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孙远昆 郭良浩 王凯程 王少萌 宫玉彬



孙远昆, 郭良浩, 王凯程, 王少萌, 宫玉彬

Molecular dynamics simulation of effect of terahertz waves on the secondary structure of potassium channel proteins

Sun Yuan-Kun, Guo Liang-Hao, Wang Kai-Cheng, Wang Shao-Meng, Gong Yu-Bin
  • 钾离子通道在神经细胞动作电位复极过程中起着重要作用. 钾离子通道蛋白种类繁多, 钾离子通道允许钾离子特异性穿过细胞膜, 从而维持神经细胞静息电位. 离子通道蛋白的二级结构决定其功能特性, 皮秒尺度内二级结构的波动会对离子通道蛋白的功能, 即离子通过速率有很大的影响. 本文使用分子动力学模拟方法, 模拟施加不同幅值的53.7 THz的太赫兹波对真实KcsA钾通道蛋白二级结构和钾离子通过速率的影响. 研究发现, 在53.7 THz的太赫兹波的作用下, KcsA钾通道蛋白中α螺旋数量减少, β折叠以及卷曲数量增加. 此外, 53.7 THz的太赫兹波能够加速钾离子通过KcsA钾通道. 本文从蛋白质的二级结构分析太赫兹波对钾离子通道蛋白的影响, 为太赫兹波和生物功能分子相互作用之间提供了新的观察角度.
    Potassium channels play an important role in repolarizing the nerve cell action potentials. There are many types of potassium channel proteins, and potassium channels allow potassium ions to specifically pass through the cell membrane, thereby maintaining the resting potential of nerve cells. In this paper, molecular dynamics simulation method is used to simulate the effects of 53.7 THz terahertz wave with different amplitudes on the secondary structure of KcsA potassium channel protein and the potassium ions rate. It is found in this study that under the action of the 53.7 THz terahertz wave, the number of alpha helices in KcsA potassium channel protein decreases, and the number of beta sheets and the number of coils increase. In addition, the 53.7 THz terahertz wave can accelerate potassium ions through the KcsA potassium channel. In this article, the effects of terahertz waves on potassium channel proteins are analyzed through the secondary structure of proteins, and a new perspective for the interaction between terahertz waves and biological functional molecules is presented as well.
      通信作者: 宫玉彬, ybgong@uestc.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61921002)和国家自然科学基金委国家基础科学中心(批准号:61988102)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Gong Yu-Bin, ybgong@uestc.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61921002) and the National Basic Science Center of National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61988102)

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    Takehiro T, Reiko S, Shiho T, Ken-Ichiro K, Hideki H 2020 Opt. Lett. 45 6078Google Scholar


    Jorgensen W L, Chandrasekhar J, Madura J D, Impey R W, Klein M L 1983 J. Chem. Phys. 79 926Google Scholar


    Biggin P C, Smith G R, Shrivastava I, Choe S, Sansom M S P 2001 BBA-Biomemberanes 1510 1Google Scholar


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    Parker M J, Sessions R B, Badcoe I G, Clarke A R 1996 Fold Des. 1 145Google Scholar


    Zhou H X, Wlodek S T, McCammon J A 1998 PNAS 95 9280Google Scholar


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    Leach A R 2001 Molecular Modelling: Principles and Applications (2nd Ed.) (Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd.) pp20−30


    Rath A, Johnson R M, Deber C M 2007 Pept. Sci. 88 217Google Scholar


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    Matthews E E, Zoonens M, Engelman D M 2006 Cell 127 447Google Scholar

  • 图 1  (a) KcsA四聚体结构(从上往下); (b) KcsA四聚体结构(从前往后); (c)钾离子通道模型

    Fig. 1.  (a) KcsA tetramer structure (from top to bottom); (b) KcsA tetramer structure (from front to back); (c) potassium channel model.

    图 2  太赫兹波强度不同时钾离子通道蛋白中氢键的变化

    Fig. 2.  Changes of hydrogen bonds in potassium channel proteins at different terahertz intensities.

    图 3  太赫兹波强度不同时钾离子通道蛋白中二级结构数目的变化

    Fig. 3.  Changes in the number of secondary structures in potassium channel proteins under different terahertz intensities.

    图 4  太赫兹波强度不同时钾离子通道蛋白中α螺旋数目的变化

    Fig. 4.  Changes in the number of α-helices in potassium channel protein under different terahertz intensities.

    图 5  太赫兹波强度不同时钾离子通道蛋白中β折叠数目的变化

    Fig. 5.  Changes in the number of β-sheet in potassium channel protein under different terahertz intensities.

    图 6  太赫兹波强度不同时钾离子通道蛋白中卷曲数目的变化

    Fig. 6.  Changes in the number of coil in potassium channel protein under different terahertz intensities.

    图 7  太赫兹波强度不同时钾离子通过钾离子通道的数目

    Fig. 7.  Number of potassium ions passing through potassium channels under different intensities of terahertz.

  • [1]

    Nelson M T, Quayle J M 1995 Am. J. Physiol. 268 C799Google Scholar


    Faraci F M, Sobey C G 1996 Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol. 23 1091Google Scholar


    Orias M 1998 Medicina 58 429


    Johnston J, Forsythe I D, Kopp-Scheinpflug C 2010 J. Physiol. 588 3187Google Scholar


    Yellen G 2002 Nature 419 35Google Scholar


    Guan D, Lee J C F, Higgs M H, Spain W J, Foehring R C 2007 J. Neurophys. 97 1931Google Scholar


    Guan D, Armstrong W E, Foehring R C 2013 J. Physiol. 591 4807Google Scholar


    Zhu Z, Cheng C, Chang C, Ren G, Zhang J, Peng Y, Han J, Zhao H 2019 Analyst 144 2504Google Scholar


    周俊, 刘盛纲 2014 现代应用物理 5 85Google Scholar

    Zhou J, Liu S G 2014 Modern Applied Physics 5 85Google Scholar


    Michele J C, Piero U 2021 Chem. Phys. 155 075102Google Scholar


    Sizov F 2017 SPQEO 20 273Google Scholar


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    Wilmink G J, Grundt J E 2011 J. Infrared Millimeter Terahertz Waves 32 1074Google Scholar


    Bo W F, Guo L H, Yang Y, Ma J L, Wang K C, Tang J C, Wu Z, Zeng B Q, Gong Y B 2020 IEEE Access 8 10305Google Scholar


    Li Y M, Chang C, Zhu Z, Sun L, Fan C H 2021 JACS 143 4311Google Scholar


    Liu X, Qiao Z, Chai Y M, Zhu Z, Wu K J, Ji W L, Li D G, Xiao Y J, Mao L Q, Chang C, Wen Q, Song B, Shu Y S 2021 PNAS 118 e2015685118Google Scholar


    Zhang J X, He Y, Liang S S, Liao X, Li T, Qiao Z, Chang C, Jia H B, Chen X W 2021 Nat. Commun. 12 2730Google Scholar


    Zhu Z, Chen C, Chang C, Song B 2021 ACS Photonics 8 781Google Scholar


    Zhang X X, He M X, Chen Y, Li C, Zhao J W, Wang P F, Peng X 2019 Chin. Phys. B 28 128702Google Scholar


    Alexandrov B S, Rasmussen K Ø, Bishop A R, Usheva A, Rodriguez G 2011 Biomed. Opt. Express 2 2679Google Scholar


    Yamazaki S, Harata M, Ueno Y, Tsubouchi M, Konagaya K, Ogawa Y, Isoyama G, Otani C, Hoshina H 2020 Sci. Rep. 10 9008Google Scholar


    Yamazaki S, Harata M, Idehara T, Konagaya K, Yokoyama G, Hoshina H, Ogawa Y 2018 Sci. Rep. 8 9990Google Scholar


    Wu K J, Qi C H, Zhu Z, Wang C L, Song B, Chang C 2020 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11 7002Google Scholar


    Takehiro T, Reiko S, Shiho T, Ken-Ichiro K, Hideki H 2020 Opt. Lett. 45 6078Google Scholar


    Jorgensen W L, Chandrasekhar J, Madura J D, Impey R W, Klein M L 1983 J. Chem. Phys. 79 926Google Scholar


    Biggin P C, Smith G R, Shrivastava I, Choe S, Sansom M S P 2001 BBA-Biomemberanes 1510 1Google Scholar


    Berendsen H J C, Spoel D V D, Drunen R V 1995 Comput. Phys. Commun. 91 43Google Scholar


    Parker M J, Sessions R B, Badcoe I G, Clarke A R 1996 Fold Des. 1 145Google Scholar


    Zhou H X, Wlodek S T, McCammon J A 1998 PNAS 95 9280Google Scholar


    Barron L D, Hecht L, Wilson G 1997 Biochemistry 36 13143Google Scholar


    Fischer S, Smith J C, Verma C S 2001 J. Phys. Chem. B 105 8050Google Scholar


    Leach A R 2001 Molecular Modelling: Principles and Applications (2nd Ed.) (Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd.) pp20−30


    Rath A, Johnson R M, Deber C M 2007 Pept. Sci. 88 217Google Scholar


    Moore D T, Berger B W, DeGrado W F 2008 Structure 16 991Google Scholar


    Matthews E E, Zoonens M, Engelman D M 2006 Cell 127 447Google Scholar

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  • 收稿日期:  2021-09-16
  • 修回日期:  2021-10-12
  • 上网日期:  2021-10-22
  • 刊出日期:  2021-12-20

