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何婷 田博宇 邱蝶 张彬



何婷, 田博宇, 邱蝶, 张彬

Novel method of improving beam quality of thin-wall tube laser based on right-angle cone deformable mirror

He Ting, Tian Bo-Yu, Qiu Die, Zhang Bin
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 针对大遮拦比窄环宽薄管激光光束质量提升需求, 提出了一种基于直角锥面变形镜的薄管激光光束质量提升新方法. 采用直角锥面实现薄管激光离轴像差的自校正, 再利用驱动单元控制直角锥面变形镜的形变来进一步校正残余像差, 进而实现对薄管激光光束质量的提升. 以48单元直角锥面变形镜为例, 利用有限元分析方法建立了直角锥面变形镜的物理模型, 分析了直角锥面变形镜对薄管激光畸变波前的校正能力. 结果表明, 基于直角锥面变形镜的薄管激光光束质量提升新方法能够有效校正大遮拦比窄环宽薄管激光的波前畸变, 显著提升薄管激光光束质量.
    Aiming at improving the beam quality of thin-wall tube laser, a novel method based on the right-angle cone deformable mirror is proposed. In the method, a reflector with inner right-angle conical surface is used, and the annular laser beam successively passes through the opposite sides of the tube, compensating for the off-axis aberrations of the annular laser beam. Next, the residual aberrations are corrected by the deformation of the right-angle cone mirror to further improve the beam quality. The physical model of the right-angle cone deformable mirror is built up by using the finite element analysis method, followed by optimizing the structural parameters of the right-angle cone deformable mirror. The preliminarily optimized right-angle cone deformable mirror drived by 48 actuators with a radius of 1.5 mm for each actuator and an interval of 11 mm between actuators is then utilized to correct the beam quality of the thin-wall tube laser. Results indicate that the output beam quality of the thin-wall tube laser degrades rapidly with the increasing of the tube’s concentricity error, parallelism error, taper error and source’s parallelism error. Fortunately, the beam quality is significantly improved by using the right-angle cone deformable mirror and the β factor greatly decreases. In addition, the performance of the non-ideal right-angle cone deformable mirror with a 20-μrad taper error and a 10-mrad collimation error is compared with that of the ideal mirror, and the results show that the β factor is controlled within 1.14 after having been corrected by the non-ideal right-angle cone deformable mirror. Therefore, the simulation results theoretically prove that the novel method can effectively eliminate the typical aberrations caused by the errors from fabrication and alignment and correct the wavefront distortion of the large-aperture thin-wall tube laser, thus significantly improving the beam quality.
      通信作者: 张彬, zhangbinff@sohu.com
    • 基金项目: 四川省科技计划项目(批准号: 2018JY0553)和中国科学院自适应光学重点实验室基金(批准号: LAOF1801)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Zhang Bin, zhangbinff@sohu.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Program, China (Grant No. 2018JY0553) and the Key Laboratory on Adaptive Optics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. LAOF1801)

    董俊, 王光宇, 任滢滢 2013 中国激光 40 27Google Scholar

    Dong J, Wang G Y, Ren Y Y 2013 Chin. J. Laser. 40 27Google Scholar


    Wittrock U, Weber H, Eppich B 1991 Opt. Lett. 16 1092Google Scholar


    Clarkson W A, Shori R K, Savich M 2015 Conference on Solid State Lasers San Francisco, USA, February 7, 2015 p934216


    李宁, 张伟桥, 刘洋, 唐晓军 2018 中国激光 45 17Google Scholar

    Li N, Zhang W Q, Liu Y, Tang X J 2018 Chin. J. Las. 45 17Google Scholar


    李密, 周唐建, 徐浏, 高清松, 章健, 邬映臣, 汪丹, 胡浩, 唐淳, 于益, 吴振海, 李建民, 石勇, 赵娜 2018 光学学报 38 198Google Scholar

    Li M, Zhou T J, Xu L, Gao Q S, Zhang J, Wu Y C, Wang D, Hu H, Tang C, Yu Y, Wu Z H, Li J M, Shi Y, Zhao N 2018 Acta Opt. Sin. 38 198Google Scholar


    Tian B Y, Zhong Z Q, Huang C 2019 IEEE Photonics J. 11 1Google Scholar


    Burger L, Litvin I, Ngcobo S, Forbes A 2015 J. Opt. 17 015604Google Scholar


    Cornelissen S A, Bierden P A, Bifano T G, Lam C V 2009 J. Micro-Nanolith. Mem. 8 767Google Scholar


    Tokovinin A, Thomas S, Vdovin G 2004 SPIE Proceedings Advancements in Adaptive Optics Glasgow, USA, October 25, 2004 p580


    Li M, Hu H, Gao Q S, Wang J T, Zhang J, Wu Y C, Zhou T J, Xu L, Tang C, Zhao N, Liu P 2017 IEEE Photonics J. 9 1Google Scholar


    晏虎, 雷翔, 刘文劲, 王帅, 高源, 董理治, 杨平, 许冰 2012 强激光与粒子束 24 1663Google Scholar

    Yan H, Lei X, Liu W J, Wang S, Gao Y, Dong L Z, Yang P, Xu B 2012 High Pow. Las. Part. Beam. 24 1663Google Scholar


    Yang P, Ning Y, Lei X 2010 Opt. Express 18 7121Google Scholar


    Vdovin G, Loktev M, Simonov A, Gruneisen M T, Gonglewski J D, Giles M K 2005 SPIE Optics + Photonics San Diego, USA, August 18, 2005 p5894940 B


    Wittrock U, Verpoort S 2010 Appl. Opt. 49 G37Google Scholar


    Verpoort S, Rausch P, Wittrock U 2012 SPIE Proceedings Mems Adaptive Optics VI San Francisco, USA, January 21, 2012 p852909


    Bayanna A R, Louis R E, Chatterjee S, Mathew S K, Venkatakrishnan P 2015 Appl. Opt 54 1727Google Scholar


    Lu J S, Su G 2012 SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications San Diego, USA, October 17, 2012 p84880D


    Bartsch D U, Freeman W R, Fainman Y, Zhu L, Sun P C 1999 Appl. Opt. 38 168Google Scholar


    Wallace Ce B P, Hampton P J, Bradley C H, Conan R 2006 Opt. Express 14 10132Google Scholar


    Guzmán D, Juez F, Myers R, Guesalaga A, Lasheras F S 2010 Opt. Express 18 21356Google Scholar


    Mathur V, Vangala S R, Qian X, Goodhue W D, Khoury J 2009 IEEE/LEOS International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics Tampa, USA, August 17, 2009 p156


    Hembrecht M A, He M, Kempf C J, Olivier S S, Bifano T G, Kubby J 2012 MEMS Adaptive Optics VI San Francisco, USA, February 6, 2012 p825307


    Sun C, Lei H, Wang D, Deng X, Zheng Y 2019 Opt. Express 27 9215Google Scholar


    Wittrock U, Weber H, Eppich B 1989 Fourth International Meeting of the EUREKA HPSSL Project EU226 Berlin, Germany, October 12, 1989 p1175


    Loiko P A, Yumashev K V, Kuleshov N V, Savitski V G, Calvez S, Burns D 2009 Opt. Express 17 23536Google Scholar


    Tashiro W H 2000 Opt. Commun. 175 189Google Scholar


    Tian B Y, Yu J C, Zhang B 2020 Opt. Eng. 59 1Google Scholar


    Harvey J E, Callahan G M 1978 Adaptive Optical Components I, Washington, D. C., USA, August 8, 1978 p50


    李佳, 田博宇, 余江川, 张彬 2021 中国激光 48 67Google Scholar

    Li J, Tian B Y, Yu J C 2021 Chin. J. Las. 48 67Google Scholar

  • 图 1  基于直角锥面变形镜的薄管激光畸变波前校正原理示意图

    Fig. 1.  The principle schematic diagram of tube laser distortion wavefront correction based on the right-angle cone deformable mirror.

    图 2  直角锥面变形镜驱动器分布示意图 (a) 变形镜后表面视图; (b) 变形镜侧视图

    Fig. 2.  Schematic diagram of drive units arrangement of the right-angle cone deformable mirror: (a) Rear surface of deformable mirror; (b) side view of deformable mirror

    图 3  等效变形镜示意图

    Fig. 3.  The diagram of equivalent deformable mirror.

    图 4  坐标变换示意图

    Fig. 4.  The diagram of coordinate transformation.

    图 5  薄管同心度误差为1 μm时的波像差分解及远场光强分布 (a) 薄管同心度误差1 μm时畸变波前波像差分解; (b) 远场光强分布

    Fig. 5.  The wavefront aberration decomposition and far-filed intensity distributions with the concentricity error of 1 μm: (a) The wavefront aberration decomposition; (b) far-filed intensity distribution.

    图 6  直角锥面变形镜的参数优化 (a) 环域离焦残余波前PV值随驱动器半径与主驱动器径向间距的变化; (b) 环域像散残余波前PV值随驱动器半径与主驱动器径向间距的变化

    Fig. 6.  Parameters optimization: (a) The PV variation of annular defocusing residual wavefront; (b) the PV variation of annular astigmatism residual wavefront.

    图 7  校正前后β因子变化 (a) β因子随薄管同心度误差变化; (b) β因子随薄管平行度误差变化; (c) β因子随薄管锥度误差变化; (d) β因子随光源平行度误差变化

    Fig. 7.  The curves of β factor: (a) Tube’s concentricity error; (b) tube’s parallelism error; (c) tube’s taper error; (d) source’s parallelism error.

    图 8  多误差耦合作用下校正前后远场光强分布及β因子 (a) Δx = 1 μm, Δθ = 5 μrad, Δθa = 100 μrad, Δθs = 100 μrad; (b) Δx = 0.5 μm, Δθ = 15 μrad, Δθa = 150 μrad, Δθs = 200 μrad; (c) Δx = 1 μm, Δθ = 10 μrad, Δθa = 200 μrad, Δθs = 150 μrad

    Fig. 8.  Far-filed intensity distributions and β factor before and after correction under multi-error coupling: (a) Δx = 1 μm, Δθ = 5 μrad, Δθa = 100 μrad, Δθs = 100 μrad; (b) Δx = 0.5 μm; Δθ = 15 μrad; Δθa = 150 μrad; Δθs = 200 μrad; (c) Δx = 1 μm, Δθ = 10 μrad, Δθa = 200 μrad; Δθs = 150 μrad.

    图 9  非理想直角锥面变形镜校正后远场光强分布及β因子 (a) Δx = 1 μm, Δθ = 5 μrad, Δθa = 100 μrad, Δθs = 100 μrad; (b) Δx = 0.5 μm, Δθ = 15 μrad, Δθa = 150 μrad, Δθs = 200 μrad; (c) Δx = 1 μm, Δθ = 10 μrad, Δθa = 200 μrad, Δθs = 150 μrad

    Fig. 9.  Comparisons of far-filed intensity distribution and β factor under nonideal circumstances: (a) Δx = 1 μm, Δθ = 5 μrad, Δθa = 100 μrad, Δθs = 100 μrad; (b) Δx = 0.5 μm, Δθ = 15 μrad, Δθa = 150 μrad, Δθs = 200 μrad; (c) Δx = 1 μm, Δθ = 10 μrad, Δθa = 200 μrad, Δθs = 150 μrad.

    表 1  材料力学参数

    Table 1.  Material parameters.

    Young’s mudulus/Gpa8170
    Poisson’s ratio0.170.33
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    表 2  直角锥面变形镜变形镜结构参数

    Table 2.  The parameters of the right-angle cone deformable mirror.

    ri26 mmH30.7 mm
    ro31 mmΔHsub25 mm
    α45°ΔHmain11 mm
    γ30°ΔCsub_o19.5 mm
    rDi11.2 mmΔCsub_i10.3 mm
    rDo41.8 mmΔCmain_o16.9 mm
    RDi13.2 mmΔCmain_i12.9 mm
    RDo43.8 mm
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    董俊, 王光宇, 任滢滢 2013 中国激光 40 27Google Scholar

    Dong J, Wang G Y, Ren Y Y 2013 Chin. J. Laser. 40 27Google Scholar


    Wittrock U, Weber H, Eppich B 1991 Opt. Lett. 16 1092Google Scholar


    Clarkson W A, Shori R K, Savich M 2015 Conference on Solid State Lasers San Francisco, USA, February 7, 2015 p934216


    李宁, 张伟桥, 刘洋, 唐晓军 2018 中国激光 45 17Google Scholar

    Li N, Zhang W Q, Liu Y, Tang X J 2018 Chin. J. Las. 45 17Google Scholar


    李密, 周唐建, 徐浏, 高清松, 章健, 邬映臣, 汪丹, 胡浩, 唐淳, 于益, 吴振海, 李建民, 石勇, 赵娜 2018 光学学报 38 198Google Scholar

    Li M, Zhou T J, Xu L, Gao Q S, Zhang J, Wu Y C, Wang D, Hu H, Tang C, Yu Y, Wu Z H, Li J M, Shi Y, Zhao N 2018 Acta Opt. Sin. 38 198Google Scholar


    Tian B Y, Zhong Z Q, Huang C 2019 IEEE Photonics J. 11 1Google Scholar


    Burger L, Litvin I, Ngcobo S, Forbes A 2015 J. Opt. 17 015604Google Scholar


    Cornelissen S A, Bierden P A, Bifano T G, Lam C V 2009 J. Micro-Nanolith. Mem. 8 767Google Scholar


    Tokovinin A, Thomas S, Vdovin G 2004 SPIE Proceedings Advancements in Adaptive Optics Glasgow, USA, October 25, 2004 p580


    Li M, Hu H, Gao Q S, Wang J T, Zhang J, Wu Y C, Zhou T J, Xu L, Tang C, Zhao N, Liu P 2017 IEEE Photonics J. 9 1Google Scholar


    晏虎, 雷翔, 刘文劲, 王帅, 高源, 董理治, 杨平, 许冰 2012 强激光与粒子束 24 1663Google Scholar

    Yan H, Lei X, Liu W J, Wang S, Gao Y, Dong L Z, Yang P, Xu B 2012 High Pow. Las. Part. Beam. 24 1663Google Scholar


    Yang P, Ning Y, Lei X 2010 Opt. Express 18 7121Google Scholar


    Vdovin G, Loktev M, Simonov A, Gruneisen M T, Gonglewski J D, Giles M K 2005 SPIE Optics + Photonics San Diego, USA, August 18, 2005 p5894940 B


    Wittrock U, Verpoort S 2010 Appl. Opt. 49 G37Google Scholar


    Verpoort S, Rausch P, Wittrock U 2012 SPIE Proceedings Mems Adaptive Optics VI San Francisco, USA, January 21, 2012 p852909


    Bayanna A R, Louis R E, Chatterjee S, Mathew S K, Venkatakrishnan P 2015 Appl. Opt 54 1727Google Scholar


    Lu J S, Su G 2012 SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications San Diego, USA, October 17, 2012 p84880D


    Bartsch D U, Freeman W R, Fainman Y, Zhu L, Sun P C 1999 Appl. Opt. 38 168Google Scholar


    Wallace Ce B P, Hampton P J, Bradley C H, Conan R 2006 Opt. Express 14 10132Google Scholar


    Guzmán D, Juez F, Myers R, Guesalaga A, Lasheras F S 2010 Opt. Express 18 21356Google Scholar


    Mathur V, Vangala S R, Qian X, Goodhue W D, Khoury J 2009 IEEE/LEOS International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics Tampa, USA, August 17, 2009 p156


    Hembrecht M A, He M, Kempf C J, Olivier S S, Bifano T G, Kubby J 2012 MEMS Adaptive Optics VI San Francisco, USA, February 6, 2012 p825307


    Sun C, Lei H, Wang D, Deng X, Zheng Y 2019 Opt. Express 27 9215Google Scholar


    Wittrock U, Weber H, Eppich B 1989 Fourth International Meeting of the EUREKA HPSSL Project EU226 Berlin, Germany, October 12, 1989 p1175


    Loiko P A, Yumashev K V, Kuleshov N V, Savitski V G, Calvez S, Burns D 2009 Opt. Express 17 23536Google Scholar


    Tashiro W H 2000 Opt. Commun. 175 189Google Scholar


    Tian B Y, Yu J C, Zhang B 2020 Opt. Eng. 59 1Google Scholar


    Harvey J E, Callahan G M 1978 Adaptive Optical Components I, Washington, D. C., USA, August 8, 1978 p50


    李佳, 田博宇, 余江川, 张彬 2021 中国激光 48 67Google Scholar

    Li J, Tian B Y, Yu J C 2021 Chin. J. Las. 48 67Google Scholar

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