Chaotic oscillation in a power system is very harmful for the large-scale interconnected power grid. Here, the basic dynamic properties of the interconnected power system are investigated under the disturbance of electromagnetic power through the Lyapunov exponent spectrum, bifurcation diagram, phase plane, and power spectrum. The sensitivity to the disturbance of electromagnetic power is also studied. Meanwhile, from the sliding mode variable structure control and relay characteristic function, a new method to control the chaotic oscillation is presented, which can quickly and smoothly make the system reach the expected target. Simulation results show that the method can not only shorten the control time, but also reduce the possibility of the impulse response from the system, due to the large parameters. It can inhibit the high-frequency buffeting effectively and has strong robustness.
- interconnected power system /
- sliding mode variable structure control /
- relay characteristic function
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[1] Lu Q, Sun Y Z 1993 Power system nonlinear control (Beijing: Science Press) p17 (in Chinese) [卢强, 孙元章 1993 电力系统非线性控制(北京:科学出版社)第17页]
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[3] Huerta H, Loukianov A G, Canedo J M 2011 Electr.Power Syst. Res. 81 1602
[4] Cid-Pastorn A, Martinez-Salamero L, ElAroudi A, Giral R, Calvente J, Leyva R 2013 Control Eng. Pract. 21 689
[5] Yang G L, Li H G 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 7552 (in Chinese) [杨国良, 李惠光 2009 58 7552]
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[12] Benahdouga S, Boukhetala D, Boudjema F 2012 Electr. Power Syst. Res. 43 1081
[13] Liu J K 2005 Matlab simulation for sliding mode control (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press) p60 (in Chinese) [刘金琨 2005 滑模变结构控制MATLAB仿真(北京:清华大学出版社)第60 页]
[14] Meng Z, Fu L Y, Song M H 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 054501 (in Chinese) [孟宗, 付立元, 宋明厚 2013 62 054501]
[15] Zhao W J, Liu J Z 2005 J. Syst. Sim. 17 156 (in Chinese) [赵文杰, 刘吉臻 2005 系统仿真学报 17 156]
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[17] Liu M J, Piao Z L, Wu X H 2009 Electr. Power Autom. Equip. 29 85 (in Chinese) [刘美菊, 朴在林, 吴秀华 2009 电力自动化设备 29 85]
[18] Dong S Y, Bao H, Wei Z 2010 Proc. the CSEE 30 58 (in Chinese) [董世勇, 鲍海, 魏哲 2010 中国电机工程学报 30 58]
[19] Xu Y Q, Mao J S, Liu J F, Jia F, Shen S Q 2012 Electr. Meas. Instrum. 49 27 (in Chinese) [许燕青, 毛家松, 刘建峰, 贾锋, 沈胜强 2012 电测与仪表 49 27]
[20] Ouassaida M, Maaroufib M, Cherkaouib M 2012 Electr. Power Syst. Res. 84 135
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