应用自洽量子微扰理论研究了由参量α0及β0所描述的一维量子sine-Gordon模型的元激发谱,并通过玻色化技术将所得结果与Thirring模型及半满的Hubbard模型的严格解比较.研究结果表明,导出的元激发谱描述了量子孤子及反孤子的配对激发,而自洽场给出的能隙在α0<1及4π≤β20≤8π时与严格解的结果符合较好Using the-self-consistent quantum perturbation theory, we study the elementary excitaton of one-dimensional sine-Gordon model described by parameters α0 and β0. It is demonstrated in this article that the elementary excitations consist of quantum solitons and antisolitons.Under the condition α020≤8π,our results for the gaps agree with the exact results of the Thirring model and the half-filling Hubbard model based on the bosonization techniques.
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