We theoretically investigate the high-order harmonic generation (HHG) power spectra from a one-dimensional argon model atom irradiated by an infrared two-color laser beam, which are composed of 9.7 fs/800 nm laser pulses and 9.7 fs/1600 nm laser pulses. It is found that, when the relative phase equals π, the harmonic cutoff is dramatically widened from 58 eV to 316 eV compared with the case with the single color laser beam. It is also demonstrated that an ultrabroad soft-X-ray harmonic supercontinuum with a bandwidth of 93 eV can be obtained by adopting the soft-core potential and the Pschl-Tell potential calculations. In terms of the time-frequency analysis and the semiclassical three-step model, we also demonstrate that the ultrabroad harmonic supercontinuum is mainly generated from the short path. By superposing a series of properly selected harmonics, an isolated attosecond pulse with duration of 46 as is obtained. Compared with other schemes of generating single as pulses by quantum path control in two-color laser pulse, the10 fs/800 nm pulse used in our scheme enables easier manipulations in practical experimental implementations.
- infrared two-color laser pulse /
- harmonic supercontinuum spectrum /
- isolated attosecond pulse
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[1] [1]Kienberger R, Goulielmakis E, Uiberacker M, Baltuska A, Yakovlev V, Bammer F, Scrinzi A, Westerwalbesloh Th, Kleineberg U, Heinzmann U, Drescher M, Krausz F 2004 Nature 427 817
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[3] [3]Hentschel M, Kienberger R 2001 Nature 414 509
[4] [4]Sansone G, Benedetti E, Calegari F, Vozzi C, Avaldi L, Flammini R, Poletto L, Villoresi P, Altucci C, Velotta R, Stagira S, Silvestri S De, Nisoli M 2006 Science 314 443
[5] [5]Goulielmakis E, Schultze M, Ho fstetter M, Yakovlev V S, Gagnon J, Uiberacker M, Aquila A L, Gullikson E M, Attwood D T, Kienberger R, Krausz F, Kleineberg U 2008 Science 320 1614
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[23] ]Corkum P B 1993 Phys. Rev. Lett. 71 1994
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[25] ]Wang S, Hong W, Lan P, Zhang Q, Lu P 2009 J. Phys. At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42 105601
[26] ]Vozzi C, Calegari F, Benedetti E, G asilov S, Sansone G, Cerullo G, Nisoli M, Silvestri S De, Stagira S 2007 Opt. Lett. 32 2957
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