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侯明强 龚自正 徐坤博 郑建东 曹燕 牛锦超



侯明强, 龚自正, 徐坤博, 郑建东, 曹燕, 牛锦超

Experimental study on hypervelocity impact characteristics of density-grade thin-plate

Hou Ming-Qiang, Gong Zi-Zheng, Xu Kun-Bo, Zheng Jian-Dong, Cao Yan, Niu Jin-Chao
  • 以二级轻气炮作为加载手段,在撞击速度范围为4.0–7.0 km/s内获得了Ti6Al4V/Ly12 Al/聚酰胺纤维密度梯度薄板的穿孔特性、验证板损伤特性和弹道极限特性. 与Ly12 Al薄板的相应实验结果的对比显示,在相同撞击速度下,该密度梯度薄板的穿孔直径更大,且随撞击速度的增大而增加;其验证板上的撞击坑尺寸小,且随撞击速度的增大而减小;其弹道极限比Ly12 Al薄板的弹道极限高50%以上. 分析认为,超高速撞击下Ti6Al4V/Ly12 Al/聚酰胺纤维密度梯度薄板中高阻抗的Ti6Al4V产生的峰值冲击压力比Ly12 Al薄板的峰值冲击压力高,这增强了对弹丸的破碎能力;而其中的聚酰胺纤维层延长了冲击波在薄板中的传播时间,增大了冲击波的耗散,使撞击过程中转化的不可逆功增多,从而消耗了弹丸更多的动能. 使用这种密度梯度材料作为防护屏具有很好的抗撞击能力,在航天器空间碎片防护工程应用中具有很大的潜力.
    Hypervelocity impact (HVI) characteristics of Ti6Al4V/Ly12 Al/polyamide fibre density-grade thin-plate are investigated experimentally in a velocity range of 4.0–6.5 km/s by using two-stage light gas gun. The perforation in target, damage to witness wall, and ballistic limit curve are obtained and compared with those in the case of aluminum thin-plate. The results show that the diameter of the perforation hole is larger than that of aluminum thin-plate, the crater size in witness plate is smaller, and the ballistic limit curve is 50% larger than the latter. The analysis of shock wave propagation and the calculation of energy dissipation property in the density-grade thin-plate show that higher peak shock pressure is produced in it, and it has longer pressure duration time. Thus, more dissipation energy is consumed than in the case of aluminum thin-plate. So the density-grade thin-plate has a very good performance in withstanding HVI, and is promising in engineering application, e.g. protecting spacecraft from HVI of micro-meteoroid and orbital debris.
    • 基金项目: 国家重点基础研究发展计划(批准号:2010CB731600)和国家国防科工局空间碎片专项研究计划(批准号:KJSP06209,K0202210)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2010CB731600) and the Specialized Research Program for the Protection against Space Debris of China (Grant Nos. KJSP06209, K0202210).

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    Hou M Q, Gong Z Z, Zheng J D, Xu K B, Cao Y, Niu J C 2013 the 6th European Conference on Space Debris ESA/ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, April 22–25, 2013 p52


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  • [1]

    Jing F Q 1990 Expl. Shock Waves 10 279 (in Chinese) [经福谦 1990 爆炸与冲击 10 279]


    Li D H, Gong Z Z, Jing F Q 2001 Space Debr. Res. 4 50 (in Chinese) [李大红, 龚自正, 经福谦 2001 空间碎片研究 4 50]


    Whipple F L 1947 Astron. J. 52 137


    Cour-Palais B G, Crews J L 1990 Int. J. Impact Eng. 10 135


    Christiansen E L, Kerr J H, Fuente H M, Schneider W C 1999 Int. J. Impact Eng. 23 125


    Christiansen E L 1993 Int. J. Impact Eng. 14 145


    Christiansen E L, Kerr J H 1993 Int. J. Impact Eng. 14 169


    Ryan S, Schaefer F, Destefanis R, Lambert M 2008 Adv. Space Res. 41 1152.


    Williamsen J E, Robinson J H, Nolen A M 1995 Int. J. Impact Eng. 17 217


    Yasensky J, Christiansen E L 2008 Hypervelocity Impact Evaluation of Metal Foam Core Sandwich Structure (Houston: Johnson Space Center) NASA/TP-2008-214776


    Jia B, Ma Z T, Pang B J 2009 Chin. J. High Press. Phys. 23 453 (in Chinese) [贾斌, 马志涛, 庞宝君 2009 高压 23 453]


    Ryan S, Hedman T, Christiansen E L 2010 Acta Astronaut. 67 818


    Ha Y, Liu Z Y, Guan G S, Pang B J 2012 Chin. J. High Press. Phys. 26 557 (in Chinese) [哈跃, 刘志勇, 管公顺, 庞宝君 2012 高压 26 557]


    Song W D, Li J Q, Liu H Y 2011 Chin. J. High Press. Phys. 25 435 (in Chinese) [宋卫东, 栗建桥, 刘海燕 2011 高压 25 435]


    Li J Z, Huang F L, Zhang Q M 2004 Chin. J. High Press. Phys. 18 163 (in Chinese) [李金柱, 黄风雷, 张庆明 2004 高压 18 163]


    Rudolph M, Schäfer F, Destefanis R, Faraud M, Lambert M 2012 Acta Astronaut. 76 42


    Baluch A H, Park Y, Kim C G 2013 Compos. Struct. 96 554


    Francesconi A, Giacomuzzo C, Grande A M, Mudric T, Zaccariotto M, Etemadi E, Di Landro L, Galvanetto U 2013 Adv. Space Res. 51 930


    Zheng W, Huang Y J, Pang B J, Shen J 2011 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 529 352


    Huang H J, Shen Q, Luo G Q, Zhang L M 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 1538 (in Chinese) [黄海军, 沈强, 罗国强, 张联盟 2007 56 1538]


    Shen Q, Zhang L M, Wang C B, Hua J S, Tan H, Jing F Q 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 1663 (in Chinese) [沈强, 张联盟, 王传彬, 华劲松, 谭华, 经福谦 2003 52 1663]


    Riney T D 1970 In High-Velocity Impact Phenomena (edited by Kinslow) (New York: Academic Press) p166


    Stilp A J, Weber K 1997 Int. J. Impact Eng. 20 765


    Hou M Q, Gong Z Z, Yang J Y, Zheng J D, Tong J Y, Xiang S H 2009 Space Environment and Material Science Forum Beijing, 2009 p76 (in Chinese) [侯明强, 龚自正, 杨继运, 郑建东, 童靖宇, 向树红 2009 年空间环境与材料科学论坛, 北京, 2009 第76页]


    Hou M Q, Gong Z Z, Zheng J D, Xu K B, Cao Y, Niu J C 2013 the 6th European Conference on Space Debris ESA/ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, April 22–25, 2013 p52


    Huang X, Ling Z, Liu Z D, Zhang H S, Dai L H 2012 Int. J. Impact Eng. 42 1


    Tamura H, Tanaka Y, Saito F, Kondo K 2011 Int. J. Impact Eng. 38 686


    Hill S A 2004 Int. J. Impact Eng. 30 303


    Tang W H 2011 Shock Wave Physics (Beijing: Science Press) p190 (in Chinese) [汤文辉 2011冲击波物理(北京: 科学出版社) 第190页]

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  • 收稿日期:  2013-07-15
  • 修回日期:  2013-10-11
  • 刊出日期:  2014-01-05

