利用交流电化学沉积方法在氧化铝模板中制备了一维结构的FexCo1-x(0 x 0.51)二元合金纳米线阵列.X射线衍射结果显示,单质Co纳米线为(100)择优取向的hcp结构,FeCo合金纳米线则呈现(110)择优取向的bcc结构,而且衍射峰随纳米线中Fe含量的增加向低角度偏移.室温磁性测量结果显示, FeCo合金纳米线具有较好的磁特性.与Co纳米线相比,Fe的引入改善了Co纳米线的磁性能,使其呈现出较大的矫顽力和较高的矩形比.采用一致转动模型和对称扇形机理的球链模型分别计算了FeCo合金纳米线的矫顽力, 发现其磁化反转机理与对称扇形机理的球链模型相符合.Arrays of FexCo1-x( 0 x 0.51) binary alloy nanowires are fabricated into the (anodic aluminum oxide) AAO template pores by AC electrodeposition. The XRD pattern indicates that the crystallite structure of Co nanowire is hcp with existence of strong (100) orientation along the nanowire axis. While the crystallites structure of FeCo binary alloy nanowires is bcc with existence of strong (110) orientation along the nanowire axes. The peaks shift toward the lower angle when the Fe content of nanowire increases. At room temperature, magnetic measurement results show that FeCo alloy nanowires exhibit excellent magnetic properties. The introduction of Fe improves the magnetic property of Co nanowire compared with that of the Co nanowire. FeCo binary alloy nanowire has a larger coercive force and squareness ratio. The coercivity of the FeCo alloy nanowire is calculated by using a magnetization reversal model based on chains of spheres with coherence rotation mechanism and symmetric fanning mechanism. The magnetization reversal mechanism is supported by chains of spheres with symmetric fanning mechanism.
- alloy nanowire /
- AC electrodeposition /
- magnetization reversal
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[1] Whitnet T M, Jiang J S, Searson P C, Chien C L 1993 Science 261 1316
[2] Tanase M, Silevitch D M, Hultgren A, Bauer L A, Searson P C, Meyer G J, Reich D H 2002 J. Appl. Phys. 91 8549
[3] Blondel A, Meier J P, Doudin B, Ansermet P 1994 Appl. Phys. Lett. 65 3019
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[5] Wang P P, Gao L M, Qiu Z Y, Song X P, Wang L Q, Yang S, Murakami R I 2008 J. Appl. Phys. 104 064304
[6] Yuan S J, Zhou S M, Lu M 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 0891 (in Chinese) [袁淑娟, 周仕明, 鹿牧 2006 55 0891]
[7] Yue G H, Wang L S, Wang X, Chen Y Z, Peng D L 2009 J. Appl. Phys. 105 074312
[8] Thongmee S, Pang H L, Yi J B, Ding J, Lin J Y, Van L H 2009 Acta Materialia 57 2482
[9] Fu X L, Wang Y, Li P G, Chen L M, Zhang H Y, Tu Q Y, Li L H, Tang W H 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 1693 (in Chinese) [符秀丽, 王懿, 李培刚, 陈雷明, 张海英, 涂清云,L.H. Li, 唐为华 2005 54 1693]
[10] Hideki Masuda, Kenji Fukuda 1995 Science 268 1466
[11] Liu L H, Li H T, Fan S H, Gu J J, Li Y P, Sun H Y 2009 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 321 3511
[12] Furneaux R C, Rigby W R, Davidson A P 1989 Nature 337 147
[13] Yao W J, Dai F P, Wei B B 2007 Chem. Phys. Lett. 24 508
[14] Carc′ia J M, Thiaville A, Miltat J 2002 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 249 163
[15] Qin D H, Peng Y, Cao L, Li H L 2003 Chem. Phys. Lett. 374 661
[16] Almasi Kashi M, Ramazani A, Es’haghi F, Ghanbari S, Esmaeily A S 2010 Physica B 405 2620
[17] Tan D H, Peng Y, Wang C W, Li H L 2001 Acta Phys. Sin. 50 144 (in Chinese) [覃东欢, 彭勇, 王成伟, 力虎林 2001 50 144]
[18] Peng Y, Zhang H L, Pan S L, Li H L 2000 J. Appl. Phys. 87 7405
[19] Zhan Q F, Chen Z Y, Xue D S, Li F S 2002 Phys. Rev. B 66 134436
[20] Jacobs I S, Bean C P 1955 Phys. Rev. 100 1060
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