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鄢嫣 魏巧 李高翔



鄢嫣, 魏巧, 李高翔

Nonclassical properties of atomic radiation field in a nonlinear photonic crystal

Yan Yan, Wei Qiao, Li Gao-Xiang
  • 讨论了非线性光子晶体微腔中二能级原子在相干场驱动下腔场的频谱特性及光子的统计性质.研究结果表明,当光子晶体的态密度很大时,如果腔场模与原子共振荧光Mollow峰的中心峰共振,则腔场的涨落压缩到量子散弹噪声之下,且与线性光子晶体微腔的情况相比其谱线峰值变大.当驱动场频率较大时光子服从亚Poisson分布,且非常接近Poisson分布.
    We study spectral properties and photon statistical characteristics of a strongly driven two-level atom produced within a nonlinear photonic crystal. This study reveals that when a large discontinuity in the local photon density of states and the cavity field mode is resonant with the central component of the Mollow spectrum of atomic resonance fluorescence, there is squeezing of the cavity field below the quantum shot noise limit and the peak of the cavity field spectrum that is achieved in the nonlinear photonic crystal is higher than that in the linear photonic crystal. Furthermore, we can see the statistics of the photons emitted by the atom into the microcavity is sub-Poissonian and close to Poissonian when the frequency of the driving field is high.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:60878004)和教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(批准号:200805110002)资助的课题.

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  • 收稿日期:  2009-06-14
  • 修回日期:  2009-07-10
  • 刊出日期:  2010-02-05

