分析了在相对论体系中狭义相对性原理和宇宙学原理之间的关系以及Beltrami-de Sitter -陆启铿疑难.指出可以把狭义相对性原理推广到非零常曲率时空,在具有Beltrami度规 的de Sitter/反de Sitter时空中建立狭义相对论的运动学和粒子动力学. 在这类狭义相对 论中,相对于Beltrami坐标同时性,Beltrami坐标系就是惯性坐标系,相应的观测者为惯 性观测者; 对于自由粒子和光讯号, 惯性定律成立;可以定义可观测量,它们不但守恒而且还 满足推广的爱因斯坦关系.除了Beltrami坐标时同时性之外,对于共动观测, 还可以取固 有时同时性;此时,Beltrami度规成为Robertson-Walker型的度规,其3维空间是闭的,对 于平坦的偏离为宇宙学常数的量级.这表明,在这类狭义相对论中,相对性原理与“完美”宇 宙学原理之间存在内在联系,并不存在那些问题.进而,基于最新观测事实,重述了Mach原 理;指出对于Beltrami-de Sitter/反de Sitter时空,宇宙学常数恰恰给出惯性运动的起 源.
- 狭义相对性原理 /
- 宇宙学原理 /
- de Sitter不变的狭义相对论 /
- Beltrami-de Sitter时空 /
- 同时性 /
- Mach原理 /
- 惯性运动的起源
The puzzle on the relation between principle of special relativity and cosmologi cal principle, as well as the Beltrami-de Sitter-Lu puzzle on de Sitter/anti-de Sitter spacetimes in Einstein's framework of relativity are analyzed. It i s possible to generalize the principle of special relativity to the spacetimes w ith constant curvature and to establish the kinematics and particle dynamics for the special relativity in de Sitter/anti-de Sitter spacetimes with Beltrami met ric. In such a Beltrami system by the Beltrami coordinate simultaneity is just a n inertial system, the corresponding observers are inertial observers, the inert ial law is valid for test particles and light signals, and observables can be we ll defined which conserve and satisfy the generalized Einstein's formula. In addition to the Beltrami coordinate simultaneity there is also the proper-time simultaneity for the comoving observations and thus the Beltrami metric is trans formed into the Robertson-Walker-like metric which gives a closed 3-dimensional space and its deviation from flatness is of the order of cosmological constant. Therefore, it turns out that in such a kind of special relativity the relativity principle has an intrinsic affiliation with the “perfect” cosmological princi ple and without any puzzle. Furthermore, based on the recent astronomical observ ations, the Mach's principle is restated and it is showed that the cosmologi cal constant acts just as an origin of inertial motions in the de Sitter-invaria nt special relativity on Beltrami-de Sitter spacetime.-
- principle of special relativity /
- cosmological principle /
- de Sitter-invariant special relativity /
- Beltrami-de Sitter spacetime /
- simultaneity /
- Mach's principle /
- origin of inertial motion
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