基于透镜相干光学成像系统的斯特列尔(Strehl)判据, 对无透镜傅里叶变换显微数字全息成像系统的焦深进行了推导, 得到了参考点源对称偏置和非对称偏置两种情况下的焦深表达式. 结果表明, 无透镜傅里叶变换显微数字全息成像系统的焦深决定因素与透镜相干成像系统的焦深决定因素不同, 其焦深不仅与照明光源的波长, 成像系统的孔径及记录距离有关, 还与参考光源的配置有关. 计算机模拟和实验结果均证明了理论分析的正确性.
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- 焦深
Based on the Strehl criterion of coherent lens imaging system, the focal depth (FD) of lensless Fourier digital micro-holographic system is deduced. The FD expressions of the holographic systems with symmetrical and unsymmetrical reference point sources are obtained. The results show that the FD of lensless Fourier digital micro-holographic system is dependent not only on the optical wavelength and the numerical aperture of the recording system but also on the offset of the reference optical source, which is different from the FD of lensless Fourier digital micro-holographic system. The validities of the theoretical analysis are demonstrated by the computer simulations and experiments.[1] Kemper B, Bally G V 2008 Appl. Opt. 47 A52
[2] Anand A, Chhaniwal V K, Javidi B 2010 J. Dis. Tech. 6 500
[3] Miccio L, Finizio A, Puglisi R 2011 Bio.Opt. Exp. 2 331
[4] Rajshekhar G, Gorthi S S, Rastogi P 2010 Opt. Exp. 18 18041
[5] Olfatnia M, Singh V R, Xu T, Miao J M, Ong L S 2010 J. Micromech. Microeng 20 085013
[6] Wang L, Zhao J L, Di J L, Jiang H Z 2011 Opt. Lett. 36 2710
[7] Wang Y X,Wang D Y, Zhao J, Yang Y S, Xiao X Q, Cui H Q 2011 Chi. Opt. Lett. 9030901
[8] Ding S H, Li Q, Li Y D, Wang Q 2011 Opt. Lett.361993
[9] Barth R, Staier F, Simpson T, Mittler S, Eisebitt S, Grunze M, Rosenhahn A 2010 J. Biotechnol.149 238
[10] Li J C, Fan Z B, Patrice T, Song Q H, Pascal P 2011 Acta. Phys. Sin. 60 034204 (in Chinese) [李俊昌, 樊则宾, Patrice T, 宋庆和, Pascal P 2011 60 034204]
[11] Cui H K,Wang D Y,Wang Y X, Liu C G, Zhao J, Li Y 2011 Acta. Phys. Sin. 60 044201 (in Chinese) [崔华坤, 王大勇, 王云新, 刘长庚, 赵洁, 李艳 2011 60 044201]
[12] Li H Y, Ma Z J, Zhong L Y, Lv X X 2011 Acta. Opt. Sin. 31 0509001 (in Chinese) [李红燕, 马志俭, 钟丽云, 吕晓旭 2011 光学学报 31 0509001]
[13] Hu H F, Wang X L, Li Z L, Zhang N, Zhai H C 2009 Acta. Phys. Sin. 58 7662 (in Chinese) [胡浩丰, 王晓雷, 李智磊, 张 楠, 翟宏琛 2009 58 7662]
[14] Hu H F, Wang X L, Gguo W G, Zhai H C, Wang P 2011 Acta. Phys. Sin. 60 017901 (in Chinese) [胡浩丰, 王晓雷, 郭文刚, 翟宏琛, 王 攀 2011 60 017901]
[15] Born M, Wolf H 2005 Principles of Optics (Beijing: Electronics Industry Press) p406 (in Chinese) [玻恩, 沃尔夫, 杨葭荪(译) 2005 光学原理(第七版)(北京:电子工业出版社)第406页]
[16] Zhang W 2006 Study on color imaging technology with Multiwavelength digital holography (Kunming: Kunming University) p26 (in Chinese) [张维 2006 多波长数字全息彩色成像研究 (昆明:昆明理工大学)第26页]
[17] Liu C, Zhu J Q 2002 High Power Laser and Particle Beams14328 (in Chinese) [刘诚, 朱建强 2002 强激光与粒子束 14 328]
[18] Adams M, Kreis T, Jüptner W 2000 Proc. SPIE. 4101 314
[19] Yamaguchi I, Kato J, Ohta S 2001 Appl. Opt. 40 6177
[20] Wang H Y, Zhao B Q, Song X F 2009 Acta Optica Sinica 29 374 (in Chinese) [王华英, 赵宝群, 宋修法 2009 光学学报 29 374]
[21] Kang H 1996 Imaging Optics (in Chinese) (Beijing: Electronics Industry Press) p239 (in Chinese) [康辉 1996 映像光学 (天津:南开大学出版社) 第239页]
[22] Colomb T, Cuche E, Charri`ere F 2006 Appl. Opt. 45 851
[1] Kemper B, Bally G V 2008 Appl. Opt. 47 A52
[2] Anand A, Chhaniwal V K, Javidi B 2010 J. Dis. Tech. 6 500
[3] Miccio L, Finizio A, Puglisi R 2011 Bio.Opt. Exp. 2 331
[4] Rajshekhar G, Gorthi S S, Rastogi P 2010 Opt. Exp. 18 18041
[5] Olfatnia M, Singh V R, Xu T, Miao J M, Ong L S 2010 J. Micromech. Microeng 20 085013
[6] Wang L, Zhao J L, Di J L, Jiang H Z 2011 Opt. Lett. 36 2710
[7] Wang Y X,Wang D Y, Zhao J, Yang Y S, Xiao X Q, Cui H Q 2011 Chi. Opt. Lett. 9030901
[8] Ding S H, Li Q, Li Y D, Wang Q 2011 Opt. Lett.361993
[9] Barth R, Staier F, Simpson T, Mittler S, Eisebitt S, Grunze M, Rosenhahn A 2010 J. Biotechnol.149 238
[10] Li J C, Fan Z B, Patrice T, Song Q H, Pascal P 2011 Acta. Phys. Sin. 60 034204 (in Chinese) [李俊昌, 樊则宾, Patrice T, 宋庆和, Pascal P 2011 60 034204]
[11] Cui H K,Wang D Y,Wang Y X, Liu C G, Zhao J, Li Y 2011 Acta. Phys. Sin. 60 044201 (in Chinese) [崔华坤, 王大勇, 王云新, 刘长庚, 赵洁, 李艳 2011 60 044201]
[12] Li H Y, Ma Z J, Zhong L Y, Lv X X 2011 Acta. Opt. Sin. 31 0509001 (in Chinese) [李红燕, 马志俭, 钟丽云, 吕晓旭 2011 光学学报 31 0509001]
[13] Hu H F, Wang X L, Li Z L, Zhang N, Zhai H C 2009 Acta. Phys. Sin. 58 7662 (in Chinese) [胡浩丰, 王晓雷, 李智磊, 张 楠, 翟宏琛 2009 58 7662]
[14] Hu H F, Wang X L, Gguo W G, Zhai H C, Wang P 2011 Acta. Phys. Sin. 60 017901 (in Chinese) [胡浩丰, 王晓雷, 郭文刚, 翟宏琛, 王 攀 2011 60 017901]
[15] Born M, Wolf H 2005 Principles of Optics (Beijing: Electronics Industry Press) p406 (in Chinese) [玻恩, 沃尔夫, 杨葭荪(译) 2005 光学原理(第七版)(北京:电子工业出版社)第406页]
[16] Zhang W 2006 Study on color imaging technology with Multiwavelength digital holography (Kunming: Kunming University) p26 (in Chinese) [张维 2006 多波长数字全息彩色成像研究 (昆明:昆明理工大学)第26页]
[17] Liu C, Zhu J Q 2002 High Power Laser and Particle Beams14328 (in Chinese) [刘诚, 朱建强 2002 强激光与粒子束 14 328]
[18] Adams M, Kreis T, Jüptner W 2000 Proc. SPIE. 4101 314
[19] Yamaguchi I, Kato J, Ohta S 2001 Appl. Opt. 40 6177
[20] Wang H Y, Zhao B Q, Song X F 2009 Acta Optica Sinica 29 374 (in Chinese) [王华英, 赵宝群, 宋修法 2009 光学学报 29 374]
[21] Kang H 1996 Imaging Optics (in Chinese) (Beijing: Electronics Industry Press) p239 (in Chinese) [康辉 1996 映像光学 (天津:南开大学出版社) 第239页]
[22] Colomb T, Cuche E, Charri`ere F 2006 Appl. Opt. 45 851
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