半导体量子点量子比特是最有希望实现量子计算的候选者之一. 其中自旋单态-三重态量子比特因具有全电控制和读取准确的优良性质而备受关注. 为增强对电荷噪声的免疫, 通常引进强脉冲驱动以尽可能加快门操作速度. 但是, 强驱动脉冲引起的复杂动力学导致旋波近似不再适用, 反而会阻碍高保真度比特操作的实现. 本文提出了一种增加简单的正交脉冲的方法, 可以很好地抑制强驱动引起的高频振荡项的操作错误. 数值计算结果表明, NOT门的保真度在无噪声时可达99.99%且操作时间只需2 ns. 特别地, 即便电荷噪声强度到了
$ 2\ \mu{\rm{eV}} $ 的水平, NOT门的平均保真度也可高于99.9%. 值得注意的是, 该方案同时也适用于任意单比特量子门的优化. 因此, 本文的脉冲优化方案将有助于获得快速高保真度的自旋单态-三重态量子比特.-
- 单态-三重态量子比特 /
- 量子单比特门 /
- 强驱动
Semiconductor quantum dot qubits are one of the most promising candidates for quantum computing. Among them, singlet-triplet qubits have attracted much attention due to their excellent properties of all-electric control and accurate readout. To improve qubit immunity to charge noise, strong driving pulses are usually introduced to make operation as fast as possible. However, the complex dynamics induced by strong driving pulses make the rotating wave approximation inapplicable and hinder the implementation of high-fidelity qubit operation. In this work, we present a method of utilizing simple quadrature pulses to correct errors of high-frequency oscillatory terms induced by strong driving. A scheme to obtain these pulses is proposed based on a full quantization of the system and derivative removal by adiabatic gate (DRAG) theory, as the former clarifies the elementary processes of strong driving effects and enables the latter to find correction pulse shapes. The numerical simulation results show that, a NOT gate with 99.99% fidelity and gate time as short as 2 ns can be achieved with the help of the control pulses of this method, which indicates that the control error brought by strong driving is no longer a limiting factor. In particular, NOT gate fidelity higher than 99.9% is achievable even when the charge noise is at a level of$ 2\ \mu{\rm{eV}} $ . Notice that this method can be applied to any resonant-driving single-qubit rotation but not just NOT gates. Therefore, our approach will facilitate qubits to realize fast, high-fidelity single-qubit gates under charge noise.-
- singlet-triplet qubit /
- single-qubit quantum gate /
- strong driving
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图 2 (a)无噪声时和(b)电荷噪声下的NOT门表现. 频率修正和脉冲修正分别指文献[24]和本文所用的修正方案. 实线和虚线分别对应
$\varOmega_x$ 脉冲的包络为高斯型和三角函数型. 图(a)右下角的插入图为高斯型$\varOmega_x$ 及其对应的$\varOmega_y$ 的示意图. 所用参数为$V_{01}=0.6402$ ,$V_{0 {\rm{f}}}=0.5309$ , V1f = 0.0014Fig. 2. NOT gate performance under (a) noise-free and (b) charge noise. The frequency correction and the pulse correction refers to the correction scheme used in Ref. [24] and this work, respectively. The Gaussian and trigonometric
$\varOmega_x$ pulse envelopes are represented by the solid and dashed lines, respectively. The bottem right insert in panel (a) is a diagram of Gaussian$\varOmega_x$ and its corresponding$\varOmega_y$ . Parameters:$ V_ {01} = 0.6402 $ ,$ V_ {0 {\rm{f}}} = 0.5309 $ ,$ V_ {1 {\rm{f}}} = 0.0014 $ . -
[1] Chatterjee A, Stevenson P, De Franceschi S, Morello A, de Leon N, Kuemmeth F 2021 Nat. Rev. Phys. 3 157
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[2] 王保传, 陈明博, 曹刚, 郭国平 2018 物理 47 725
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Wang B C, Chen M B, Cao G, Guo G P 2018 PHYSICS.47 725
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[3] 王宁, 王保传, 郭国平 2022 71 230301
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Wang N, Wang B C, Guo G P 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 230301
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[4] Yoneda J, Takeda K, Otsuka T, et al. 2018 Nat. Nanotech. 13 102
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[5] Takeda K, Kamioka J, Otsuka T, et al. 2016 Sci. Adv. 2 e1600694
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[7] Mills A R, Guinn C R, Gullans M J, Sigillito A J, Feldman M M, Nielsen E, Petta J R 2022 Sci. Adv. 8 eabn5130
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[8] Xue X, Russ M, Samkharadze N, Undseth B, Sammak A, Scappucci G, Vandersypen L M K 2022 Nature 601 343
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[9] Noiri A, Takeda K, Nakajima T, Kobayashi T, Sammak A, Scappucci G, Tarucha S 2022 Nature 601 338
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[24] Yang Y C, Coppersmith S N, Friesen M 2017 Phys. Rev. A 95 062321
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[25] Takeda K, Noiri A, Yoneda J, Nakajima T, Tarucha S 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 117701
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[26] Xie W X, Zhang C X, Xue Z Y 2021 Ann. Phys. 533 2100054
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[27] Abadillo-Uriel, J C, King C, Coppersmith S N, Friesen M 2021 Phys. Rev. A 104 032612
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[28] Zajac D M, Sigillito A J, Russ M, Borjans F, Taylor J M, Burkard G, Petta J R 2018 Science 359 439
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[29] Bloch F, Siegert A 1940 Phys. Rev. 57 522
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[34] Nielsen M A, Chuang I L 2010 Quantum Computation and Quantum Information (10th Anniversary Ed.) (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) pp174–177
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[39] Petersson K D, Petta J R, Lu H, Gossard A C 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 246804
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