłowski M, Mosynski M, CzarnackiW, Syntfeld-Kazuch A, Szczesniak T, Pausch G, Plettner C, Roemer K 2012 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 59 222Google Scholar


    Chen X, Han H T, Li G 2017 Radiat. Meas. 97 42Google Scholar


    管兴胤, 张子川, 张文钰 2009 原子能科学与技术 43 942Google Scholar

    Guan X Y, Zhang Z C, Zhang W Y 2009 Atomic Energy Sci. Tech 43 942Google Scholar


    宋朝晖, 李刚, 王奎禄, 胡华四, 代秋声 2004 核电子学与探测技术 24 461Google Scholar

    Song Z H, Li G, Wang K L, Hu H S, Dai Q S 2004 Nuclear Electron. Detection Tech. 24 461Google Scholar


    Spassky D, Vasil'ev A, Belsky A, Fedorov N, Martin P, Markov S, Buzanov O, Kozlova N, Shlegel V 2019 Opt. Mater. 90 7Google Scholar


    Grim J Q, Ucer K B, Burger A, BhattacharyaP, Tupitsyn E, Rowe E, Buliga V M, Trefilova L, Gektin A, Bizarri G A, Moses W W, Williams R T 2013 Phys. Rev. B 87 125117Google Scholar


    Williams R T, GrimJ Q, Li Q, Ucer K B, Bizarri G A, Kerisit S, Gao F, Bhattacharya P, Tupitsyn E, Rowe E, Buliga V M, Burger A 2013 Proc. SPIE 8852 88520JGoogle Scholar


    鲍杰, 陈永浩, 张显鹏, 等 2019 68 080101Google Scholar

    Bao J, Chen Y H, Zhang X P, et al. 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 080101Google Scholar


    任杰, 阮锡超, 陈永浩, 等 2020 69 172901Google Scholar

    Ren J, Ruan X C, Chen Y H, et al. 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 172901Google Scholar


    Krzywinski J, Andrejczuk A, Bionta R M, Burian T, Chalupsky J, Jurek M, Krim M, Nagirnyi V, Sobierajski R, Tiedtke K, Vielhauer S, Juha L 2017 Opt. Mater. Express 7 665Google Scholar


    Vielhauer S, Babina V, De Graziab M, Feldach E, Kirm M, Nagirnyi V, Vasil'ev A 2009 Proc. SPIE 7361 73610RGoogle Scholar


    Vielhauer S, Babin V, De Grazia M, Feldbach E, Kirm M, Nagirnyi V, Vasil'ev A 2008 Phys. Solid State 50 1789Google Scholar


    Kirm M, Andrejczuk A, Krzywinski J, Sobierajski R 2005 Phys. Stat. Sol.(c) 2 649Google Scholar


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    Shi C S, Chen Y H, Zhang G B, Xu X L, Tang H G 2002 Chin. J. Lumin. 23 217Google Scholar


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