本文从44个缓冷和淬炼Mn-Ga合金摄取了德拜·谢乐照相,并配合了在富Ga部分的差热分析,初步画出了这个系统的相图。这个系统除纯Ga外共有十个相。Mn在Ga中的固溶度是几乎无可觉察的。α相是Ga在α-Mn中的原固溶体,在室温的固溶度为1.95at%Ga。β相在室温的均匀范围为8.6—19.2at%Ga,这是β-Mn结构,因此可看作是β-Mn的固溶体,由于Ga原子无规地替代了部分Mn原子而这个结构得在室温稳定存在。γ相可分成γ1,γ2,γ3,三部分,γ1是面心立方结构,γ2是面心四方结构,γ3是有序的面心四方结构,与Cu-Au系中的CuAuⅠ同型。在室温下稳定的是γ3,均匀范围为37—45at%Ga,而在高温稳定的却总是γ1。从γ1变到γ2,再从γ2变到γ3的变化是二级相变。有序度随Ga含量的递增而递增,随温度的递升而递降。整个γ相可看作是γ-Mn的固溶体,γ-Mn本身是不可能用淬炼的办法在室温获得的。δ相只存在于高温,可看作是δ-Mn的固溶体。由于Ga原子替代了部分Mn原子,因而δ一Mn结构产生了畸变而有序化。ε相是有序的六角密堆积结构,每个晶胞含8个原子,它是在约820℃从γ相同成份地转变而成的,在室温的均匀范围估计为27一30at%Ga。η相在室温约50—60at%Ga处有一宽广的均匀范围。从520到600℃,它经历一多型性变化,转变为λ相。λ相的相区随温度的递升而向富Mn的一边偏移。η和λ结构都很复杂。在富Ga的一边,存在着三个居间相χ,φ和ω,它们是由包析或包晶反应所形成的。ω相的化合式很可能相当于Mn2Ga9或MnGa5,而φ相则与NiHg4同型,在Mn2.3Ga7.7左右有一狭隘的均匀范围。在室温稳定存在的七个居间相中,β,ε,γ3,X和φ是铁磁性的。铁磁性最强的是Ga含量较富的γ3和φ相。我们测量了其中若干合金的饱和磁化强度与居里温度。Debye-Scherrer photographs have been taken from forty-four slowly cooled and quenched manganese-gallium alloys. These, incorporated with the differential thermal analysis taken at the gallium-rich side, provide a basis for the Mn-Ga constitutional diagram.There are ten different phases beside pure Ga in the entire system. The solid solubility of Mn in Ga is almost undetectable. The α phase is the primary solid solution of Ga in α-Mn. The solubility limit at room temperature is 1.95 at % Ga. The β phase has a homogeneity range from 8.6 to 19.2 at % Ga at room temperature. The structure is that of β-Mn. It may be looked upon as a solid solution of Ga in β-Mn, stabilized at room temperature due to the random substitution of some of the Mn atoms by Ga. The γ phase may be divided into three parts, γ1, γ2, and γ3. γ1 is face-centred cubic, γ2, face-centred tetragonal, while γ3, face-centred tetragonal with a long range order. The structure of γ3 is isomorphous with CuAu I in the Cu-Au system. γ3 is stable at room temperature, the homogeneity range being from 37 to 45 at% Ga; while γ1 is only stable at high temperatures. The transformations from γ1 to γ2 and then to γ3 are of the second degree, the degree of order increasing with the Ga content and decreasing with the temperature. The whole phase γ may be considered as a solid solution of Ga in γ-Mn, which could not be retained by quenching in the pure state. The δ phase exists only at high temperatures. It may be regarded as a solid solution of Ga in δ-Mn, deformed and ordered by the substitution of some of the Mn atoms by Ga. The ε phase has an ordered hexagonal close-packed structure with eight atoms per unit cell. It is formed congruently from the y phase at about 820℃. The homogeneity range at room temperature is estimated to be from 27 to 30 at% Ga. The η phase has a wide range at room temperature, estimated to be from 50 to 60 at% Ga. From 520 to 600℃, it undergoes a polymorphic transformation to another phase λ, the homogeneity range of which being displaced with temperature toward the Mn-rich side. Both η and λ indicate quite complicated structures. At the Ga-rich side, there are three intermediate phases x, φ and ω. They are formed by peritectoid or peritectic reactions. The ideal structure of φ is cubic of the NiHg4 type, but it lies outside of the very narrow homogeneity range around Mn2.3 Gay7.7. Most probably the stoichiometric composition of the ω phase is Mn2Ga9 or MnGa5. Among the six intermediate phases stable at room temperature, β, ε, γ3, x and φ are ferromagnetic. The most pronounced ferromagnetic alloys have been found in the γ3 and φ regions which are rich in Ga content. Saturation magnetizations and Curie points for some of the alloys have been determined.
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