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钱文伟 李伟锋 施浙杭 刘海峰 王辅臣



钱文伟, 李伟锋, 施浙杭, 刘海峰, 王辅臣

Characteristics of surface waves on the granular sheet of dense granular jet impingement

Qian Wen-Wei, Li Wei-Feng, Shi Zhe-Hang, Liu Hai-Feng, Wang Fu-Chen
  • 采用高速摄像仪对稠密颗粒射流撞击有限尺寸壁面的流动过程进行了实验研究,重点研究了颗粒膜及其表面波纹特征,考察了颗粒粒径、射流速度和固含率等因素对颗粒膜形态和表面波纹的影响.研究结果表明,随着颗粒粒径增大,稠密颗粒撞壁流由颗粒膜向散射模式转变.与液体射流撞壁液膜相比,颗粒膜扩展角较大,射流速度对其影响不显著.稠密颗粒射流撞壁颗粒膜表面波纹存在明显的叠加现象,颗粒膜表面波纹频率比液膜大约低一个数量级.颗粒膜表面波纹主要由射流脉动引起,表面波纹频率与射流脉动频率具有相同的数量级.
    Dense granular jet impingement widely exists in numerous natural flow phenomena and industrial processes. It is significant to investigate the influencing factors of the flow patterns of dense granular jet impingement and reveal the evolution rules of flow patterns. The dynamic behaviors of dense granular jets impinging on a flat target are experimentally studied by a high-speed camera and image processing software of NIH. The effects of the particle diameter(Dpar), the granular jet velocity(U0) and the solid content of the granular jet(X) on the flow patterns and surface waves of granular sheet are investigated. Two patterns, i.e., the liquid-like granular film and the scattering pattern are identified from the dense granular jet impingement. The results show that with the increase of the particle diameter, the solid content of the granular jet reduces, and the interparticle collision frequency decreases, which results in the granular sheet evolving into the scattering pattern. The opening angle of the granular sheet() is bigger than that of the liquid sheet, and the granular jet velocity plays an insignificant role in the opening angle. The interesting behaviors of liquid-like surface waves are identified in the granular sheet. The frequency of surface wave of the granular sheet(f) is an order of magnitude smaller than that of the liquid sheet. The surface wave length() increases and frequency decreases with the increase of radial position, as the surface waves merge during the granular sheet spreading radially. The surface wave spreading velocity normalized by the granular jet velocity is a constant of about 0.4. With the increase of the granular jet velocity, the pulsation of granular jet occurs due to the pressure fluctuation in the discharge process under the effect of gas-solid interaction. The frequencies of surface waves of both the granular sheet and the granular jet pulsation become the same generally. It is indicated that the surface wave is primarily caused by the granular jet pulsation. The results in this paper present the knowledge of the dense granular jet impingement and provide some principles for the steady operation of dense granular jet impingement in industrial process.
      通信作者: 李伟锋, liweif@ecust.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:91434130)和中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金(批准号:WB1516016)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Li Wei-Feng, liweif@ecust.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No. 91434130) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China(Grant No. WB1516016).

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