结合改进的物理光学法和图形计算电磁学法实现了考虑边缘绕射情况下复杂目标的高频电磁波散射的高效且精确求解. 传统的考虑边缘绕射的物理光学算法不能直接计算出目标的雷达截面,它需要先计算绕射贡献,然后加上物理光学的散射贡献,最终才能得到目标的雷达截面. 通过运用改进的物理光学法对图形计算电磁学法进行修正,直接修正表面法向量,从而修正了表面电流,这样就考虑了边缘处的绕射,提高了算法的效率. 这不但充分利用了计算机硬件优势,借助于计算机显示技术,由图形加速卡完成最困难、最费时的消隐工作,而且利用图形计算电磁学的积分公式,将三维空间的积分转化为屏幕像素的二维空间积分,使得计算大幅简化. 数值结果表明了所提出方法的精确性和高效性.A novel high-frequency radar cross section prediction method is introduced to solve the scattering from electrically large conductive target. It can be realized by combining a modified-vector physical optics algorithm and a graphical electromagnetic computing algorithm. In consideration of the traditional physical optics algorithm which needs to compute the edge diffraction, the radar cross section of the target cannot be calculated directly, but it is needed to first calculate the diffraction contribution, then to add the scattering contribution, therefore the radar cross section of the target can be finally obtained. By using the improved graphical electromagnetic computing, the surface normals, thus the surface current, can be directly corrected. Therefore the diffraction at the edges is taken into account, thereby improving the efficiency of the algorithm. The central processing unit running time involves only the time needed to compute the electromagnetic part, with leaving the geometric part to the graphics hardware. The line integrals are computed over an arbitrary shape in real time. Numerical results demonstrate the good accuracy and efficiency of the modified method.
- modified-vector physical optics algorithm /
- physical optics algorithm /
- graphical electromagnetic computing /
- electromagnetic scattering
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[17] Tetsu S J, Luis R, Makoto A 2006 Proceedings of Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) pp1873-1876
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[1] Li X F, Xie Y J, Wang P, Yang R 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 2930 (in Chinese) [李晓峰, 谢拥军, 王鹏, 杨瑞 2008 57 2930]
[2] Wu Z S, Zhang X D, Wu C K 1997 Chin. Phys. Lett. 14 32
[3] Li X F, Xie Y J, Fan J 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 908 (in Chinese) [李晓峰, 谢拥军, 樊君 2009 58 908]
[4] Kubicke G, Bourlier C, Saillard J 2008 IEEE Trans. Anten. Propag. 56 3029
[5] Ji W J, Tong C M 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 160301 (in Chinese) [姬伟杰, 童创明 2012 61 160301]
[6] Chauviere C, Hesthaven J S, Wilcox L C 2007 IEEE Trans. Anten. Propag. 55 1437
[7] Li J, Guo L X, Zeng H, Han X B 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 2757
[8] Ma J, Guo L X, Wang A Q 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 3431
[9] Li Z 2009 Ph. D. Dissertation (Nanjing: Southeast University) (in Chinese) [李茁 2009 博士学位论文 (南京: 东南大学)]
[10] Shi Y L, Zhou Q L, Zhang C L 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 5511
[11] Wang Z L, Zhou M, Gao C Y, Zhang W 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 064202
[12] Tetsu S J, Luis R, Makoto A 2008 IEEE Trans. Anten. Propag. 56 3714
[13] He G Y, Lu C C, Hong J C, Deng H 2006 Calculation and Measurement of Electromagnetic Scattering (Beijing: Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Press) pp224-233 (in Chinese) [何国瑜, 卢才成, 洪家才, 邓晖 2006 电磁散射的计算和测量 (北京: 北京航空航天大学出版社) 第224–233页]
[14] Rius J M , Ferrando M, Jofre L 1993 IEEE Trans. Anten. Propag. Mag. 35 7
[15] Yang Z L 2002 Ph. D. Dissertation (Nanjing: Nanjing University of Science and Technology) (in Chinese) [杨正龙 2002 博士学位论文 (南京: 南京理工大学)]
[16] Xu C 2009 M. S. Dissertation (Nanjing: Nanjing University of Science and Technology ) (in Chinese) [徐翠 2009 硕士学位论文 (南京: 南京理工大学)]
[17] Tetsu S J, Luis R, Makoto A 2006 Proceedings of Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) pp1873-1876
[18] Nie Z P, Fang D G 2009 Target and Environment Electromagnetic Scattering Modeling: Theory (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) pp202-228 (in Chinese) [聂在平, 方大纲 2009 目标与环境电磁散射特性建模理论 (北京: 国防工业出版社) 第202–228页]
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