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张永燕 吴九汇 曾涛 钟宏民



张永燕, 吴九汇, 曾涛, 钟宏民

Mechanism of eliminating the aerosol haze particles by using laser gradient force

Zhang Yong-Yan, Wu Jiu-Hui, Zeng Tao, Zhong Hong-Min
  • 针对气溶胶雾霾粒子在大气流中所受力的平衡体系(旋转升力平衡重力, 粒子与粒子之间依靠斥力形成稳定的网状的力平衡体系)的问题, 提出了用激光光梯度力破坏力平衡进而消除雾霾的新机理. 首先, 根据牛顿第二定理, 得到了粒子所受力的非线性方程组, 应用Runge-Kutta 法积分求解了雾霾颗粒在大气流中所受的主要力(空气曳引阻力、范德瓦耳斯斥力、旋转升力)的数值, 成功验证了西安市2013年12月17-25日、2014年2月20-26日两次雾霾检测试验结论: 在雾霾过程中, 粒径在0.5-0.835 m径段的粒子数浓度增加最明显. 其次, 在雾霾粒子形成的均匀介质中, 计算了激光光梯度力的大小. 研究发现, 激光光梯度力的数量级恒大于雾霾颗粒所受主要力的数量级, 激光光梯度力完全可以破坏雾霾颗粒所受力的平衡体系. 因此, 用激光光梯度力消除雾霾是可行的, 这种新的解决雾霾的方法对人们的实际生活、环保及创建美丽的蓝天具有非常重要的意义.
    The mechanism of eliminating the aerosol haze particles by destroying the force balanced system with laser gradient force is proposed in terms of the force balanced system exerted on the haze particles in the atmosphere, namely, rotary lift force balances gravity, and haze particles are balanced by repulsion between particles and particles. First of all, nonlinear equations about forces exerted on haze particles are obtained according to the Newton's second law, and these main forces (air drag force, van der Waals repulsion, rotary lift force) on the haze particles are solved by integrating these nonlinear equations by the Runge-Kutta method. The facts that the concentrations of particles with diameters in a range from 0.5 m to 0.835 $m increased obviously in the haze particles test on December 17-25, 2013 and February 20-26, 2014 in Xi'an are verified. Secondly, the laser gradient force is analyzed and calculated in the homogeneous medium of haze particles. It is found that the system balanced by the force exerted on haze particles is destroyed completely by laser gradient force, because the magnitude of laser gradient force is always larger than any other forces exerted on haze particles. Therefore, it is feasible to eliminate these haze particles by laser gradient force. It is undoubted that the proposed way of eliminating haze particles is of great significance to establish harmonious surroundings for human.
      通信作者: 吴九汇, ejhwu@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
      Corresponding author: Wu Jiu-Hui, ejhwu@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

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    Stuart A L, Sarntharm M, Sriwatanapongse W 2009 Journal of the Air Waste Management Association 59 591


    Xiao J H, Chen S H 2015 Central South University of Forestry and Technology (Social Sciences) 9 79 (in Chinese) [肖建华, 陈思航 2015 中南林业科技大学学报 9 79]


    Lu N, Zhou J B, Li Z G, Wang Y T, Jin W 2015 Hebei Journal of Industrial Science and Technology 32 371 (in Chinese) [路娜, 周静博, 李治国, 王耀涛, 靳伟 2015 河北工业科技 32 371]


    Chu M R, Li S X 2015 Safety and Environmental Engineering 22 22 (in Chinese) [储梦然, 李世祥 2015 安全与环境工程 22 22]


    Huo X, Pan S, Sun W 2006 Opt. Technique 32 311 (in Chinese) [霍鑫, 潘石, 孙伟 2006 光学技术 32 311]


    Lu X H, Huang K K 2001 Acta Phys. Sin. 50 1409 (in Chinese) [陆璇辉, 黄凯凯 2001 50 1409]


    Di H G,Hou X L, Zhao H, Yan L J, Wei X, Zhao H, Hua D X 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 244206 (in Chinese) [狄慧鸽, 侯晓龙, 赵虎, 阎蕾洁, 卫鑫, 赵欢, 华灯鑫 2014 63 244206]


    Lin J X, Wu J H, Liu A Q, Chen Z, Lei H 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 154209 (in Chinese) [林建潇, 吴九汇, 刘爱群, 陈喆, 雷浩 2015 64 154209]


    Yang W F, Li X M, Chen C, Liu R F, Du C L 2015 China Environ. Sci. 35 2298 (in Chinese) [杨文峰, 李星敏, 陈闯, 刘瑞芳, 杜川利 2015 中国环境科学 35 2298]


    Li Z M, Zhang Z X 2007 Chin. J. Quantum Electron. 24 211 (in Chinese) [李忠明, 张镇西 2007 量子电子学报 24 211]


    Yang R K, Ma C L, Han X E, Su Z L, Jian D J 2007 Infrared and Laser Engineering 36 415 (in Chinese) [杨瑞科, 马春林, 韩香娥, 苏振玲, 鉴佃军 2007 红外与激光工程 36 415]


    Nabouls A 2004 Opt. Eng. 43 319

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