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张辉 杨洋 李志青



张辉, 杨洋, 李志青

Electron-electron scattering in three-dimensional amorphous IGZO films

Zhang Hui, Yang Yang, Li Zhi-Qing
  • 本文利用射频磁控溅射法制备了一系列厚度约800 nm的非晶铟镓锌氧化物(a-IGZO)薄膜,并对其电输运性质和低温的电子退相干机理进行了系统的研究. 研究发现,所有a-IGZO薄膜中,载流子浓度均不随温度变化,高温区的电阻率-温度系数为正,说明样品具有类金属导电特性. 通过对薄膜低温磁电阻的测量,获得了电子退相干散射率与温度的关系. 分析表明,薄膜中的电子-声子散射率远小于小能量转移电子-电子散射率,小能量转移电子-电子散射率主导电子退相干散射率与温度的依赖关系.
    Electron dephasing process is important and interesting in disordered conductors. In general three-dimensional (3D) disordered metals, the electron-electron (e-e) scattering is negligibly weak compared with the electron-phonon (e-ph) scattering. Thus, the theoretical prediction concerning the e-e scattering rate 1/τee as a function of temperature T in 3D disordered conductor has not been fully tested so far, though it was proposed four decades ago. In the frame of free-electron-like model, the e-ph relaxation rate 1/τep is proportional to carrier concentration n, while the small-and large-energy-transfer e-e scattering rate obey the laws 1/τeeS ∝ n-4/3 and 1/τeeL ∝ n-2/3, respectively. In other words, e-e scattering may dominate the dephasing processes in 3D disordered metals with sufficient low carrier concentrations. In the present work, we systematically investigate the electronic transport properties of amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide (a-IGZO) prepared by the radio frequency sputtering method. The carrier concentrations of the highly degenerate IGZO films are all ~ 5×1019 cm-3, which are 3-4 orders of magnitude lower than those of typical metals. Our thick films (~ 800 nm) are 3D systems with respect to weak-localization (WL) effect and e-e scattering. X-ray diffraction patterns of the films indicate that our films are all amorphous. For each film, the resistivity increases with the increase of the temperature in the high temperature region (T ≥ 200 K) and the carrier concentration is almost invariable in the whole measured temperature range. This indicates that the films possess metal-like transport properties. By comparing the low-field magnetoconductivity versus magnetic field data σ (B) with that from the 3D WL theory, we extract the electron dephasing rate 1/τφ at different temperatures in the low temperature region. It is found that 1/τφ varies linearly with T3/2 for each film. The T3/2 behavior of 1/τφ can be quantitatively described by the 3D small-energy-transfer e-e scattering theory. The e-ph scattering rate 1/τep and large-energy-transfer e-e scattering rate 1/τeeL are negligibly weak in this low-carrier-concentration conductor. Thus, we can observe the T3/2 behavior of 1/τφ.
      通信作者: 李志青, zhiqingli@tju.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:11174216)和高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(批准号:20120032110065)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Li Zhi-Qing, zhiqingli@tju.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11174216) and the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (Grant No. 20120032110065).

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