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胡克艳 李红军 徐军 杨秋红 苏良碧 唐强



胡克艳, 李红军, 徐军, 杨秋红, 苏良碧, 唐强

Thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence characteristics of -Al2O3:C crystal powder of different particle size

Hu Ke-Yan, Li Hong-Jun, Xu Jun, Yang Qiu-Hong, Su Liang-Bi, Tang Qiang
  • 本文探讨了 -Al2O3:C晶态粉体的辐照剂量效应, 使用RisTL/OSL-DA-15 型热释光和光释光仪研究其热释光和光释光特性, 结果发现, 相同粒径的-Al2O3:C晶态粉体具有单一热释光峰, 且随着辐照剂量的增加热释光强度不断增加, 但热释光峰位置保持不变, 符合一级动力学模型; 而在相同的辐照剂量和测试条件下, 随着 -Al2O3:C晶态粉体粒径的减小, 其热释光强度先增强后减弱, 热释光峰却逐渐增加至趋于稳定, 表明粒度为4060 m的 -Al2O3:C晶态粉体具有最佳的热释光效应. 同时 -Al2O3:C晶态粉体的光释光特性的研究发现, 其光释光曲线具有典型的指数衰减特征, 粒径对其光释光强度和衰减速率的影响符合浅电子陷阱能级理论.
    In this work, we first report on the radiation dose effect of -Al2O3:C crystal powder. The thermoluminescence(TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of the powder are investigated by RisTL/OSL-DA-15. The as-grown -Al2O3:C crystal powder of same particle size shows a single TL peak and the TL intensity increases as irradiation dose increases, but no shift of the position of the TL peak is found, which is consistent with first-order recombination kinetics. And in the same radiation dose and test conditions, with the particle size of -Al2O3:C crystal powder decreasing, the TL intensity decreases after first increase and then the TL peak is gradually increases and approaches to a stable value, which shows that the -Al2O3:C crystal powder, 4060 m in diameter, has the best TL effect. The OSL decay curve of -Al2O3:C crystal powder shows the typical exponential decay characteristics, and the relationship between OSL intensity and decay rate with the particle size of -Al2O3:C crystal powder is found to be consistent with the shallow-electronic-trap theory.
    • 基金项目: 上海市科学技术委员会(批准号: 10ZR1434200), 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61177037, 10505033)和中山大学高校基本科研业务费专项资金(批准号: 2010300003161457)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (Grant No. 10ZR1434200), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61177037, 10505033), and the Basic Scientific Research and Business Special Funds of Sun Yat-Sen University(Grant No. 2010300003161457).

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    Akselrod M S, Kortov V S, Kravetsky D J, Gotlib V I 1990 Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 32 15


    Akselrod M S , Kortov V S , Gorelova E A 1993 Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 47 159


    Akselrod, M S, Kortov, V S, Kravetsky, D J , Gotlib, V I 1990 Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 33 119


    Li B T, Shi E W, Li S F 2004 Chin. J. Radiol Health 13 219 (in Chinese) [李宝廷, 石二为, 李顺福 2004 中国辐射卫生 13 219]


    Yang X B, Xu J, Li H B, Bi Q Y, Su L B, Cheng Y, Tang Q 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 047803


    Mckeever S W S 1985 Thermoluminescence of Solids (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) p13


    Walker F D, Colyott L E, AgersnapLarsen N, McKeever S W S 1996 Radiat. Meas. 26 711


    AgersnapLarsen N B, Htter-Jensen L, McKeever S W S 1999 Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 84 87


    Whitley V H, McKeever S W S 2002 Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 100 61


    Yukihara E G, Whitley V H, Mckeever S W S, Akselrod A E, Akselrod M S 2004 Radiat. Meas. 38 317


    Zhang C X, Lin L B, Leung P L, Tang Q 2004 Acta. Phys. Sin. 53 291 (in Chinese) [张纯祥, 林理彬, 梁宝鎏, 唐强 2004 35 291]


    Tang Q, Zhang C X, Leung P L, Li M, Luo D L 2005 Acta. Phys. Sin. 54 64 (in Chinese) [唐强, 张纯祥, 梁宝鎏, 李德卉, 罗达玲 2005 54 64 ]


    Yang X B, Li H B, Xu J, Cheng Y, Su L B, Tang Q 2008 Acta. Phys. Sin. 57 7900 (in Chinese) [杨新波, 李红军, 徐军, 程艳, 苏良碧, 唐强 2008 57 7900]


    Springis M, Kulis P, Veispals A, Tale I 1995 Radiat. Meas. 24 453


    Summers G P 1984 Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 8 69


    Markey B G, Colyott L E, Mckeever S W S 1995 Radiat. Meas. 24 457

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