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杨亦春 郭泉 吕君 滕鹏晓



杨亦春, 郭泉, 吕君, 滕鹏晓

Observation and study of precursor infrasound waves emitted before several strong earthquakes

Yang Yi-Chun, Guo Quan, Lü Jun, Teng Peng-Xiao
  • 研究了一种在大地震前出现的异常次声波,揭示其与地震发生的空间、时间、强度的对应关系. 利用CASI-ICM-2011型次声测量传感器在一系列Ms6.0级以上大地震发生前2周以内检测到的一种频率范围0.001 Hz至0.01 Hz的次声波,其特征有:幅值范围50 Pa至200 Pa,持续时间0.5 h至4 h,传播速度10 m/s至30 m/s,震级越高信号越强. 通过建立广域次声传感器网络,成功定位了芦山地震前4天出现的异常次声波,以及巴基斯担地震前12天出现的异常次声波. 通过对8年时间连续监测数据的分析,研究了这类次声波的出现规律. 同时,对其产生机理提出了大地起伏激发次声波的假设,进行了理论论证,并用智利地震测量信号和玉树地震测量信号证明S波可以激发出本地同振的次声波. 文中所列举的数个震前异常次声信号的观测结果对于地震预测的信息获取具有参考价值.
    Study on the precursor infrasound waves emitted before the occurrence of strong earthquakes has been performed, so as to discover the relationship among position, arriving time, intensity of the infrasound wave and earthquakes. With the special kind of infrasound microphone CASI-ICM-2011, a kind of infrasound waves with frequencies from 0.001 Hz to 0.01 Hz, peak sound pressure level from 50 Pa to 200 Pa, continuous time period from half hour to 4 hours, and propagation speed from 10 m/s to 30 m/s, arising no more than two weeks, was received before a series of earthquakes over Ms6.0 occur. Amplitude of the signal is higher when the earthquake is stronger. In the far field the sensor network was spread in north-east China with automatic data uploading to a central server computer in Beijing. Precursor infrasound waves emitted 4 days before Ms7.0 Lu-san earthquake have been positioned perfectly as a sound cloud map, also the infrasound wave emitted 12 days before Ms7.7 Pakistan earthquake has been positioned. A long-time continuous signal over 8 years has been analysed without a bit gap, showing several effective signals accompanying earthquakes. Law of the infrasound generation has been discussed with a suggestion for the mechanism that the infrasound could be radiated by a large scale surface vibration near one million square kilometers in earthquake developing. Two demonstrative signals received after Ms8.8 Chile earthquake and Yu-shu earthquake were provided to prove this suggestion. The detected signal shows that the infrasound wave arrives accompanying S wave at the same time. One model is provided as a piston sound source to simulate very low frequency infrasound radiated by large surface vibration. All the presented signals in this paper should be useful for precursor information obtained for close earthquake prediction.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:11174320,11304352)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11174320, 11304352).

    Ostrovsky A E Geodesy and Physics of the Earth: Proceeding of the third international symposium Weimar, Germany, October 25-31, 1976 p673


    Gossard R E, Hooke W H 1975 Wave in the Atmosphere (New York: Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company) p281


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    Xia Y Q, Cui X Y, Li J Z 2011 Journal of Beijing University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition) 37 463 (in Chinese) [夏雅琴, 崔晓艳, 李均之 2011 北京工业大学学报 37 463 ]


    Xia Y Q, Liu J Y, Cui X Y 2011 Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 41 434


    Lin L, Yang Y C 2010 Acta Acoustica 35 200 (in Chinese) [林琳, 杨亦春 声学学报 35 200]


    L J, Guo Q, Yang Y C, Feng H N, Teng P X 2012 Chinese J. Geophys. 55 3379 (in Chinese) [吕君, 郭泉, 杨亦春, 冯浩楠, 滕鹏晓 2012 地球 55 3379]


    Yang Y C, Ma C Z, Li X D, Tian J 2003 Acta Acoustica 28 159 (in Chinese) [杨亦春, 马驰州, 李晓东, 田静 2003 声学学报 28 159]


    Teng P X, Ma C Z, Yang Y C, Li X D 2007 Acta Acoustica 26 227


    Zhang C J, Shi Y L, Ma L Chinese Geophysical the 21th Annual Meeting Changchun, China, August 26-30 2005


    Zhang C J, Shi Y L 2005 Journal of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 22 258 (in Chinese) [张晁军, 石耀霖 2005中国科学院大学学报 22 258]


    L J, Zhao Z Y, Zhou C 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 104301 (in Chinese)[吕君, 赵正予, 周晨 2011 60 104301]


    Zhou C, Wang X, Zhao Z Y, Zhang Y N 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 154302 (in Chinese)[周晨, 王翔, 赵正予, 张援农 2013 62 154302]

  • [1]

    Ostrovsky A E Geodesy and Physics of the Earth: Proceeding of the third international symposium Weimar, Germany, October 25-31, 1976 p673


    Gossard R E, Hooke W H 1975 Wave in the Atmosphere (New York: Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company) p281


    Hu X K, Shi J R, Ren J G 1980 Chinese J. Geophys. 23 450 (in Chinese)[胡心康, 石金瑞, 任建国 1980 地球 23 450]


    Xia Y Q, Cui X Y, Li J Z 2011 Journal of Beijing University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition) 37 463 (in Chinese) [夏雅琴, 崔晓艳, 李均之 2011 北京工业大学学报 37 463 ]


    Xia Y Q, Liu J Y, Cui X Y 2011 Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 41 434


    Lin L, Yang Y C 2010 Acta Acoustica 35 200 (in Chinese) [林琳, 杨亦春 声学学报 35 200]


    L J, Guo Q, Yang Y C, Feng H N, Teng P X 2012 Chinese J. Geophys. 55 3379 (in Chinese) [吕君, 郭泉, 杨亦春, 冯浩楠, 滕鹏晓 2012 地球 55 3379]


    Yang Y C, Ma C Z, Li X D, Tian J 2003 Acta Acoustica 28 159 (in Chinese) [杨亦春, 马驰州, 李晓东, 田静 2003 声学学报 28 159]


    Teng P X, Ma C Z, Yang Y C, Li X D 2007 Acta Acoustica 26 227


    Zhang C J, Shi Y L, Ma L Chinese Geophysical the 21th Annual Meeting Changchun, China, August 26-30 2005


    Zhang C J, Shi Y L 2005 Journal of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 22 258 (in Chinese) [张晁军, 石耀霖 2005中国科学院大学学报 22 258]


    L J, Zhao Z Y, Zhou C 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 104301 (in Chinese)[吕君, 赵正予, 周晨 2011 60 104301]


    Zhou C, Wang X, Zhao Z Y, Zhang Y N 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 154302 (in Chinese)[周晨, 王翔, 赵正予, 张援农 2013 62 154302]

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  • 收稿日期:  2013-12-10
  • 修回日期:  2014-03-28
  • 刊出日期:  2014-07-05

