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温贺平 禹思敏 吕金虎



温贺平, 禹思敏, 吕金虎

Encryption algorithm based on Hadoop and non-degenerate high-dimensional discrete hyperchaotic system

Wen He-Ping, Yu Si-Min, Lü Jin-Hu
  • 针对目前大数据环境中存在的数据安全问题,提出一种基于Hadoop大数据平台和无简并高维离散超混沌系统的加密算法.算法采用流密码对称加密方式,在Hadoop平台上读取存储于HDFS(Hadoop distributed file system)的大数据,进行分片处理和MapReduce编程后,用Map函数实现数据并行加密和解密,通过Reduce函数实现数据的合并操作并存储于HDFS.该算法具有较好的执行效率.与正李氏指数发生简并的低维混沌系统相比,无简并高维离散超混沌加密算法能提高系统安全性能,李氏指数均为正并且足够大,具有更好的统计特性,可通过严格的TESTU01测试,并行加密的密文之间互相关性很小.密钥参数众多使得估计或辨识难度增大.在密文闭环反馈条件下,具有抵御已知明文攻击和选择明文攻击的能力.
    Aiming at the data security problem in big data environment, in this paper we propose a new chaotic encryption algorithm based on both big data platform named Hadoop and non-degenerate high-dimensional discrete hyperchaotic system. The algorithm utilizes the chaotic stream cryptography and reads the data from HDFS of Hadoop platform. After fragmentation processing and MapReduce programming, the data are encrypted and decrypted by Map function in parallel. The Reduce function implements the merging operation of the data and stores them on the HDFS. The algorithm has a better execution efficiency. Compared with the low-dimensional chaotic system based encryption algorithm, the non-degenerate high-dimensional discrete chaotic system based encryption algorithm can improve the system security performance. It can pass the strict TESTU01 test with better statistical properties and make sure that the correlation with the parallel ciphertext is very small. Numerous key parameters increase the difficulty in making estimation or identification. Under the closed-loop feedback in ciphertext, it has the ability to resist the known and chosen plaintext attacks.
      通信作者: 温贺平, wenhp1019@163.com
    • 基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(批准号:2016YFB0800401)和国家自然科学基金(批准号:61532020,61671161,61172023)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Wen He-Ping, wenhp1019@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFB0800401) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61532020, 61671161, 61172023).

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    Mayer-Schnberger V, Kenneth C 2013 Big Data:A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work and Think (London:John Murray) pp1-15


    Feng D G, Zhang M, Li H (in Chinese)[冯登国,张敏,李昊 2014 计算机学报 37 246]


    Meng S, Dou W, Zhang X 2014 IEEE Trans. Parall. Distr. 25 3221


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    Yang C, Lin W, Liu M 2013 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies Xi'an, China, September 9-11, 2013 p437


    Yu Q, Ling J (in Chinese)[余琦, 凌捷 2013 计算机工程与设计 34 2700]


    Li M, Yang C, Tian J 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Communication Technology Ghaziabad, India, February 13-14, 2015 p4799


    Shetty M M, Manjaiah D H 2016 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technological Trends Kollam, India, October 21-22, 2016 p5090


    Han D, Min L, Chen G 2016 Int. J. Bifurcat. Chaos 26 1650091


    Liu H, Wang X, Kadir A 2014 Int. J. Nonlin. Sci. Num. 15 1565


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    Zhou Q, Wong K W, Liao X 2008 Chaos Soliton Fract. 38 1081


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    Si H W, Zhong G Y (in Chinese)[司红伟, 钟国韵 2015 计算机测量与控制 23 2475]


    Chen Z, Yuan X, Yuan Y 2016 IEEE Trans. Circuits I 63 1464


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    Sun J, Zhao J, Wu X, Fang W, Cai Y, Xu W 2010 Phys. Lett. A 374 2816


    Chang J F, Yang Y S, Liao T L, Yan J J 2008 Expert Syst. Appl. 35 2074


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  • 收稿日期:  2017-07-05
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