携带轨道角动量的汉克-贝塞尔(Hankel-Bessel,HB)光束具有无衍射和自聚焦特性,用来作为信息传输的载体有望增大信息传输容量.基于Rytov近似理论,推导得到了HB涡旋光束经过海洋水平弱湍流信道后的螺旋相位谱的解析表达式,并利用数值仿真方法研究了海洋湍流参数对轨道角动量模式探测概率的影响.结果表明,海洋湍流导致发射轨道角动量模式的探测概率下降,出现模式串扰和螺旋相位谱扩展.海洋湍流对HB涡旋光束的负面影响随着轨道角动量模式数、传输距离、温度方差耗散率的增加而增强,随湍流动能耗散率的增加而减弱.HB涡旋光束受以盐度波动驱动的海洋湍流的负面影响更大.另外,在弱湍流及几十米传输距离条件下,HB涡旋光束的传输性能要差于最佳束腰大小设置的拉盖尔-高斯涡旋光束.这些结果有望为海洋环境水下光通信链路的实现提供一定的参考价值.Beams with different-mode-number (l) orbital angular momenta (OAMs) are mutually orthogonal to each other, which makes it possible to enlarge the channel capacity in an OAM multiplexed underwater optical communication (UOC) system. Nevertheless, the implementation of this strategy is limited by oceanic turbulence. Hankel-Bessel (HB) vortex beams carrying OAM are relatively less affected by atmospheric turbulence due to their ability to propagate without changing the intensity profile (non-diffraction nature) and remarkable ability to be reconstructed after encountering an obstacle (self-healing mechanism). Consequently, HB vortex beams can be used as the carriers to increase the channel capacity of information transmission. In this paper, based on the Rytov approximation theory, the analytical expressions of OAM spectra for HB vortex beams under weak horizontal oceanic turbulent channels are derived. The influences of oceanic turbulence parameters on the OAM spectra of HB vortex beams are investigated via numerical calculations. The results indicate that oceanic turbulence leads to the decline of detection probability of transmitted OAM mode and the broadening of OAM spectra as well. Similarly, the spatial coherence length in oceanic turbulence decreases with increasing propagation distance and the dissipation rate of mean-squared temperature and with decreasing the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy, which lead to the decline of detection probability of transmitted OAM mode for HB vortex beams. On the other hand, beams with larger OAM mode numbers each have a wider beam spreading after propagating in the turbulence, which results in the decrease of the detection probability for transmitted OAM modes of HB vortex beams. And the HB vortex beams are more affected by salinity fluctuation than by temperature fluctuations, which indicates that salinity fluctuations are much more effective than temperature fluctuations in determinating the effect of oceanic turbulence. In addition, for weak turbulence and a distance of several tens of meters, the transmission performance of HB vortex beams is worse than that of Laguerre-Gaussian vortex beams with the optimal waist setting. These results provide references for the realization of optical communication links in the marine environment.
- Hankel-Bessel beam /
- orbital angular momentum /
- oceanic turbulence /
- orbital angular momentum spectra
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[1] Baghdady J, Miller K, Osler S, Morgan K, Li W Z, Johnson E, Cochenour B 2016 SPIE Defense + Security Baltimore, United States, April 17-21, 2016 p98270G
[2] Ren Y X, Li L, Wang Z, Kamali S M, Arbabi E, Arbabi A, Zhao Z, Xie G D, Cao Y W, Ahmed N, Yan Y, Liu C, Willner A J, Ashrafi S, Tur M, Faraon A, Willner A E 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 33306
[3] Doniec M, Detweiler C, Vasilescu I, Rus D 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems Taipei, Taiwan, October 18-22, 2010 p4017
[4] Gabriel C, Khalighi A, Bourennane S, Lon P, Rigaud V 2012 Egu. General Assembly 14 2685
[5] Wang J, Yang J Y, Fazal I M, Ahmed N, Yan Y, Huang H, Ren Y X, Yue Y, Samuel D, Moshe T, Willner A E 2012 Nature Photon. 6 488
[6] Baghdady J, Kelly J, Miller K, Morgan K, Li W Z, Johnson E 2016 OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE Monterey, United States, September 19-23, 2016 p1
[7] Abderrahmen T, Carmelo R G, Angela D, Bienvenu N, Amine B S, Mourad Z, Andrew F 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 27674
[8] Cui X Z, Yin X L, Chang H, Zhang Z C, Wang Y J, Wu G H 2017 Chin. Phys. B 26 114207
[9] Baghdady J, Miller K, Morgan K, Byrd M, Osler S, Ragusa R, Li W Z, Cochenour B M, Johnson E G 2016 Opt. Express 24 9794
[10] Cheng M J, Guo L X, Li J T, Huang Q Q, Cheng Q, Zhang D 2016 Appl. Opt. 55 4642
[11] Viola S, Valyrakis M, Kelly A, Lavery M P 2016 Lasers and Electro-Optics IEEE San Jose, United States, June 5-10, 2016 pSW1F.3
[12] Liu Z L, Chen J L, Zhao D M 2017 Appl. Opt. 56 3577
[13] Cheng M J, Guo L X, Li J T, Zhang Y X 2017 IEEE Photon. J. 8 1
[14] Wu G H, Tong C M, Cheng M J, Peng P 2016 Chin. Opt. Lett. 14 6
[15] Zhu Y, Liu X J, Gao J, Zhang Y X, Zhao F S 2014 Opt. Express 22 7765
[16] Vasara A, Turunen J, Friberg A T 1989 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 6 1748
[17] Herman R M, Wiggins T A 1991 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 8 932
[18] Zhu Y, Zhang L C, Zhang Y X 2016 Chin. Opt. Lett. 14 54
[19] Cheng M J, Guo L X, Zhang Y X 2016 Chin. J. Radio 31 737(in Chinese) [程明建, 郭立新, 张逸新 2016 电波科学学报 31 737]
[20] Ke X Z, Chen J, Yang Y M 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 150301(in Chinese) [柯熙政, 谌娟, 杨一明 2014 63 150301]
[21] Nikishov V V, Nikishov V I 2000 Int. J. Fluid Mech. Res. 27 82
[22] Ata Y, Baykal Y 2014 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 31 1552
[23] Lu W, Liu L R, Sun J F 2006 J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 8 1052
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