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郑殊 张甲鹏 段萍 魏来 王先驱



郑殊, 张甲鹏, 段萍, 魏来, 王先驱

Numerical study of double tearing mode instability in viscous plasma

Zheng Shu, Zhang Jia-Peng, Duan Ping, Wei Lai, Wang Xian-Qu
  • 本文采用磁流体力学模型, 数值研究了平板位形下双撕裂模线性增长率关于等离子体电阻η和黏滞ν的定标关系. 结果表明, 对于有理面间距较大的情况, 线性增长率关于电阻和黏滞的指数定标率随着黏滞的增加逐渐由γ∝η3/5ν0的定标变化到 γ∝η5/6ν-1/6的定标; 而对于有理面间距较小的情况, 其指数定标率随着黏性的增加从γ∝η1/3ν0的定标逐渐变化到γ∝η2/3ν-1/3 的定标. 本文还给出了初始阶段对称的双撕裂模的非线性演化, 发现在非线性阶段对称的双撕裂模将转化为反对称的双撕裂模, 并解释了相应的物理机理.
    The scalings of double tearing mode (DTM) with various values of resistivity and viscosity have been investigated numerically by using a magneto hydrodynamic model in slab geometry. It is found that the growth rate changes from γ∝η3/5ν0 to γ∝η5/6ν-1/6 when the distance between two rational surfaces 2xs is sufficiently large. On the other hand, when the distance between two rational surfaces 2xs is very small, the scaling of γ and η and ν changes from γ∝η1/3ν0 to γ∝η2/3ν-1/3 as the viscosity increases. Moreover, the nonlinear evolution of symmetrical DTM is investigated in this paper. The study shows that the symmetrical DTM transforms to unsymmetrical DTM in the final phase.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 10975026, 11275034)、国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划, ITER专项)(批准号: 2009GB105004, 2010GB106002, 2011GB107000)、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(批准号: DUT12ZD201)和辽宁省科技计划重点项目(批准号: 2011224007)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 10975026, 11275034), the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant Nos. 2009GB105004, 2010GB106002, 2011GB107000), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. DUT12ZD201), and the Liaoning Province Science and Technology Key Project (Grant No. 2011224007).

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  • 收稿日期:  2012-06-24
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