通过对声音的主观评价与客观分析而建立的主观感受数学模型,在许多领域都有重要的应用. 本文采用多元线性回归分析手段对水下噪声音色属性建立回归模型,提取音色特征并改善水下目标的识别效果. 首先,在前期水下噪声音色属性主观评价实验的基础上,将构成音色属性空间的5个成分的评价分值作为回归分析中的因变量,提取大量与听觉感知相关的听觉特征作为自变量;然后,通过相关分析和改进的逐步筛选法,挑选出反映音色属性的“最优”自变量子集;最后,利用向后剔除回归分析和水下目标识别实验,确定适当的音色模型,并通过假设检验证明该线性模型不仅正确有效,而且能改善水下目标识别效果.Timbre attribute is the most important feature to recognize a target. This paper presents a model of timbre features by multiple regression analysis applied in the recognition of underwater noise. At first, timbre attribute as a dependent variable is analyzed by the semantic differential evaluation and principal component analysis. And then an extended stepwise variables selection is proposed to select the optimal set as independent variables from auditory features that have been discussed in previous researches. Finally, the timbre features extracted by the regression model are used to recognize the underwater target. The results show that the extended regression analysis as a statistical method can find the relationship between timbre attribute and the auditory features. And the modeling timbre features calculated by several statistics of the sub-spectral features and the sub-temporal features are more effective than other features.
- timbre /
- multivariate linear regression /
- subjective evaluation
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[25] ]Giannakis K 2001 Ph. D. Dissertation (Middlesex: Middlesex University)
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[29] ]Gao H X 2005 Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (Beijing: Peking University Press) p105 (in Chinese) [高惠璇 2005 应用多元统计分析 (北京:北京大学出版社) 第105页]
[1] [1]Zhou L W 2004 Targets Detection and Recognition (Beijing: Beijing Institute of Technology Press) (in Chinese) [周立伟 2004 目标探测与识别(北京:北京理工大学出版社)]
[2] [2]Cai Y B, Zhang M Z, Shi X Z, Lin L J 1999 Acta Electron. Sin. 27 129 (in Chinese)[蔡悦斌、张明之、史习智、林良骥 1999 电子学报 27 129]
[3] [3]Fan Y Y, Sun J C, Li P A, Xu J D, Shang J H 1999 Acta Acostica 24 611 (in Chinese)[樊养余、孙进才、李平安、许家栋、尚久浩 1999 声学学报 24 611]
[4] [4]Collier G L 2004 Speech Commun. 43 297
[5] [5]Zwicker H E, Fastl H 1999 Psychoacoustics: Facts and Models (Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Press)
[6] [6]Park T H 2004 Ph. D. Dissertation (Princeton : Princeton University)
[7] [7]Wang N 2006 M. S. Thesis (Xi’an: Northwestern Polytechnical University) (in Chinese) [王娜 2006 硕士学位论文 (西安:西北工业大学)]
[8] [8]Houtsma A J M 1997 J. New Music Res. 26 104
[9] [9]Chen K A, Wang N, Wang J C 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 5075 (in Chinese) [陈克安、王娜、王金昌 2009 58 5075]
[10] ]Grey J M 1977 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 61 1270
[11] ]Daniel J F 1990 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 87 311
[12] ]Mcadams S, Winsberg S, Donnadieu S, Soete G D, Krimphoff J 1995 Psychol. Res.58 177
[13] ]Caclin A, McAdams S, Smith B K, Winsberg S 2005 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 118 471
[14] ]Agostini G, Longari M, Pollastri E 2003 Eu. Assoc. Sign. Proc.: J. Appl. Signal Proc. 1 5
[15] ]Jensen K 1999 Ph. D. Dissertation (Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen)
[16] ]Aucouturier J J, Pachet F, Sandler M 2005 IEEE Trans. Multimed. 7 1028
[17] ]Burred J J 2008 Ph. D. Dissertation (Berlin: Technical University Berlin)
[18] ]Chen K A, Ma M, Zhang Y N, Wang N, Yan L 2008 Acta Acostica 33 348 (in Chinese) [陈克安、马苗、张燕妮、王娜、闫靓 2008 声学学报 33 348]
[19] ]Wang N, Chen K A, Huang H 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 5730 (in Chinese) [王娜、陈克安、黄凰 2009 58 5730]
[20] ]Victor W Y, Paul C H 2007 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122 1502
[21] ]Eronen A, Klapuri A 2000 Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Istanbul, Turkey, June 5—9, 2000 p753
[22] ]Zhang X, Zbigniew W R 2007 International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering Seoul, Korea, April 26—28, 2007 p3
[23] ]Tindate A, Kapur A, Fuinaga I 2004 International Computer Music Conference Miami, Florida, USA, November 1—6, 2004 p592
[24] ]Toh A M, Togneri R, Nordholm S 2005 Proceedings of Postgraduate Electrical Engineering and Computing Symposium Perth, Australia, September 7—10, 2005 p22
[25] ]Giannakis K 2001 Ph. D. Dissertation (Middlesex: Middlesex University)
[26] ]Liu D, Lu L, Zhang H J 2003 Proceeding of International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval Baltimore, Maryland, USA, October 27—30, 2003 p81
[27] ]Wang N, Chen K A 2009 J. Syst. Sim. 21 3128 (in Chinese)[王娜、陈克安 2009 系统仿真学报 21 3128]
[28] ]Wang N, Chen K A 2009 Acta Armament. 30 144 (in Chinese)[王娜、陈克安 2009 兵工学报 30 144]
[29] ]Gao H X 2005 Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (Beijing: Peking University Press) p105 (in Chinese) [高惠璇 2005 应用多元统计分析 (北京:北京大学出版社) 第105页]
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