经典轨迹蒙特卡罗(CTMC)方法是研究离子-原子碰撞系统电荷交换过程的常用方法, 广泛应用于天体物理以及实验室等离子体环境下重粒子碰撞过程的研究. 本文利用四体碰撞模型(4-CTMC)研究了包括两个束缚电子的四体碰撞过程, 通过数值求解四体碰撞系统的哈密顿运动方程, 计算了高电荷态入射离子(Li3+, Be4+和O7+)同氦原子在大能量范围的单、双电子电离和俘获截面. H++He碰撞截面的计算中, 在50—200 keV/amu的入射能区, 4-CTMC的结果几乎重复了实验结果. 在高电荷态入射情形下, 4-CTMC计算的单电子电离和俘获截面值相较于三体碰撞模型(3-CTMC)在100—500 keV/amu的入射能区内与实验符合更好. 尽管4-CTMC和3-CTMC忽略了电子关联, 均高估了双电子电离和俘获截面(与实验值相比), 但4-CTMC的结果更接近实验.The classical trajectory Monte Carlo (CTMC) method is a common method to study the charge-transfer and impact-ionization cross sections for the collisions between ions and atoms, and the heavy particle collision in astrophysics and laboratory plasma environment. Here in this work, we use the 4-CTMC method to study a four-body collision process including two bound electrons, and the Hamiltonian equation of the four-body dynamic system is solved numerically. The single/double electron ionization and capture cross sections are calculated for collisions of high charge state ions (Li3+, Be4+ and O7+) with helium atom in a wide range of projectile energy. The calculation results show that the results from the 4-CTMC method and the experimental measurements are in better agreement in a projectile energy range of 50-200 keV/amu for proton-helium collision system. In addition, for incident ions with high charge state, the results calculated by the 4-CTMC method are in better agreement with the experimental measurements or other theoretical values in a projectile energy range of 100-500 keV/amu. Though the double ionization and capture cross sections calculated by 4-CTMC or 3-CTMC method are higher than the experimental results due to ignoring the electron correlation, the results from the 4-CTMC method are in better agreement with the experimental results.
- high charge state ion /
- 4-CTMC /
- charge transfer process
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表 1 4-CTMC程序中反应类型判据方法
Table 1. Criteria followed for the determination of reactions in 4-CTMC method.
反应类型 ECB EDB ECA EDA 双电子激发 C和D被激发 < 0 < 0 ≥ 0 ≥ 0 双电子俘获 C和D被俘获 ≥ 0 ≥ 0 < 0 < 0 单电子俘获 C被俘获、D被激发 ≥ 0 < 0 < 0 ≥ 0 D被俘获、C被激发 < 0 ≥ 0 ≥ 0 < 0 双电子电离 C和D被电离 ≥ 0 ≥ 0 ≥ 0 ≥ 0 单电子电离 C被电离、D被激发 ≥ 0 < 0 ≥ 0 ≥ 0 D被电离、C被激发 < 0 ≥ 0 ≥ 0 ≥ 0 转移电离 C被电离、D被俘获 ≥ 0 ≥ 0 ≥ 0 < 0 D被电离、C被俘获 ≥ 0 ≥ 0 < 0 ≥ 0 -
[1] Haberli R M, Gombosi T I, DeZeeuw D L, Combi M R, Powell K G 1997 Science 276 939
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[2] Cravens T E 1997 Geophys. Res. Lett. 24 105
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[5] Redmer R, Holst B, Hensel F 2010 Metal-to-Nonmetal Transitions (Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer)
[6] 程锐, 张晟, 申国栋, 陈燕红, 张延师, 陈良文, 张子民, 赵全堂, 杨建成, 王瑜玉, 雷瑜, 林平, 杨杰, 杨磊, 马新文, 肖国青, 赵红卫, 詹文龙 2020 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 50 14
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Cheng R, Zhang S, Shen G D, Chen Y H, Zhang Y S, Chen L W, Zhang Z M, Zhao Q T, Yang J C, Wang Y Y, Lei Y, Lin P, Yang J, Yang L, Ma X W, Xiao G Q, Zhao H W, Zhan W L 2020 Sci. Sin.-Phys. Mech. Astron. 50 14
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