提高激光雷达对空间小目标探测能力的重要手段是增大发射到目标上的光强,激光相干合成是在目标上获得较大光强的有效途径.为了评价相干光束在目标上的合成效果,引入了适合空间小目标探测的相干合成效果评价参数(合成效果因子),在此基础上讨论了光束相干合成效果的影响因素.研究表明: 合成效果因子随合成光束束腰间距的增大呈周期振荡变化,振荡幅度逐渐减小;达到理想合成效果需要的光束传输距离随光束间距的增大而增加,这对设计相干合成系统光束束腰间距具有参考意义.同时,还研究了光束的相位控制精度与合成效果之间的关系. 结果表明:当相位控制精度达到/4时,合成效果可以达到理想效果的80%;当相位控制精度为/2时,合成效果降为理想效果的50%.研究还表明,激光偏振方向不平行对合成效果的影响不明显.A fundamental way to improve the ability of lidar to detect the small target far away is to increase the light intensity on it, and the coherent combination of laser beams is an effective way to obtain a large intensity on the target. A parameter named combining effect factor is introduced to evaluate the combining effect on small target. On this basis, the factors influencing combining effect are discussed. The combining effect factor becomes oscillatory as the spacing between the waists of laser beams increases, and its amplitude decreases gradually. The distance at which an ideal combining effect can be achieved increases with the increase of the spacing between the waists of laser beams, which is a reference for the determination of the spacing between the waists of laser beams in the design of coherent combining system. The dependence of combining effect on the phase control accuracy is also studied. The combining effect can reach 80 percent of its ideal value when the phase control accuracy reaches /4, and the combining effect decreases to 50 percent of its ideal value when the accuracy is /2. The influence of unparallel polarization direction between beams on combining effect is not very obvious.
- coherent combining /
- lidar /
- combining effect
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[23] -
[1] Xiao R, Hou J, Jiang Z F 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 853 (in Chinese) [肖 瑞、侯 静、姜宗福 2008 57 853]
[2] Jia X J, Liu F N, Fu S G, Liu Y G, Yuan S Z, Dong X Y 2007 Chin. Phys. 16 2993
[3] [4] [5] Wang X L, Zhou P, Ma Y X, Ma H T, Xu X J, Liu Z J, Zhao Y J 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 5474 (in Chinese) [王小林、周朴、马阎星、马浩统、许晓军、刘泽金、赵伊君 2010 59 5474]
[6] [7] Wang J M, Duan K L, Wang Y S 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 5627 (in Chinese) [王建明、段开椋、王屹山 2008 57 5627]
[8] [9] Fan T Y 2005 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 11 567
[10] [11] An Y Y, Zeng X D 2004 Principles of Photoelectric Detection (Xian: Xidian University Press) pp7,8 (in Chinese) [安毓英、曾晓东 2004 光电探测原理 (西安: 西安电子科技大学出版社)第7, 8页]
[12] [13] Liu Z J, Zhou P, Xu X J 2009 Chin. J. Lasers 36 773 (in Chinese) [刘泽金、周 朴、许晓军 2009 中国激光 36 773]
[14] Lei M, Yao B L 2006 Acta Opt. Sin. 26 757 (in Chinese) [雷铭、姚保利 2006 光学学报 26 757]
[15] [16] [17] Zhou B K, Gao Y Z, Chen T R, Chen J H 2004 Principles of Lasers (4th ed) (Beijing: Defense Industry Press) pp69, 70 (in Chinese) [周炳琨、高以智、陈倜嵘、陈家骅 2004 激光原理(第四版)(北京: 国防工业出版社) 第69, 70页]
[18] [19] Lauterborn W, Kurz T, Wiesenfeldt M 1998 Coherent Optics-Fundamentals and Applications (Beijing: World Publishing Corporation) p32
[20] Yang R F, Yang P, Shen F 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 8297 (in Chinese) [杨若夫、杨 平、沈 锋 2009 58 8297]
[21] [22] Cao J Q, Lu Q S, Chen S P, Hou J, Xu X J 2009 Opt. Lett. 34 133
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