甄纳等对线型内耗的计算曾作了一系列的研究。但是其所考虑的内容缺乏系统性。特别,当有着数个因素交互作用时,所得的结果是不够普遍的。本文试用一般的热力学不可逆的线型理论,应用了玻耳兹曼叠加原理,整理出一个较全面的有系统的普遍线型内耗理论。一般地,所得结果和普通的理论是相符合的,但是在交互作用问题上就有着差异。最近的内耗的研究上又逐步地进入反常内耗的研究。因此研究交互作用成为必要的了。可以指出,利用类似的理论和方法,有可能创造出反常效应及振幅效应的非线性的一般的内耗理论,为分析这些实验数据的工具。Detailed theoretical investigations on the nature of internal friction of linear type have been made by Zener and others. It appears that their results are not systemmatic enough owing to the lack of generality. In particular, very little has been attempted to the illucidation of the nature of mutual interactions due to causes which give rise to internal friction.In this paper a theory is proposed based on the general theory of thermodynamics ol irreversilc processes together with the Boltzmann superposition principle. A comparison is made of the results of both theories. It is found that definite variance exists in the instances in which the mutual interactions become predominant. It would therefore appeal to further experimental demonstrations. In view of the recent rapid progresses in the experimental studies of anomalous and amplitude dependent internal frictions, it would be of interest to carry out a programm of study of the internal friction of non-linear type by the procedures similar to that proposed in the text.
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