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王一 杨晨 郭祥 王继红 刘雪飞 魏节敏 郎啟智 罗子江 丁召



王一, 杨晨, 郭祥, 王继红, 刘雪飞, 魏节敏, 郎啟智, 罗子江, 丁召

Thermodynamic analysis of Al0.17Ga0.83As/GaAs (001) in annealing process

Wang Yi, Yang Chen, Guo Xiang, Wang Ji-Hong, Liu Xue-Fei, Wei Jie-Ming, Lang Qi-Zhi, Luo Zi-Jiang, Ding Zhao
  • 在As4束流等效压强为1.210-3 Pa、退火60 min条件下改变退火温度,对Al0.17Ga0.83As/GaAs薄膜表面平坦化的条件进行了探讨.定量分析了薄膜表面坑、岛与平台的覆盖率和台阶-平台间薄膜粗糙度随退火温度变化的规律,得到最合适的退火温度为545℃(1℃);根据退火模型发现退火温度的改变会影响参与熟化的原子的数量,熟化原子比正比于退火温度,即 T.退火温度540℃条件下退火约60 min,薄膜表面达到基本平坦,推测此时0.20 0.25;退火温度为545℃时,推测退火时间约为5560 min.本实验得到的结论可以为生长平坦的Al0.17Ga0.83As/GaAs薄膜提供理论与实验指导.
    For matching lattice parameters, AlGaAs alloy is usually grown on a GaAs (001) substrate. The AlGaAs/GaAs multilayer structure has been widely used to manufacture various photoelectric and electronic devices. The practical importance of atomic flat surfaces lies in improving the performances of modern optoelectronic devices based on AlGaAs/GaAs multilayer structure. The influence of temperature on the flatness of the film has not been analyzed in detail, so it is very important to prepare the surface at an atomic level by adjusting annealing temperature. In this paper, 15 ML Al0.17Ga0.83As are deposited on an n-doped GaAs (001) substrate by the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) technique. We study the effects of various annealing temperatures (520℃, 530℃, 540℃) on the flattening of Al0.17Ga0.83As/GaAs (001) surface under the same condition of arsenic BEP about 1.210-3 Pa, annealing time 60 min and growth rate (0.17 ML/s). The (1000 nm1000 nm) scanning tunneling microscope (STM) images and Fourier transform graphs are obtained to show the evolution of surface morphology. In a temperature range of 520-530℃, island is ripening, the coverage of the island increases, the pit also begins to merge into a larger pit; when the temperature exceeds 530℃, the increasing of ripening rate leads to a big island and the pit turns into terrace, while the coverage of island and the pit gradually decreases. In the annealing process, the area of terrace increases and gradually approaches to 100%. By quantitatively analysing the coverage of pit (island, terrace) and root mean square (RMS) roughness varying with the annealing temperature, a 545℃ (1℃) better annealing temperature is proposed by fitting the curve of RMS roughness variation. At the same time, the film annealing model is analyzed in this paper. Comparing the results in the literature with our experimental data, it is found that the change of annealing temperature can influence the number of active atoms, in which the ratio of annealing atoms contributing to surface flattening () should be proportional to the annealing temperature. According to the experimental results, Al0.17Ga0.83As surface basically presents the flat morphology with 60 min annealing at 540℃ when 0.20 0.25. When the annealing temperature reaches 545℃, we can also speculate that the annealing time is about 55-60 min. This is consistent with our previous conclusion. It should be pointed out that our experiment avoids metallizing the film surface caused by the anti-evaporation of the atoms and the metal gallium atoms climbing on the surface of the film when the annealing temperature is too high. The experimental results are applicable to the Al0.17 Ga0.83As thin film growth and annealing.
      通信作者: 丁召, zding@gzu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:61564002,11664005,61604046)和贵州省科学技术基金(批准号:黔科合J字[2014]2046,黔科合LH字[2016]7436,黔科合基础[2017]1055)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Ding Zhao, zding@gzu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61564002, 11664005, 61604046) and the Foundation of Guizhou Provincial Science and Technology Department, China (Grant Nos. QKH-J[2014]2046, QKH-LH[2016]7436, QKH-[2017]1055).

    Wei W Z, Guo X, Liu K, Wang Y, Luo Z J, Zhou Q, Wang J H, Ding Z 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 226801 (in Chinese)[魏文喆, 郭祥, 刘珂, 王一, 罗子江, 周清, 王继红, 丁召 2013 62 226801]


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    Wei W Z, Guo X, Liu K, Wang Y, Luo Z J, Zhou Q, Wang J H, Ding Z 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 226801 (in Chinese)[魏文喆, 郭祥, 刘珂, 王一, 罗子江, 周清, 王继红, 丁召 2013 62 226801]


    Walid F, Nouredine S, Slimane O, Riaz H M, Dler J, Noor A S, Mohsin A, David T, Mohamed H 2017 Superlattices Microst. 111 1010


    Maciej A K, Anna S, Kamil K, Marcin M, Karolina P, Rafał J, Renata K, Marek G, Adam B 2018 Mat. Sci. Semicon. Proc. 74 88


    Johnson M B, Pfister M, Alvarado S F, Salemink H W M 1995 Microelectron. Eng. 27 31


    Stumpf R, Feibelman P J 1996 Phys. Rev. B 54 5145


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    Fan Y, Karpov I, Bratina G, Sorba L, Gladfelter W 1996 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 14 623


    Mao G M, Wang Q, Chai Z, Cao J W, Liu H, Ren X M, Maleev N A, Vasil'ev A P, Zhukov A E, Ustinov V M 2018 Mat. Sci. Semicon. Proc. 79 20


    Sadia I S, Ali N B 2017 Data in Brief 14 618


    Mahmoud D, Amel R, Radhouane C, Faouzi H 2017 J. Alloy. Compd. 728 1165


    Amini M, Soleimani M, Ehsani M H 2017 Superlattices Microst. 112 680


    Kim J H, Lee H J 2014 Mater. Lett. 123 1


    Akhundov I O, Abblperovich V L, Latyshev A V, Terekhov A S 2013 Appl. Surf. Sci. 269 2


    Kazantsev D M, Akhundov I O, Karpov A N, Shwartz N L, Alperovich V L, Terekhov A S 2015 Appl. Surf. Sci. 333 141


    Wei W Z, Wang Y, Xiang G, Luo Z J, Zhen Z, Zhou H Y, Ding Z 2015 Appl. Surf. Sci. 345 400


    Liu K, Guo X, Zhou Q, Zhang B C, Luo Z J, Ding Z 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 046806


    Liu K, Zhou Q, Zhou X, Guo X, Luo Z J, Wang J H, Ding Z 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 026801


    Zhou H Y, Zhao Z, Guo X, Wei W Z, Wang Y, Luo Z J, Liu J, Wang J H, Zhou X, Ding Z 2016 Chin. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 36 477 (in Chinese)[周海月, 赵振, 郭祥, 魏文喆, 王一, 罗子江, 刘健, 王继红, 周勋, 丁召 2016 真空科学与技术学报 36 477]


    Alperovich V L, Akhundov I O, Rudaya N S, Sheglov D V, Rodyakina E E, Latyshev A V 2009 Appl. Phys. Lett. 94 101908

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  • 收稿日期:  2017-12-22
  • 修回日期:  2018-02-02
  • 刊出日期:  2019-04-20

