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田立强 潘璁 施卫 潘艺柯 冉恩泽 李存霞



田立强, 潘璁, 施卫, 潘艺柯, 冉恩泽, 李存霞

Mechanism of avalanche charge domain transport for nonlinear mode of GaAs photoconductive semiconductor switches

Tian Li-Qiang, Pan Cong, Shi Wei, Pan Yi-Ke, Ran En-Ze, Li Cun-Xia
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 光电导开关非线性模式的产生机理研究是该领域热点问题之一. 本文采用波长1064 nm、脉宽5 ns的激光脉冲触发半绝缘GaAs光电导开关, 在触发光能1 mJ、偏置电压2750 V时获得稳定的非线性波形. 基于双光子吸收模型, 计算了开关体内光生载流子浓度, 计算结果表明光生载流子弥补了材料本征载流子的不足, 在开关体内形成由光生载流子参与的电荷畴. 依据转移电子效应原理, 对畴内的峰值电场进行了计算, 结果表明高浓度载流子可使畴内峰值电场远高于材料的本征击穿场强, 致使畴内发生强烈的雪崩电离. 基于光激发雪崩畴模型, 对非线性模式的典型实验规律进行了解释, 理论与实验一致. 基于漂移扩散模型和负微分电导率效应, 对触发瞬态开关体内电场进行仿真, 结果表明开关体内存在有峰值电场达GaAs本征击穿场强的多畴输运现象. 该研究为非线性光电导开关的产生机理及光激发电荷畴理论的完善提供实验依据和理论支撑.
    Photoconductive semiconductor switch is of significance in the fields of ultafast electronics, high-repetition rate and high-power pulse power system, and THz radiation. The mechanism of the nonlinear mode of the switch is an important area of study. In this work, stable nonlinear wave forms are obtained by a semi-insulating GaAs photoconductive semiconductor switch triggered by a 5-ns laser pulse with pulsed energy of 1 mJ at a wavelength of 1064 nm under a bias of 2750 V. Based on two-photon absorption model, the photogenerated carrier concentration is calculated. The theory analysis and calculation result show that the photogenerated carrier can compensate for the lack of intrinsic carrier, and lead to the nucleation of photo-activated charge domain. According to transferred-electron effect principium, the electric field inside and outside the domain are calculated, indicating that the electric field within the domain can reach the electric field which is much larger than intrinsic breakdown electric field of GaAs material, and results in strong impact avalanche ionization in the bulk of the GaAs switch. According to the avalanche space charge domain, the typical experimental phenomena of nonlinear mode for GaAs switch are analyzed and calculated, the analysis and calculations are in excellent agreement with the experimental results. Based on drift-diffusion model and negative differential conductivity effect, the transient electric field in the bulk of the switch is simulated numerically under the optical triggering condition. The simulation results show that there are moving multiple charge domains with a peak electric filed as high as the intrinsic breakdown electric field of GaAs within the switch. This work provides the experimental evidence and theoretical support for studying the generation mechanism of the nonlinear photoconductive semiconductor switch and the improvement of the photo-activated charge domain theory.
      通信作者: 田立强, tianliqiang@xaut.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (批准号: 61427814, 61076087, 41975040)和中国博士后科学基金(批准号: 20100481349)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Tian Li-Qiang, tianliqiang@xaut.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61427814, 61076087, 41975040) and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 20100481349).

    Sun G X, Wang X, Ding W D, Yan J Q, Shen S K, and Nie S H 2023 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 70 765Google Scholar


    Shi W, Tian L Q, Liu Z, Zhang L Q, Zhang Z Z, Zhou L J, Liu H W, Xie W P 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 043511Google Scholar


    Han K H, Zhao W J, Zeng X, Chu E Y, Jiao Q J 2023 IEEE T. Power Electron. 38 3375Google Scholar


    Loubriel G M, Zutavern F J, Baca A G, Hjalmarson H P, Plut T A, Helgeson W D, O’Malley M W, Ruebush M H, and Brown D J 1997 IEEE T. Plasma Sci. 25 124Google Scholar


    Zhang D H, Xu Z, Cheng G, Liu Z, Gutierrez A R, Zang W, Norris T B, Zhong Z H 2022 Nat. Commun. 13 6404Google Scholar


    Lu P K, Jiang X H, Zhao Y F, Turan D, Jarrahi M 2022 Appl. Phys. Lett. 120 261107Google Scholar


    Woo K, Malakoutian M, Reeves B A, Chowdhury S 2022 Appl. Phys. Lett. 120 112104Google Scholar


    桂淮濛, 施卫 2019 68 194206Google Scholar

    Gui H M, Shi W 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 194206Google Scholar


    Tian L Q, Shi W, Feng Q Q 2011 J. Appl. Phys. 110 094507Google Scholar


    施卫, 田立强, 王馨梅, 徐鸣, 马德明, 周良骥, 刘宏伟, 谢卫平 2009 58 1219Google Scholar

    Shi W, Tian L Q, Wang X M, Xu M, Ma D M, Zhou L J, Liu H W, Xie W P 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1219Google Scholar


    Zutavern F J, Glover S F, Reed K W, Cich M J, Mar A, Swalby M E, Saiz T A, Horry M L, Gruner F R, White F E 2008 IEEE T. Plasma Sci. 36 2533Google Scholar


    Kelkar K S, Islam N E, Fessler C M, Nunnally W C 2006 J. Appl. Phys. 100 124905Google Scholar


    Liu R J, Shang A N, Chen C J, Lee Y G, Yin S Z 2021 Opt. Lett. 46 825Google Scholar


    王志权, 施卫 2022 71 188704

    Wang Z Q and Shi W 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 188704


    施卫, 马湘蓉, 薛红 2010 59 5700Google Scholar

    Shi W, Ma X R, Xue H 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 5700Google Scholar


    Kelkar K, Islam N E, Kirawanich P, Fessler C M, Nunnally W C, Kemp W T, Sharma A K 2007 IEEE T. Plasma Sci. 35 93Google Scholar


    Chao J H, Zhu W B, Chen C J, Lee Y G, Shang A N, Yin S Z, Hoffman R C 2018 Opt. Lett. 43 3929Google Scholar


    Hu L, Su J C, Qiu R C, Fang X 2018 IEEE T. Electron Dev. 65 1308Google Scholar


    Chowdhury A R, Dickens J C, Neuber A A, Ness R, Joshi R P 2018 J. Appl. Phys. 123 085703Google Scholar


    施卫, 薛红, 马湘蓉 2009 58 8554Google Scholar

    Shi W, Xue H, Ma X R 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 8554Google Scholar


    Sun Y, Hu L, Li Y D, Zhu L, Dang X, Hao Q S, Li X 2022 J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 55 215103Google Scholar


    Shi W, Tian L Q 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 89 202103Google Scholar


    Bosch B G, Engelmann R W H 1975 Gunn-Effect Electrics (Pitman: Bath) p23


    Kroemer H 1965 Proc. IEEE 53 1246Google Scholar


    Sze S M 1981 Physics of Semiconductor Devices (2nd Ed.) (New York: Wiley & Sons) p652


    Liu X H, Shi B, Jia G, Chen Z G, Ren C, Zhang Y H, Cao K, Zhao J X 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 101109Google Scholar


    Garcia H, Kalyanaraman R 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 111114Google Scholar


    Montoya J, Hu Q 2004 J. Appl. Phys. 95 2230Google Scholar


    Islam N E, Schamiloglu E, Fleddermann C B, Schoenberg J S H, Joshi R P 1999 J. Appl. Phys. 86 1754Google Scholar


    Gunn J B 1967 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices ED-14 720


    Copeland J A 1966 J. Appl. Phys. 37 3602Google Scholar


    Vainshtein S, Yuferev V, Palankovski V, Ong D S, Kostamovaara J 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 062114Google Scholar


    Zhao H M, Hadizad P, Hur J H, Gundersen M A 1993 J. Appl. Phys. 73 1807Google Scholar


    Vainshtein S, Kostamovaara J, Sveshnikov Y, Gurevich S, Kulagina M, Yuferev V, Shestak L, Sverdlov M 2004 Electron. Lett. 40 85Google Scholar


    Zutavern F, Loubriel G, McLaughlin D, Helgeson W, O’Malley M 1992 Proc. SPIE 1632 152Google Scholar


    Zutavern F J, Loubriel G M, O'Malley M W, Helgeson W D, Mclaughlin D L 1991 Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Conference on Pulsed Power San Diego, CA, USA, June 16–19, 1991 p23


    Tian L Q, Wang H Q, Jing D, Pan C, Shi W, Zhang C 2021 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 68 2189Google Scholar

  • 图 1  光电导开关的结构示意图

    Fig. 1.  Diagram of the structure of the lateral switch.

    图 2  光电导开关的测试电路

    Fig. 2.  Test circuit of the switch.

    图 3  偏置电压为500 V、触发光能为1 mJ时, 开关输出的50次重叠线性波形

    Fig. 3.  Superposed linear waveform of fifty times output from the switch under the bias of 500 V and trigger optical pulse energy of 1 mJ.

    图 4  偏置电压为2750 V, 触发光能为1 mJ时, 开关输出的50次重叠非线性波形, ΔU为偏置电压涨落引起的开关输出电压变化

    Fig. 4.  Superposed nonlinear waveform of fifty times output from the switch under the bias of 2750 V and trigger optical pulse energy of 1 mJ, ΔU is the uncertainty limit of output voltage caused by bias voltage fluctuation.

    图 5  电场呈三角形分布的空间电荷畴的示意图, Ep为畴内峰值电场, E0为畴外电场, Wd为畴宽, υs为载流子饱和漂移速度, x1x2分别为电荷畴后端和前端位置坐标

    Fig. 5.  Schematic of the space charge domains with a triangular shape electric field distribution, Ep is the peak electric field within the domain, E0 denotes the external electric field of the domain, and υs indicates the saturation drift velocity of the carriers, x1 and x2 represent the posterior and anterior position coordinates of the charge domain, respectively.

    图 6  雪崩畴模型, 区域A为稳态雪崩畴区, 区域B为种子畴, 区域C为未电离区

    Fig. 6.  Avalanche charge domain model, region A is steady state avalanche charge domain, region B is seed charge domain, region C is unionized area.

    图 7  触发光功率为106 W, 光触发后360 ps时开关体内载流子浓度分布

    Fig. 7.  Snapshots of the carriers concentration profile in the bulk of switch at 360 ps after the optical trigger and under a trigger optical power of 106 W.

    图 8  器件触发后300, 360和420 ps时开关体内瞬变电场分布, d1d2分别子畴和主畴的宽度, υ为电荷畴的漂移速度

    Fig. 8.  Snapshots of the electric field profiles in the bulk of the switch at 300, 360 and 420 ps, respectively after the switch triggered by the light. Here, d1 and d2 denote the width of subsidiary charge domain and main charge domain, repectively, and υ is drift velocity of the charge domain.

  • [1]

    Sun G X, Wang X, Ding W D, Yan J Q, Shen S K, and Nie S H 2023 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 70 765Google Scholar


    Shi W, Tian L Q, Liu Z, Zhang L Q, Zhang Z Z, Zhou L J, Liu H W, Xie W P 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 043511Google Scholar


    Han K H, Zhao W J, Zeng X, Chu E Y, Jiao Q J 2023 IEEE T. Power Electron. 38 3375Google Scholar


    Loubriel G M, Zutavern F J, Baca A G, Hjalmarson H P, Plut T A, Helgeson W D, O’Malley M W, Ruebush M H, and Brown D J 1997 IEEE T. Plasma Sci. 25 124Google Scholar


    Zhang D H, Xu Z, Cheng G, Liu Z, Gutierrez A R, Zang W, Norris T B, Zhong Z H 2022 Nat. Commun. 13 6404Google Scholar


    Lu P K, Jiang X H, Zhao Y F, Turan D, Jarrahi M 2022 Appl. Phys. Lett. 120 261107Google Scholar


    Woo K, Malakoutian M, Reeves B A, Chowdhury S 2022 Appl. Phys. Lett. 120 112104Google Scholar


    桂淮濛, 施卫 2019 68 194206Google Scholar

    Gui H M, Shi W 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 194206Google Scholar


    Tian L Q, Shi W, Feng Q Q 2011 J. Appl. Phys. 110 094507Google Scholar


    施卫, 田立强, 王馨梅, 徐鸣, 马德明, 周良骥, 刘宏伟, 谢卫平 2009 58 1219Google Scholar

    Shi W, Tian L Q, Wang X M, Xu M, Ma D M, Zhou L J, Liu H W, Xie W P 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1219Google Scholar


    Zutavern F J, Glover S F, Reed K W, Cich M J, Mar A, Swalby M E, Saiz T A, Horry M L, Gruner F R, White F E 2008 IEEE T. Plasma Sci. 36 2533Google Scholar


    Kelkar K S, Islam N E, Fessler C M, Nunnally W C 2006 J. Appl. Phys. 100 124905Google Scholar


    Liu R J, Shang A N, Chen C J, Lee Y G, Yin S Z 2021 Opt. Lett. 46 825Google Scholar


    王志权, 施卫 2022 71 188704

    Wang Z Q and Shi W 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 188704


    施卫, 马湘蓉, 薛红 2010 59 5700Google Scholar

    Shi W, Ma X R, Xue H 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 5700Google Scholar


    Kelkar K, Islam N E, Kirawanich P, Fessler C M, Nunnally W C, Kemp W T, Sharma A K 2007 IEEE T. Plasma Sci. 35 93Google Scholar


    Chao J H, Zhu W B, Chen C J, Lee Y G, Shang A N, Yin S Z, Hoffman R C 2018 Opt. Lett. 43 3929Google Scholar


    Hu L, Su J C, Qiu R C, Fang X 2018 IEEE T. Electron Dev. 65 1308Google Scholar


    Chowdhury A R, Dickens J C, Neuber A A, Ness R, Joshi R P 2018 J. Appl. Phys. 123 085703Google Scholar


    施卫, 薛红, 马湘蓉 2009 58 8554Google Scholar

    Shi W, Xue H, Ma X R 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 8554Google Scholar


    Sun Y, Hu L, Li Y D, Zhu L, Dang X, Hao Q S, Li X 2022 J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 55 215103Google Scholar


    Shi W, Tian L Q 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 89 202103Google Scholar


    Bosch B G, Engelmann R W H 1975 Gunn-Effect Electrics (Pitman: Bath) p23


    Kroemer H 1965 Proc. IEEE 53 1246Google Scholar


    Sze S M 1981 Physics of Semiconductor Devices (2nd Ed.) (New York: Wiley & Sons) p652


    Liu X H, Shi B, Jia G, Chen Z G, Ren C, Zhang Y H, Cao K, Zhao J X 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 101109Google Scholar


    Garcia H, Kalyanaraman R 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 111114Google Scholar


    Montoya J, Hu Q 2004 J. Appl. Phys. 95 2230Google Scholar


    Islam N E, Schamiloglu E, Fleddermann C B, Schoenberg J S H, Joshi R P 1999 J. Appl. Phys. 86 1754Google Scholar


    Gunn J B 1967 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices ED-14 720


    Copeland J A 1966 J. Appl. Phys. 37 3602Google Scholar


    Vainshtein S, Yuferev V, Palankovski V, Ong D S, Kostamovaara J 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 062114Google Scholar


    Zhao H M, Hadizad P, Hur J H, Gundersen M A 1993 J. Appl. Phys. 73 1807Google Scholar


    Vainshtein S, Kostamovaara J, Sveshnikov Y, Gurevich S, Kulagina M, Yuferev V, Shestak L, Sverdlov M 2004 Electron. Lett. 40 85Google Scholar


    Zutavern F, Loubriel G, McLaughlin D, Helgeson W, O’Malley M 1992 Proc. SPIE 1632 152Google Scholar


    Zutavern F J, Loubriel G M, O'Malley M W, Helgeson W D, Mclaughlin D L 1991 Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Conference on Pulsed Power San Diego, CA, USA, June 16–19, 1991 p23


    Tian L Q, Wang H Q, Jing D, Pan C, Shi W, Zhang C 2021 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 68 2189Google Scholar

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