利用光谱测量和高速照相的方法,对大气压氮气介质阻挡放电进行了研究.在气流的帮助下,2 mm气隙中的均匀放电可以长时间得以维持.根据放电电流波形和1 μs曝光时间的放电图像,这种均匀放电被判定为汤森放电.用氦氖激光器对实验中所用的光谱仪带来的谱线轮廓展宽进行了标定,并将得到的仪器展宽数据输入Specair软件,计算了不同气体温度下氮分子二正系0—2谱带的谱线轮廓.通过用计算谱线轮廓去拟合实验谱线轮廓,确定了氮分子的转动温度并将其近似为气体温度.结果表明:大气压氮气介质阻挡汤森放电并不能使气体温度大幅上升(ΔTg≤50 K),气体温度的小幅上升不会引起热不稳定性而导致放电发展成为细丝放电.气流确实可以降低放电气体温度,但这不是使汤森放电得以维持的原因.通过比较加入气流前后的放电光谱可知,气流降低了气隙中杂质氧的含量,使得更多的氮分子亚稳态N2(A3Σ+u)的寿命延长到下一次放电的起始时刻,为汤森放电提供了必需的大量种子电子.Dielectric barrier discharge in nitrogen at atmospheric pressure is studied with the spectroscopy and the fast photography of the discharge. By the introduction of a nitrogen flow into the discharge gap, the homogeneous discharge in a 2 mm gap can be maintained. Based on the waveform of the discharge current characterized by a current pulse per half cycle of the applied voltage and the 1 μs exposure discharge photograph showing a luminous layer covering the entire surface of the anode, the homogeneous discharge is identified with a Townsend discharge. The instrumental broadening of the spectrometer used in the experiment is calibrated with a helium-neon laser. The data relevant to the instrumental broadening are input into a code called Specair for calculating the spectrum profiles of 0—2 band in the second positive system of nitrogen molecules at different gas temperatures. By fitting the calculated spectrum profiles to the experimental one, the rotational temperature of the nitrogen molecules is determined. The results show that the dielectric barrier Townsend discharge in nitrogen at atmospheric pressure cannot heat the nitrogen to a high temperature (ΔTg≤50 K) and the small rising in temperature does not induce the thermal instability that leads to the transition of the Townsend discharge to a filamentary discharge. By the addition of a gas flow into the discharge gap, the nitrogen is indeed cooled down to a lower temperature. However, it is not the reason for the Townsend discharge to be maintained. By comparing the discharge spectra with and without the gas flow, it could be concluded that the gas flow much reduces the density of the impurity oxygen desorbed from the dielectric by the discharge and makes it possible for more nitrogen metastables to survive to the beginning time of the next discharge and to provide sufficient seed electrons which are necessary for Townsend discharge.
- dielectric barrier discharge /
- molecular spectroscopy /
- instrumental broadening /
- molecular rotational temperature
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[19] Laux C O 1993 Ph. D. Dissertation (Stanford: Stanford University)
[20] Ionascut-Nedelcescu A, Carlone C, Kogelschatz U, Gravelle D V, Boulos M I 2008 J. Appl. Phys. 103 063305
[21] Dong L F, Qi Y Y, Zhao Z C, Li Y H 2008 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 17 015015
[22] Brandenburg R, Maiorov V A, Golubovskii Y B, Wagner H E, Behnke J, Behnke J F 2005 J. Phys. D 38 2187
[1] Roth J R 2001 Industrial Plasma Engineering (Vol.2) (Bristol and Philadelphia: Institute of Physics Publishing) pp37—46
[2] Kogelschatz U 2003 Plasma Chem. Plasma Proc. 23 1
[3] Wang X X 2009 High Voltage Engineering 35 1 (in Chinese) [王新新 2009 高电压技术 35 1]
[4] Li X C, Jia P Y, Liu Z H, Li L C, Dong L F 2008 Acta Phys.Sin. 57 1001 (in Chinese) [李雪辰、贾彭英、刘志辉、李立春、董丽芳 2008 57 1001]
[5] Zhang Y, Gu B, Wang W C, Peng X W, Wang D Z 2009 Acta Phys.Sin. 58 5532 (in Chinese) [张 燕、顾 彪、王文春、彭许文、王德真 2009 58 5532]
[6] Zhang H Y, Wang D Z, Wang X G 2007 Chin. Phys. B 16 1089
[7] Wang X X, Lu M Z, Pu Y K 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 51 2778 (in Chinese) [王新新、芦明泽、蒲以康 2002 51 2778]
[8] Gherardi N, Gouda G, Gat E, Ricard A, Massines F 2000 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 9 340
[9] Gherardi N, Massines F 2001 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 29 536
[10] Golubovskii Y B, Maiorov V A, Behnke J, Behnke J F 2002 J. Phys. D 35 751
[11] Bektursunova R 2004 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 32 2069
[12] Raizer Y P 1991 Gas Discharge Physics (Berlin: Springer-Verlag) p53
[13] Gomes A M, Bacri J, Sarrette J P, Salon J 1992 J. Anal. At. Spectrosc. 7 1103
[14] Laux C O, Spence T G, Kruger C H, Zare R N 2003 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 12 125
[15] Gomes A M, Saloum S, Sarrette J P 2004 Plasma Chem. Plasma Proc. 24 239
[16] Yanguas-Gil A, Focke K, Benedikt J, Keudell A 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 101 103307
[17] Herzberg G 1983 Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure (Vol. 1) (Beijing: Science Press) pp112—114 (in Chinese)[赫兹堡 G 1983 分子光谱与分子结构(第一卷)(中译本)(北京:科学出版社) 第112—114页]
[18] Xiang Z L, Yu C X 1982 Plasma Diagnostic Techniques (Vol. 1)(Shanghai: Shanghai Science and Technology Press) pp83—86 (in Chinese) [项志遴、俞昌旋 1982 高温等离子体诊断技术(上卷)(上海:上海科学技术出版社)第83—86页]
[19] Laux C O 1993 Ph. D. Dissertation (Stanford: Stanford University)
[20] Ionascut-Nedelcescu A, Carlone C, Kogelschatz U, Gravelle D V, Boulos M I 2008 J. Appl. Phys. 103 063305
[21] Dong L F, Qi Y Y, Zhao Z C, Li Y H 2008 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 17 015015
[22] Brandenburg R, Maiorov V A, Golubovskii Y B, Wagner H E, Behnke J, Behnke J F 2005 J. Phys. D 38 2187
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