本文将等离子体核聚变反应截面研究中利用等离子体环境涨落进行修正了的Debye-Hückel屏蔽势推广到计算等离子体中辐射离子束缚态的能级结构. 通过Tsallis参数q的变化,在等离子体辐射离子束缚态能级结构的计算中加入等离子体参数涨落的平均效应,即,等离子体动力学. 具体给出了利用修正的Debye-Hückel屏蔽势对类氦铝束缚态能级结构的计算结果. 结果表明基于这种修正的屏蔽势,自由电子的极化分布具有和线性Debye-Hückel屏蔽势不同的结构. 这种通过等离子体涨落分布对屏蔽势函数进
- 等离子体中的原子结构 /
- 等离子体环境涨落 /
- 修正了的Debye-Hückel屏蔽势
The new modified Debye-Hückel electron shielding potential, which has been used in the study of fusion cross sections in plasma, is adopted in the atomic structure calculation under plasma environment. By variation of the Tsallis entropic parameter q, the average effect of plasma environment fluctuation is considered in atomic structure of plasma. A calculation using such modified Debye-Hückel potential of the He-like Al shows that the free electron distribution is different between the modified Debye-Hückel model and the linear Debye-Hückel model. This statistic method by considering the plasma fluctuation can also be extended to other plasma screening model, such as the self-consistent ion sphere model.-
- atomic structures in plasma /
- fluctuation of plasma environment /
- modified Debye-Hückel potential
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[1] Griem H R 2005 Principles of Plasma Spectroscopy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
[2] Murillo M S, Weisheit J C 1998 Phys. Reports 302 1
[3] David Salzmann 1998 Atomic Physics in Hot Plasma (New York Oxford: Oxford University Press)1.
[4] Hoe Nguyen, Grumberg J 1981 Phys. Rev. A 24 438
[5] Michel Koenig, Philippe Malnoult, Hoe Nguyen 1988 Phys. Rev. A 38 2089
[6] Hoe Nguyen, Michel Koenig 1986 Phys. Rev. A 33 1279
[7] David A Liberman 1979 Phys. Rev. B 20 4981
[8] Li X, Xu Z, Rosmej F B 2006 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys. 39 3373
[9] Li Y, Wu J, Hou Y, Yuan J 2008 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys. 41 145002
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[11] Salzmann D, Stein J, Goldberg I B, Pratt R H 1991 Phys. Rev. A 44 1270
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[13] Nantel M, Ma G 1998 Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 4442
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[15] Rosmej F B, Hoffmann D H H 2000 Riken Review 31 42
[16] Woolsey N C, Chambers D M 2006 JQSRT 99 680
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[22] Grant I P 2007 Relativistic Quantum Theory of Atom & Molecules (New York: Springer)1
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[25] Ricci B, Degl’Innocenti S 1995 Phys. Rev. C 52 1095
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