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刘西川 高太长 刘磊 翟东力



刘西川, 高太长, 刘磊, 翟东力

Research on microphysical property of raindrops based on particle imaging velocimetry technology

Liu Xi-Chuan, Gao Tai-Chang, Liu Lei, Zhai Dong-Li
  • 为了获取自然环境条件下的雨滴形状、尺度、速度、取向等微物理特性,基于粒子成像测速的瞬态测量可视化技术,研究基于点扩散函数的图像复原算法和自相关图像的速度提取算法,设计并研制了一种基于面阵电荷耦合元件的自然降水成像测速系统. 通过外场观测试验研究了雨滴的直径、速度、轴比和空间取向及其谱分布等微观物理特性;雨滴的速度随直径的增大呈指数增大,轴比随直径的增大呈线性减小,空间取向易受环境风的影响,倾斜角的平均值在2.1°左右,标准偏差为11.5°;基于实测数据拟合了雨滴速度和轴比随直径的变化关系. 与国外已有模型相比,本文进一步得出了具有本地化特征的雨滴微物理特性. 所得到的结论对于云降水物理学研究、天气雷达地面定标、雨致微波衰减评估等方面的应用具有重要的意义.
    In order to obtain the shapes, sizes, fall velocities, orientations of raindrops in the natural condition, starting from the particle imaging velocimetry transient visual measurement technology, an image restoration algorithm based on point spread function and a velocity calculation algorithm based on auto-correlation image are investigated, and a natural precipitation imaging velocimetry system based on a CCD sensor is designed and developed in this paper. The diameters, terminal velocities, axis ratios, orientations and their distributions of raindrops are investigated by the field experiment. The velocities of raindrops increase exponentially with the diameter, and axis ratios of raindrops decrease linearly with the diameter, the orientations of raindrops are easily affected by the wind, the average canting angle for all drops tends to be nearly symmetric 2.1° with a standard deviation of 11.5°. The empirical relations between velocity and diameter, between axis ratio and diameter are fitted by nonlinear fitting and linear fitting of observed data. In this paper we further provide microphysical characteristics of raindrops with local features. compared with those from the existing model. These conclusions are of important significance for the research on cloud precipitation physics, ground calibration of weather radar, assessment of rain induced microwave attenuation, etc.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金科学仪器基础研究专款(批准号:41327003)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the Special Fund for Basic Research on Scientific Instruments of the National Natural Science Fundation of China (Grant No. 41327003).

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  • [1]

    Sheng P X, Mao J T, Li J G, Zhang A C, Sang J G, Pan N X 2003 Atmospheric Physics (Beijing: Beijing University Press) p304 (in Chinese) [盛裴轩, 毛节泰, 李建国, 张霭琛, 桑建国, 潘乃先 2003 大气物理学 (北京: 北京大学出版社) 第304页]


    Szakall M, Mitra S K, Diehl K, Borrmann S 2010 Atmos. Res. 97 416


    Schuur T J, Ryzhkov A V, Zrnic D S, Schonhuber M 2001 J. Appl. Meteo. 40 1019


    Liu X C, Gao T C, Qin J, Liu L 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 2156 (in Chinese) [刘西川, 高太长, 秦健, 刘磊 2010 59 2156]


    Zhou X, Yang X F, Li Z W, Yu Y, Ma S 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 149202 (in Chinese) [周旋, 杨晓峰, 李紫薇, 于暘, 马胜 2012 61 149202]


    Jiang S T, Gao T C, Liu X C, Liu L, Liu Z T 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 154303 (in Chinese) [姜世泰, 高太长, 刘西川, 刘磊, 刘志田 2013 62 154303]


    Gao T C 2012 Meteo. Hydro. Equip. 23 1 (in Chinese) [高太长 2012 气象水文装备 23 1]


    Joss J, Waldvogel A 1967 Pure Appl. Geophys. 68 240


    Tokay A, Kruger A, Krajewski W F 2001 J. Appl. Meteo. 40 2083


    Loffler-Mang M, Joss J 2000 J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol. 17 130


    Gao T C, Jiang Z D, Liu X C, Su X Y, Zhai D L 2012 Opt. Pre. Eng. 20 2184 (in Chinese) [高太长, 江志东, 刘西川, 苏小勇, 翟东力 2012 光学 精密工程 20 2184]


    Nespor V, Krajewski W F, Kruger A 2000 J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol. 17 1483


    Saylor J R, Jones B K, Bliven L F 2002 Rev. Sci. Ins. 73 2422


    Szakall M, Diehl K, Mitra S K, Borrmann S 2009 J. Atmos. Sci. 66 755


    Tang Y H, Xie G Y, Liu H C, Shao J B, Ma Q, Liu H P, Ning H, Yang Y, Yan C H 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 2257 (in Chinese) [唐远河, 解光勇, 刘汉臣, 邵建斌, 马琦, 刘会平, 宁辉, 杨彧, 严成海 2006 55 2257]


    Hanesch M, Waldvogel A, Schonhuber M, Randeu L 1998 American Meteorological Society Conference on Cloud Physics Everett Washington, August 17–21,1998 p407


    Xu L F, Chen G, Li J Z, Shao J B 2003 Adv. Mech. 33 533 (in Chinese) [许联锋, 陈刚, 李建中, 邵建斌 2003 力学进展 33 533]


    Atlas D, Ulbrich C W 1977 J. Appl. Meteor. 16 1322


    Habib E, Krajewski W F, Nespor V, Kruger A 1999 J. Geophys. Res. 104 19723


    Nespor V, Sevruk B 1999 J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol. 16 450


    Beard K V, Chuang C 1987 J. Atmos. Sci. 44 1509


    Huang G J, Bringi V N, Thurai M 2008 J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol. 25 1717

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  • 收稿日期:  2013-07-27
  • 修回日期:  2013-09-12
  • 刊出日期:  2014-01-05

