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周威 张阳 张义军 吕伟涛 郑栋 陈绍东 潘汉波



周威, 张阳, 张义军, 吕伟涛, 郑栋, 陈绍东, 潘汉波

Occurrence regularity of CPT discharge event in negative cloud-to-ground lightning

Zhou Wei, Zhang Yang, Zhang Yi-Jun, Lü Wei-Tao, Zheng Dong, Chen Shao-Dong, Pan Han-Bo
  • 本文分析了2012年广州地区6次雷暴过程的负地闪中不规则脉冲簇(chaotic pulse trains,CPT)放电事件的发生规律. 结果表明:CPT是负地闪整个放电过程中普遍存在的放电现象,在323次负地闪中有243次出现了CPT放电事件,比例达到了75.2%,并且能够发生在负地闪的首次回击之前、回击之间以及最后一次回击之后,其中有66.7%的继后回击之前和11.5%的最后一次回击之后发生了CPT. 研究也发现,CPT在继后回击之前有四种分布类型:单独出现一次CPT-c(与继后回击相连的CPT)、单独出现一次CPT-i(与继后回击有一定时间间隔的CPT)、 同时出现CPT-c和CPT-i以及同时出现多次CPT-i,其中,单独出现一次CPT-c类型最为多见,39.4%的继后回击之前为此类型,而在第一次和第二次继后回击之前更容易出现多次CPT的现象,分别占到对应次序回击总数的9.4%和7.7%. 而随着继后回击次序的增加,其之前发生CPT的概率呈减小的趋势,并且除了第一次和第二次继后回击以外,其他继后回击之前CPT-c的出现频次大于CPT-i. 另外,CPT-i和最后一次回击之后的CPT均叠加在K变化上,部分回击间的CPT也能够发生在J过程中.
    Occurrence regularity of chaotic pulse trains (CPT) discharge event in negative cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning during six thunderstorms are analyzed in this paper. Results show that CPT is a common phenomenon throughout the negative CG lightning discharge process, 243 times of CPT discharge events occurs during 323 negative CG lightning, a proportion reaching 75.2%. CPT in negative CG can occur before the first return stroke, between the strokes, and after the last stroke. The proportion of 66.7% of the total subsequent strokes is preceded by CPT, and CPT occurs after 11.5% of the total last strokes. It is also found that there are four distributions prior to subsequent strokes: single CPT-c (CPT connecting with subsequent strokes), single CPT-i (CPT occurring in an interval between CPT and return strokes), CPT-c and CPT-i occur concurrently, and several CPT-is appear concurrently. Single CPT-c is the most common, 39.4% of subsequent strokes are preceded by single CPT-c, and several CPTs are easier to occur before the first and second subsequent strokes, which are respectively the corresponding strokes 9.4% and 7.7% of the total number. With the increase of the order of subsequent stroke, there is a decreasing trend for the occurrence of CPT, and in addition to the previous two subsequent strokes, the number of CPT-c is obviously greater than CPT-i before the others. In addition, CPT-i and CPT-a both occur to add on the negative CG K-change, and some also correspond to the process of J-change in the slow electric field wave.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:41205002,41030960)、中国气象科学研究院基本科研业务费专项(批准号:2012Y006)和科技部科研院所技术开发专项(批准号:2011EG137226)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41205002, 41030960), the Special Project by the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences for Basic Research(Grant No. 2012Y006), and the Ministry of Science and Technology Research Institutes technology development project(Grant No. 2011EG137226).

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    Zhang Y J, Meng Q, Ma M, Dong W S, L W T 2006 Journal of Applied Meteorological Science 17 611 (in Chinese) [张义军, 孟青, 马明, 董万胜, 吕伟涛2006 应用气象学报 17 611]


    Vladimir A. Rakov, Rateev Thottappillil, Martin A. Uman 1992 Journal of Geophysical Research 97 9935


    Rakov V A, Uman M A, Hoffman G R, Masters M W, Brook M 1996 IEEE Transactions EMC 38 156


    Wang Y H, Zhang G S, Zhang T, Zhao Y X, Li Y J 2009 Plateau Meteorology 28 1018 (in Chinese) [王彦辉, 张广庶, 张彤, 赵玉祥, 李亚珺 2009 高原气象 28 1018]


    Zhu B Y, L F C, Ma M, Zhou H L 2010 Plateau Meteorology 29 688 (in Chinese) [祝宝友, 吕凡超, 马明, 周鹤林 2010 高原气象 29 688]


    Wu B, Zhang G S, Wang Y H, Li Y J, Fan X P, Yu H, Zhang R 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 189202 (in Chinese) [武斌, 张广庶, 王彦辉, 李亚珺, 范祥鹏, 余海, 张荣 2013 62 189202]


    Gomes C, Cooray V, Fernando M, Montano R, Sonnadara U 2004 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 66 1733


    Lan Y, Zhang Y J, Dong W S, Lu W T, Liu H Y, Zheng D 2011 J. Geophys. Res. 116 17109


    Makela J S, Edirisingheb M, Fernandob M, Montanoc R, Coorayc V 2007 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 69 707


    Willett J, Bailey J, Leteinturier C, Krider E 1990 J. Geophys. Res. 95 20367


    Liu H Y, Dong W S, Zhang Y J, Zheng D, Yan B W, Shi Y H, Wu T 2013 Plateau meteorology. 32 1186 (in Chinese) [刘恒毅, 董万胜, 张义军, 郑栋, 严碧武, 石玉恒, 吴亭 2013 高原气象 32 1186]


    Wiedman C D 1982 Ph. D. Dissertion (University of Arizona.)


    Bailey J, Willett J C, Krider E P, Leteinturier C 1988 paper presented at 8th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity Uppsala, Sweden 13-16


    Rakov V A, Uman M A 1990 J. Geophys. Res. 95 5447


    Cao D J, Qie X S, Duan S, Xuan Y J, Wang D F 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 069202 (in Chinese) [曹冬杰, 郄秀书, 段树, 宣越建, 王东方 2012 61 069202]


    Li W L, Liu D X, Qie X S, Fu S M, Duan S, Chen Y C 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 059202 (in Chinese) [李万莉, 刘冬霞, 郄秀书, 傅慎明, 段树, 陈羿辰 2012 61 059202]


    Wang D H, Qie X S, Guo C M 2000 Lightning and artificial triggering lightning. (Shanghai: Shanghai Jiaotong University Press) P133 (in Chinese) [王道洪, 郄秀书, 郭昌明 2000 雷电与人工引雷(上海: 上海交通大学出版社)第133页]


    Chen W M 2003 Principles of lightning (second edition)(Beijing: China Meteorological Press P195 (in Chinese) [陈渭民 2003 雷电学原理(第二版)(北京: 气象出版社)第195页]

  • [1]

    Yang J, Qie X S, Wang J G, Chao Y, Zhang Q L, Yuan T, Zhou Y J, Feng G L 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 1968 (in Chinese) [杨静, 郄秀书, 王建国, 赵阳, 张其林, 袁铁, 周筠珺, 冯桂力 2008 57 1968]


    Chao Y, Qie X S, Kong X Z, Zhang G S, Zhang T, Yang J, Feng G L, Zhang Q L, Wang D F 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 6616 (in Chinese) [赵阳, 郄秀书, 孔祥贞, 张广庶, 张彤, 杨静, 冯桂力, 张其林, 王东方 2009 58 6616]


    Yang B, Zhou B H, Meng X 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 8978 (in Chinese) [杨波, 周璧华, 孟鑫 2010 59 8978]


    Wang X J, Yuan P, Cen J Y, Zhang T L, Xue S M, Zhao J C, Xu H 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 109201 (in Chinese) [王雪娟, 袁萍, 岑建勇, 张廷龙, 薛思敏, 赵金翠, 许鹤 2013 62 109201]


    Zhang Y J, Zhou X J 2006 Journal of Applied Meteorological Science 17 829 (in Chinese) [张义军, 周秀骥 2006 应用气象学报 17 829]


    Zhang Y J, Meng Q, Ma M, Dong W S, L W T 2006 Journal of Applied Meteorological Science 17 611 (in Chinese) [张义军, 孟青, 马明, 董万胜, 吕伟涛2006 应用气象学报 17 611]


    Vladimir A. Rakov, Rateev Thottappillil, Martin A. Uman 1992 Journal of Geophysical Research 97 9935


    Rakov V A, Uman M A, Hoffman G R, Masters M W, Brook M 1996 IEEE Transactions EMC 38 156


    Wang Y H, Zhang G S, Zhang T, Zhao Y X, Li Y J 2009 Plateau Meteorology 28 1018 (in Chinese) [王彦辉, 张广庶, 张彤, 赵玉祥, 李亚珺 2009 高原气象 28 1018]


    Zhu B Y, L F C, Ma M, Zhou H L 2010 Plateau Meteorology 29 688 (in Chinese) [祝宝友, 吕凡超, 马明, 周鹤林 2010 高原气象 29 688]


    Wu B, Zhang G S, Wang Y H, Li Y J, Fan X P, Yu H, Zhang R 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 189202 (in Chinese) [武斌, 张广庶, 王彦辉, 李亚珺, 范祥鹏, 余海, 张荣 2013 62 189202]


    Gomes C, Cooray V, Fernando M, Montano R, Sonnadara U 2004 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 66 1733


    Lan Y, Zhang Y J, Dong W S, Lu W T, Liu H Y, Zheng D 2011 J. Geophys. Res. 116 17109


    Makela J S, Edirisingheb M, Fernandob M, Montanoc R, Coorayc V 2007 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 69 707


    Willett J, Bailey J, Leteinturier C, Krider E 1990 J. Geophys. Res. 95 20367


    Liu H Y, Dong W S, Zhang Y J, Zheng D, Yan B W, Shi Y H, Wu T 2013 Plateau meteorology. 32 1186 (in Chinese) [刘恒毅, 董万胜, 张义军, 郑栋, 严碧武, 石玉恒, 吴亭 2013 高原气象 32 1186]


    Wiedman C D 1982 Ph. D. Dissertion (University of Arizona.)


    Bailey J, Willett J C, Krider E P, Leteinturier C 1988 paper presented at 8th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity Uppsala, Sweden 13-16


    Rakov V A, Uman M A 1990 J. Geophys. Res. 95 5447


    Cao D J, Qie X S, Duan S, Xuan Y J, Wang D F 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 069202 (in Chinese) [曹冬杰, 郄秀书, 段树, 宣越建, 王东方 2012 61 069202]


    Li W L, Liu D X, Qie X S, Fu S M, Duan S, Chen Y C 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 059202 (in Chinese) [李万莉, 刘冬霞, 郄秀书, 傅慎明, 段树, 陈羿辰 2012 61 059202]


    Wang D H, Qie X S, Guo C M 2000 Lightning and artificial triggering lightning. (Shanghai: Shanghai Jiaotong University Press) P133 (in Chinese) [王道洪, 郄秀书, 郭昌明 2000 雷电与人工引雷(上海: 上海交通大学出版社)第133页]


    Chen W M 2003 Principles of lightning (second edition)(Beijing: China Meteorological Press P195 (in Chinese) [陈渭民 2003 雷电学原理(第二版)(北京: 气象出版社)第195页]

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  • 收稿日期:  2013-08-03
  • 修回日期:  2013-09-17
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