置信传播(BP)算法作为推断概率图模型的主流算法是求解随机块模型中联合概率分布的重要方法之一. 但现有的方法要么在处理核边结构问题上存在精度不足问题, 要么在理论的推导上存在近似太多, 导致求解过程复杂且难以理解问题, 或两个问题均存在. 当然, 精度不足也是由近似多造成的. 导致理论近似多且推导复杂的主要原因, 是随机块模型推断过程中求解联合概率分布并不是直接套用BP算法, 即处理的图(网络)与概率图模型的图不统一. 因此, 本文利用平均场近似修正联合概率分布, 使其完全匹配BP算法的迭代公式, 这样使得在理论推导上简单易懂. 最后通过实验验证, 该方法是有效的.As a mainstream algorithm for inferring probabilistic graphical models, belief propagation (BP) algorithm is one of the most important methods to solve the joint probability distribution in the stochastic block model. However, existing methods either lead to low accuracy in dealing with the core-periphery structure problem, or the theoretical derivation is difficult to understand due to a large number of approximation, or both exist. Of course, the reason for low accuracy comes from too many approximations. The main reason for many approximations and complex theoretical derivation is that the joint probability distribution in the inference process of the stochastic block model is not directly solved by the BP algorithm, that is, the graph (network) being processed is not consistent with the graph considered in the probabilistic graph model. Therefore, in this paper, a mean-field approximation is developed to modify the joint probability distribution to make the BP algorithm match perfectly, which makes the theoretical derivation easy to understand. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is validated by the experimental results.
- stochastic block model /
- belief propagation algorithm /
- joint probability distribution /
- mean-field approximation
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图 1 稀疏基准网络社团结构探测 (a)
$n = 10000$ ,$c = 3$ ,$\gamma = {[0.5,\; 0.5]^{\rm T}}$ ,$\varepsilon^* = 0.27$ ; (b)$n = 200$ ,$c = 10$ ,$\gamma = {[0.5,\; 0.5]^{\rm T}}$ ,$\varepsilon^* = 0.520$ ; (c)$n = 200$ ,$c = 10$ ,$\gamma = {[0.3,\; 0.7]^{\rm T}}$ ; (d)$n = 200$ ,$c = 10$ ,$\gamma = {[1/3,\; 1/3,\; 1/3]^{\rm T}}$ ,$\varepsilon^* = 0.419$ Fig. 1. Community structure detection in sparse benchmark networks: (a)
$n = 10000$ ,$c = 3$ ,$\gamma = {[0.5,\; 0.5]^{\rm T}}$ ,$\varepsilon^* = 0.27$ ; (b)$n = 200$ ,$c = 10$ ,$\gamma = {[0.5,\; 0.5]^{\rm T}}$ ,$\varepsilon^* = 0.520$ ; (c)$n = 200$ ,$c = 10$ ,$\gamma = {[0.3,\; 0.7]^{\rm T}}$ ; (d)$n = 200$ ,$c = 10$ ,$\gamma = {[1/3,\; 1/3, \;1/3]^{\rm T}},$ $\varepsilon^* = 0.419$ 图 2 稠密基准网络社团结构探测 (a)
$n = 200$ ,$c = 50$ ,$\gamma = {[0.5,\; 0.5]^{\rm T}}$ ,$\varepsilon^* = 0.75$ ; (b)$n = 200$ ,$c = 50$ ,$\gamma = {[0.3, \;0.7]^{\rm T}}$ , (c)$n = 200$ ,$c = 30$ ,$\gamma = {[1/3,\; 1/3,\; 1/3]^{\rm T}}$ ,$\varepsilon^* = 0.599$ Fig. 2. Community structure detection in dense benchmark networks: (a)
$n = 200$ ,$c = 50$ ,$\gamma = {[0.5,\; 0.5]^{\rm T}}$ ,$\varepsilon^* = 0.75$ ; (b)$n = 200$ ,$c = 50$ ,$\gamma = {[0.3,\; 0.7]^{\rm T}}$ ; (c)$n = 200$ ,$c = 30$ ,$\gamma = {[1/3,\; 1/3,\; 1/3]^{\rm T}}$ ,$\varepsilon^* = 0.599$ -
[1] 张海峰, 王文旭 2020 69 088906
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Zhang H F, Wang W X 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 088906
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[2] Guimerà R, Mossa S, Turtschi A, Amaral L A N 2005 PNAS 102 7794
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[3] Newman M E J 2006 Phys. Rev. E 74 36104
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[4] Benson A R, Gleich D F, Leskovec J 2016 Science 353 163
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[9] Newman M E J 2012 Nat. Phys. 8 25
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[10] Zhang X, Newman M E J 2015 Phys. Rev. E 92 52808
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[11] Lee D D, Seung H S 1999 Nature 401 788
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[12] 常振超, 陈鸿昶, 刘阳, 于洪涛, 黄瑞阳 2015 64 218901
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Chang Z C, Chen H C, Liu Y, Yu H T, Huang R Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 218901
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[13] Shao J, Han Z, Yang Q, Zhou T 2015 Proceedings of the 21th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Sydney NSW, Australia, August 10–13, 2015 p1075
[14] Gregory S 2010 New J. Phys. 12 103018
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[15] Karrer B, Newman M E J 2011 Phys. Rev. E 83 16107
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[16] Decelle A, Krzakala F, Moore C, ZdeborováL 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 65701
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[17] Ledwith M 2020 Community development: A critical approach (Bristol: Policy Press) pp1–252
[18] 王兴元, 赵仲祥 2014 63 178901
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Wang X Y, Zhao Z X 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 178901
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[19] Everett M G, Borgatti S P 2000 Social Networks 21 397
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[20] Verma T, Russmann F, Araújo N A M, Nagler J, Herrmann H J 2016 Nat. Commun. 7 10441
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[21] Lee S H, Cucuringu M, Porter M A 2014 Phys. Rev. E 89 32810
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[22] Rombach P, Porter M A, Fowler J H, Mucha P J 2017 SIAM Rev. 59 619
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[23] Kojaku S, Masuda N 2017 Phys. Rev. E 96 52313
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[24] Kojaku S, Masuda N 2018 New J. Phys. 20 43012
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[25] Ma C, Xiang B B, Chen H S, Zhang H F 2020 Chaos 30 23112
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[26] Zhang X, Martin T, Newman M E J 2015 Phys. Rev. E 91 32803
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[27] Della Rossa F, Dercole F, Piccardi C 2013 Sci. Rep. 3 1467
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[28] Ma C, Xiang B B, Chen H S, Small M, Zhang H F 2018 Chaos 28 53121
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[29] 康玲, 项冰冰, 翟素兰, 鲍中奎, 张海峰 2018 67 198901
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Kang L, Xiang B B, Zhai S L, Bao Z K, Zhang H F 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 198901
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[30] Ball B, Karrer B, Newman M E J 2011 Phys. Rev. E 84 36103
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[31] Decelle A, Krzakala F, Moore C, ZdeborováL 2011 Phys. Rev. E 84 66106
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[32] Mugisha S, Zhou H J 2016 Phys. Rev. E 94 12305
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[33] Yedidia J S, Freeman W T, Weiss Y 2005 IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 51 2282
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[34] Mezard M, Montanari A 2009 Information, Physics, and Computation (Oxford: Oxford University Press) pp304–305
[35] Perotti J I, Tessone C J, Clauset A, Caldarelli G 2018 arXiv: 1806.07005 v1[soc-ph]
[36] Dempster A P, Laird N M, Rubin D B 1977 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological) 39 1
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[37] Tiago P, Peixoto 2019 Advances in Network Clustering and Blockmodeling (New York:Wiley) pp289–332
[38] Zhang P, Moore C 2014 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111 18144
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[39] Gerlof B 2009 Proceedings of the 21th Biennial GSCL Conference Potsdam, Germany, September 30–October 2 2009 p31
[40] Sokolova M, Laxpalme G 2009 Inf. Process. Manage. 45 427
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