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张羽 罗秀娟 曹蓓 陈明徕 刘辉 夏爱利 兰富洋



张羽, 罗秀娟, 曹蓓, 陈明徕, 刘辉, 夏爱利, 兰富洋

Analysis of the redundancy of Fourier telescopy transmitter array and its redundancy-strehl ratio-target texture distribution characteristic

Zhang Yu, Luo Xiu-Juan, Cao Bei, Chen Ming-Lai, Liu Hui, Xia Ai-Li, Lan Fu-Yang
  • 傅里叶望远技术中不同的基线配置产生不同方向的多组干涉条纹以扫描目标表面. 能否有效判断条纹方向与目标表面细节信息是否匹配决定了目标空间的采样效果. 本文首先对发射基线的冗余度进行了分析, 之后提出了一种新的发射基线分析方法, 通过定义冗余度-斯特列尔比-目标信息(RST)的概念, 将基线冗余度、目标细节信息与重构图像质量相结合. 分析了目标空间细节信息与基线配置的匹配关系. 文中采用T形阵列对目标空间频谱采样. 当某一基线配置的RST 值满足文中所设定的大小关系时, 判断目标的细节信息主要分布于阵列的横轴方向还是竖轴方向. 并以此为参考, 调整下一步基线扫描时横竖两轴的扩展规模, 实现了利用目标空间的较低频反馈信息来指导较高频信息的采样基线配置. 此分析方法的建立有助于优化傅里叶望远系统真实发射阵列的工作方式, 使基线的频谱与目标的空间谱较好地匹配, 达到更好的探测结果.
    The Fourier telescopy is a kind of active illumination imaging with high resolution by using multi-interfering fringes generated by the multi-beams from the large transmitter arrays. According to the imaging principle, the beams from one laser source are split and each beam is applied with a different tiny frequency shift so that the interfering fringes may moving across the target. The configuration of the beams changes so that they would generate fringes in different spatial frequencies and different directions. Recently, most of researches focused on the factors such as the baseline scale and data sampling efficiency that may affect the imaging quality. However, there are other two factors, i.e., the configuration of the transmitter and its redundancy, which need studying. In Fourier telescopy, if the direction and spatial frequency of the fringe patterns that are generated by the change of different baseline configurations match each other, the target surface information would be a crucial factor that affects the image quality.In the first part of this article, the practicability of zero redundancy of baseline is analyzed. The results show that the baseline cannot have zero redundancy due to the iteration algorithm. Then the minimum redundancy is analyzed and the minimum redundancy line is proposed. By using the Strehl ratio as the merit of the imaging quality, the concept of redundancy-strehl ratio-target texture distribution (RST) and calculation method are proposed. This method integrates the transmitter redundancy, target detail information and image quality together. The distribution of RST value on the frequency plane is compared with the minimum redundancy line. If the RST point is located on the horizontal side compared with the line, the target detail information on this baseline is mainly in the horizontal direction. On the other hand, if the RST point is located on the longitude side, the target information is mainly in the longitude direction. Therefore this new proposed method reveals the relationship between target spatial information and the baseline configuration. In this article T-shaped transmitter array is adopted, and the Fourier components are mainly distributed on the rectangle plane. According to this relationship and calculated RST value, the working transmitter may continuously rectify its scale and shifting patterns so that the spatial frequencies and directions of fringes may match the target Fourier components in time. In this article, three simulated images and two real images are tested by the proposed method, and the results show that the RST values and the distributions well reveale the relationship between the detailed information and the baseline configurations.Now the Fourier telescopy follows the procedure from laboratory setup to the real system research. Considering the convenience and cost of project realization, this method is helpful for analyzing the real system of the transmitter configuration and enhancing working efficiency.
      通信作者: 张羽, yuzhang16@opt.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61505248)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Yu, yuzhang16@opt.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61505248).

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  • [1]

    Luo X J, Zhang Y, Gao C X, Ren J, Cao B, Liu H, Chen M L {2015 Acta Opt. Sin. 35 0314001 (in Chinese) [罗秀娟, 张羽, 高存孝, 任娟, 曹蓓, 刘辉, 陈明徕 2015 光学学报 35 0314001]


    Zhang Y, Luo X J, Xia A L, Cao B, Cheng Z Y, Zeng Z H, Si Q D, Wang B F 2014 Acta Photon. Sin. 43 0311001 (in Chinese) [张羽, 罗秀娟, 夏爱利, 曹蓓, 程志远, 曾志红, 司庆丹, 王保峰 2014 光子学报 43 0311001]


    Cao B, Luo X J, Si Q D, Zeng Z H 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 054204 (in Chinese) [曹蓓, 罗秀娟, 司庆丹, 曾志红 2015 64 054204]


    Zhang W X, Xiang L B, Kong X X, Li Y, Wu Z, Zhou Z S 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 164203 (in Chinese) [张文喜, 相里斌, 孔新新, 李扬, 伍州, 周志盛 2013 62 164203]


    Zhang Y, Yang C P, Guo J, Kang M L, Wu J {2011 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 23 571 (in Chinese) [张炎, 杨春平, 郭晶, 康美苓, 吴健 2011 强激光与粒子束 23 571]


    Dong L, Liu X Y, Lin X D, Wei P F, Yu S H {2012 Acta Opt. Sin. 32 0201004 (in Chinese) [董磊, 刘欣悦, 林旭东, 卫沛锋, 于树海 2012 光学学报 32 0201004]


    Zhao M B, He J, Fu Q {2012 Acta Opt. Sin. 32 0628002 (in Chinese) [赵明波, 何峻, 付强 2012 光学学报 32 0628002]


    Holmes R B, Ma S, Bhowmik A, Greninger C 1996 Opt. Soc. Am. 13 351


    Arsac J {1955 Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. 240 942


    Cuellar L E, Stapp J, Cooper J 2005 Proc. SPIE 5896 58960D


    Wang X W, Li Q, Wang Y G, Chen W, Hu X J {2009 J. National Univ. Defense Technol. 31 38 (in Chinese) [王小伟, 黎全, 王雁桂, 陈卫, 胡小景 2009 国防科技大学学报 31 38]


    Si Q D, Luo X J, Zeng Z H 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 104203 (in Chinese) [司庆丹, 罗秀娟, 曾志红 2014 63 104203]


    Cuellar L E, Cooper J, Mathis J, Fairchild P 2008 Proc. SPIE 7094 70940G


    Moffet A T {1968 IEEE AP-16 172

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  • 收稿日期:  2016-01-18
  • 修回日期:  2016-02-15
  • 刊出日期:  2016-06-05

