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李芳 王明清 郑明 卢苇 于庆南 贾燕 吴坚



李芳, 王明清, 郑明, 卢苇, 于庆南, 贾燕, 吴坚

Numerical reference plane algorithm for effectively solving tilt distortion of a phase image in digital off-axis holography

Li Fang, Wang Ming-Qing, Zheng Ming, Lu Wei, Yu Qing-Nan, Jia Yan, Wu Jian
  • 离轴数字全息中使用倾斜的平面参考波以消除成像中的零级衍射和共轭像是一种简捷和常用的方法,然而该方法遇到的一个困扰是,由于倾斜参考波引入了附加的载波频率并很难通过实验测量准确地获得附加的载波频率值或倾角,因此会导致重建的相图出现一定的倾斜畸变而无法完全修正.本文提出了一种数字参考平面算法以解决这一问题.该算法利用重建相图的平坦区域选点构建一个能准确表征相图倾斜的数字参考平面,并建立该平面参量与参考波载波频率的数学关系和作为随后相图畸变修正迭代计算的判据.该算法简单有效,不仅能实现对倾斜相位畸变的准确修正,而且能准确地获得倾斜平面参考波的附加载波频率.由于在相位解包裹重建中结合了抑噪处理,因此该方法在环境和系统噪声的影响下仍然有效,实验结果验证了理论设计的有效性.
    It is a simple and commonly-used approach to use an inclined plane reference wave to remove zero-order diffraction and conjugated image in digital off-axis holography. However, this method is encountering a difficulty, since an additional carrier frequency is incorporated into the inclined reference wave and it is difficult to accurately obtain this additional carrier frequency via experimental measurement, a certain tilt distortion of the phase image will occur in the hologram reconstruction. In this paper, a numerical reference plane algorithm is proposed to solve this problem. This method innovatively constructs a numerical reference plane which is able to exactly characterize the tilt of the phase image by choosing three different points from a local flat of the reconstructed image, and establishes a mathematical relation between the plane parameters and the carrier frequency of the reference wave, which is used as a criterion of correcting the tilt distortion of the phase image in the subsequent iterative computation. The procedures of the algorithm are as follows. 1) Input the nominal carrier frequencies, (fx', fy') of the plane reference wave and reconstruct the hologram. 2) Unwrap the phase with PUMA algorithm and suppress the noise using bilateral filtering and short time Fourier transform with wavelet shrinkage. 3) Construct the numerical reference plane reflecting the image inclination and establish the mathematical relation between the plane parameters and the carrier frequencies of the reference wave. 4) Perform the iterative computation to correct the nominal carrier frequencies, (fx', fy') by using the differential coefficients, (a, b) of the reference plane equation as the criterion. 5) Output the computation result and the corrected phase image. The algorithm is simple and effective. It is able not only to achieve accurate correction to the tilt phase distortion, but also to exactly obtain the additional carrier frequency of the inclined plane reference wave. Since in the phase unwrapping reconstruction, the proposed approach combines with bi-lateral filtering processing, wavelet shrinking and short time Fourier transform to remove the noise influence while the image details are preserved, the method would still be valid under the influences of environmental and system noise. The experimental result supports the theoretical prediction very well.
      通信作者: 吴坚, jwu2@buaa.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:61376070,61474118)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Wu Jian, jwu2@buaa.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61376070, 61474118).

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    Wang H Y, Liu F F, Song X F, Liao W, Zhao B Q, Yu M J, Liu Z Q 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 024207 (in Chinese) [王华英, 刘飞飞, 宋修法, 廖薇, 赵宝群, 于梦杰, 刘佐强 2013 62 024207]


    Gu T T, Huang S J, Yan C, Miao Z, Chang Z, Wang T Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 064204 (in Chinese) [谷婷婷, 黄素娟, 闫成, 缪庄, 常征, 王廷云 2015 64 064204]


    Wu Y C, Wu X C, Yao L C, Xue Z L, Wu C Y, Zhou H, Cen K 2017 Fuel 195 12


    Yuan C J, Zhong L Y, Wang Y P, Xu L X, Qian X F 2004 Laser Technol. 28 482


    Rong L, Xiao W, Pan F, Liu S, Li R 2010 Chin. Opt. Lett. 8 653


    Cuche E, Marquet P, Dahlgren P, Depeursinge C 2000 Interferometry in Speckle Light (Berlin: Springer-Verlag) pp213-218


    Ferraro P, de Nicola S, Finizio A, Coppola G, Grilli S, Magro C, Pierattini G 2003 Appl. Opt. 42 1938


    Liebling M, Blu T, Unser M 2004 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 21 367


    Colomb T, Cuche E, Charrire F, Khn J, Aspert N, Frdric M, Pierre M, Christian D 2006 Appl. Opt. 45 851


    Miccio L, Alfieri D, Grilli S, Ferraro P 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 041104


    Cui H K, Wang D Y, Wang Y X, Liu C G, Zhao J, Li Y 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 044201 (in Chinese) [崔华坤, 王大勇, 王云新, 刘长庚, 赵洁, 李艳 2011 60 044201]


    Belashov A V, Petrov N V, Semenova I V, Vasyutinskii O S 2014 J. Phys. C 536 012003


    Pang T 2015 J. Mod. Opt. 62 816


    Cuche E, Marquet P, Depeursinge C 2000 Appl. Opt. 39 4070


    Cui H, Wang D, Wang Y, Zhao J, Zhang Y 2011 Opt. Commun. 284 4152


    Liu Y, Wang Z, Li J, Gao J, Huang J 2016 Opt. Laser Eng. 86 115


    Nguyen T, Bui V, Lam V, Raub C B, Chang L C, Nehmetallah G 2017 Opt. Express 25 15043


    Kim D C, Cho H J, Shin S, Jung W, Yu Y H 2009 J. Opt. Soc. Korea 13 451


    Wang H Y, Liu F F, Song X F, Liao W, Yu M J, Liu Z Q 2013 Chin. J. Lasers 40 196 (in Chinese) [王华英, 刘飞飞, 宋修法, 廖微, 于梦杰, 刘佐强 2013 中国激光 40 196]


    Liu S, Xiao W, Pan F 2014 Opt. Laser Technol. 57 169


    Zhang D, Fan J, Zhao H, Lu X, Liu S, Zhong L 2014 Optik 125 5148


    Wang D Y, Wang Y X, Guo S, Rong L, Zhang Y Z 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 154205 (in Chinese) [王大勇, 王云新, 郭莎, 戎路, 张亦卓 2014 63 154205]


    Schnars U, Falldorf C, Watson J, Jptner W 2015 Digital Holography and Wavefront Sensing (Berlin: Heidelberg) pp39-68


    Bioucas-Dias J M, Valadao G 2007 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 16 698


    Durand F, Dorsey J 2002 Acm. T. Graphic 21 257


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  • 收稿日期:  2017-11-25
  • 修回日期:  2018-01-28
  • 刊出日期:  2018-05-05

