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洪杰 刘宝龙 张大义 马艳红



洪杰, 刘宝龙, 张大义, 马艳红

Research on the shape memory effect and thermalelasticity of a novel intellectual damping material

Hong Jie, Liu Bao-Long, Zhang Da-Yi, Ma Yan-Hong
  • 将传统金属橡胶制备工艺和形状记忆合金材料相结合, 研制了一种新型智能阻尼材料记忆合金金属橡胶, 并对其成型工艺、形状记忆效应、热弹性力学性能及参数影响规律进行了试验研究. 研究表明, 作为一种特殊的金属橡胶, 该材料不仅具备普通金属橡胶高阻尼、低密度、孔隙度可控等优点, 同时具备普通金属橡胶所不具备的智能材料特征: 1)良好的单程形状记忆效应, 该材料在大载荷加载后的残余塑性变形可以在升温过程中完全恢复; 2) 弹性模量和损耗因子具有温变特性, 在相变温度区间内弹性模量和损耗因子随温度近似线性变化. 由于同时具备金属橡胶和形状记忆合金两大金属类功能材料的优点, 形状记忆合金金属橡胶成为一种可应用于振动主动控制、 集良好承载能力和阻尼特性于一身、具有结构功能一体化优 势的新型智能阻尼材料.
    In this paper, we introduce a novel intellectual damping materialshape memory alloy metal rubber (SMAMR), which is made from the shape memory alloy through the process similar to that for metal rubber. The shape craft, shape memory effect and mechanical properties are tested and discussed. The results show that the SMAMR has the combination properties of both shape memory alloy and metal rubber, such as high elasticity and damping capacity, low density, designable porosity, shape memory effect, and temperature dependent mechanical properties. The SMAMR not only has modulus and loss factor varying linearly with temperature during the phase transformation between Martensite and Austenite, which is quite available in the active control of vibration; but also has the modulus and loss factor large enough to be used as bearing structure. So the SMAMR is a significant integration of both functional material and structural material, and is quite attractive in active vibration control.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 51101008, 51105022, 51211130115)和凡舟青年科研基金(批准号: 20110402)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51101008, 51105022, 51211130115) and Fanzhou Research Fund, China (Grant No. 20110402).

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    Ma Y H, Hong J, Zhang D Y, Wang H 2007 Proceedings of ASME TURBO EXPO Montreal, Canada, May 14-17, 2007 27585


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    Yan X J 2000 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics) (in Chinese) [闫晓军 2000 博士学位论文 (北京:北京航空航天大学)]


    Liu D H 1990 Application of Viscoelastic Damping in Vibration and Noise Reduction (Beijing: Astronautic Publishing House) p51 (in Chinease) [刘棣华 1990粘弹阻尼减振降噪应用技术 (北京: 宇航出版社)第51页]

  • [1]

    He H M, Wang Y B, Shen Q, Huang Z X, Zhang L M 2008 Mate. Rev. 22 41(in Chinese) [何慧敏, 王雁冰, 沈强, 黄志雄, 张联盟 2008 材料导报 22 41]


    Liu Q B, Lu X P 2007 China Elastomerics 17 76 (in Chinese) [刘巧宾, 卢秀萍 2007弹性体 17 76]


    Jiang J H, Yin D M, Zhang X J 2010 FRP/CM 4 76 (in Chinese) [蒋鞠慧, 尹冬梅, 张雄军 2010 玻璃钢/复合材料 4 76]


    Chegodayev D E (translated by Li Z Y) 2000 The Designing of Components Made of Metal Rubber (Beijing: Publishing Company of National Defence Industry) p99 (in Chinese) [契戈达耶夫 D·E 著 (李中郢译) 2000 金属橡胶构件的设计 (北京: 国防工业出版社)第99页]


    Zhong W Z, He K J, Zhou Z Y, Xia W, Li Y Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 5155 (in Chinese) [钟文镇,何克晶,周照耀,夏伟,李元元 2009 58 5155]


    Yan H, Jiang H Y, Liu W J, Ulannov A M 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 5238 (in Chinese) [闫辉, 姜洪源,刘文剑, Ulannov A M 2009 58 5238]


    Ma Y H, Hong J, Zhang D Y, Wang H 2007 Proceedings of ASME TURBO EXPO Montreal, Canada, May 14-17, 2007 27585


    Hong J, Zhu B, Ma Y H 2011 Proceedings of ASME TURBO EXPO Vancouver, Canada, June 6-10, 45772


    Zhu B, Ma Y H, Zhang D Y, Hong J 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 078101 (in Chinese) [朱彬, 马艳红, 张大义, 洪杰 2012 61 078101]


    Yan X J, Nie J X 2003 Smart Mater. Struct. 12 N14


    Bugra E, Luo H, Darren H 2009 Proceedings of the 17th American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Palm Springs, California, May 4-7, 2009 2521


    Yan X J 2000 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics) (in Chinese) [闫晓军 2000 博士学位论文 (北京:北京航空航天大学)]


    Liu D H 1990 Application of Viscoelastic Damping in Vibration and Noise Reduction (Beijing: Astronautic Publishing House) p51 (in Chinease) [刘棣华 1990粘弹阻尼减振降噪应用技术 (北京: 宇航出版社)第51页]

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  • 收稿日期:  2012-04-08
  • 修回日期:  2012-05-25
  • 刊出日期:  2012-08-05

