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Atomic force microscopy studies on self-organized wrinkles in constrained metallic films deposited on silicone oil substrates

Yu Sen-Jiang
  • 利用喷雾装置在清洁载玻片上喷洒出各种尺寸(微米到毫米量级)的硅油滴,采用直流磁控溅射方法在硅油滴上沉积金属铬薄膜,研究了薄膜中由热应力引起的自组装褶皱. 实验发现硅油滴上的铬薄膜受到油滴边缘的约束而具有受限的边界条件,其对褶皱的形貌具有很好的调控作用:褶皱呈垂直于边界的辐射状条纹;越靠近约束边界,褶皱的波长和振幅越小. 褶皱的形貌特征还与薄膜厚度和硅油滴尺寸密切相关. 随着膜厚的增加,褶皱在约束边界处首先形成,并逐渐扩展到油滴中心区域;相同尺寸油滴中心处的褶皱波长基本不变,而振幅随膜厚先增大随后减小. 薄膜厚度相同时,随着油滴尺寸的增加,褶皱的波长和振幅都相应增加. 进一步的研究表明:在沉积过程中,高能粒子的轰击和溅射源的热辐射导致硅油表面层的结构发生改变而形成聚合物层,在此基础上对褶皱的形貌特征和振幅演化给出合理的解释.
    Silicone oil droplets with varied sizes (micrometer to millimeter) were sprayed onto a clean glass slide and then Cr films were deposited on the droplets by DC-magnetron sputtering. Self-organized wrinkles induced by thermal stress have been investigated using atomic force microscope. It is found that the Cr films are limited by the droplet edges and thus possess constrained edges, which can well control the wrinkle morphologies: the wrinkles may exhibit radiated strips perpendicular to the edge. The wavelength and amplitude will decrease when approaching to the constrained edge. Morphologies of the wrinkles are closely related to the film thickness and oil drop size. As the film thickness increases, the wrinkles first form near the edge, and then propagate to the central region. The wavelength at the droplet center is almost unchanged for different oil sizes, but the amplitude first increases and then decreases with increasing film thickness. When the film thickness is fixed, the wavelength and amplitude may increase accordingly with increasing droplet size. Further studies show that the top surface of the silicone oil is modified to form a polymer layer during the deposition due to the bombardment from high-energy particles and heat radiation from the sputtering source. Morphologies of the wrinkles and amplitude evolutions are then explained in detail.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:11204283)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11204283).

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    Yu S J, Zhou H, Zhang Y J, Chen M G, Jiao Z W, Si P Z 2012 Thin Solid Films 520 5683


    Yu S J, Zhang Y J, Zhou H, Chen M G, Zhang X F, Jiao Z W, Si P Z 2013 Phys. Rev. E 88 042401


    Al-Shareef A, Neogi P, Bai B 2013 Chem. Eng. Sci. 99 113


    Feng C M, Ge H L, Tong M R, Ye G X, Jiao Z K 1999 Thin Solid Films 34 230


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    Zhong M J, Guo G L, Yang J Y, Ma N H, Ye G, Guo X D, Li R X, Ma H L 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 1223


    Jiang Y H, Liu L W, Yang K, Xiao W D, Gao H J 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 096401


    Zhang C H, L N, Zhang X F, Saida A, Xia A G, Ye G X 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 066103


    Bowden N, Brittain S, Evans A G, Hutchinson J W, Whitesides G M 1998 Nature 393 146


    Efimenko K, Rackaitis M, Manias E, Vaziri A, Mahadevan L, Genzer J 2005 Nat. Mater. 4 293


    Wang F, Xue M, Cao T 2009 Adv. Mater. 21 2211


    Colin J, Coupeau C, J Grilhé 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 046101


    Faou J Y, Parry G, Grachev S, Barthel E 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 116102


    Yu S J, Xiao X F, Chen M G, Zhou H, Chen J, Si P Z, Jiao Z W 2014 Acta Mater. 64 41


    Cai P G, Yu S J, Ye Q L, Jin J S, Ye G X 2003 Phys. Lett. A 312 119


    Yu S J, Zhang Y J, Ye Q L, Cai P G, Tang X W, Ye G X 2003 Phys. Rev. B 68 193403


    Zhang Y J, Yu S J 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 4867 (in Chinese)[张永炬, 余森江 2005 54 4867]


    Xia A G, Yang B, Jin J S, Zhang Y W, Tang F, Ye G X 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 302


    Liu X, Wuttig M 2006 Phys. Rev. B 73 033405


    Zhang Y J, Yu S J, Ge H L, Wu L N, Cui Y J 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 5444 (in Chinese)[张永炬, 余森江, 葛洪良, 邬良能, 崔玉建 2006 55 5444]


    Pocivavsek L, Dellsy R, Kern A, Johnson S, Lin B, Lee K Y C, Cerda E 2008 Science 320 912


    Huang J, Davidovitch B, Santangelo C D, Russell T P, Menon N 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 038302


    Kim P, Abkarian M, Stone H A 2011 Nat. Mater. 10 952


    Vandeparre H, Pineirua M, Brau F, Roman B, Bico J, Gay C, Bao W, Lau C N, Reis P M, Damman P 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 224301


    Bao W, Miao F, Chen Z, Zhang H, Jang W, Dames C, Lau C N 2009 Nat. Nanotech. 4 562


    Yu S J, Zhou H, Zhang Y J, Chen M G, Jiao Z W, Si P Z 2012 Thin Solid Films 520 5683


    Yu S J, Zhang Y J, Zhou H, Chen M G, Zhang X F, Jiao Z W, Si P Z 2013 Phys. Rev. E 88 042401


    Al-Shareef A, Neogi P, Bai B 2013 Chem. Eng. Sci. 99 113


    Feng C M, Ge H L, Tong M R, Ye G X, Jiao Z K 1999 Thin Solid Films 34 230


    Tao X M, Lao Y F, Ye Q L, Jin J S, Jiao Z K, Ye G X 2001 Acta Phys. Sin. 50 1991 (in Chinese)[陶向明, 劳燕锋, 叶全林, 金进生, 焦正宽, 叶高翔 2001 50 1991]


    Cerda E, Mahadevan L 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 074302


    Chua D B H, Ng H T, Li S F Y 2000 Appl. Phys. Lett. 76 721


    Genzer J, Groenewold J 2006 Soft Matter 2 310

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  • 收稿日期:  2014-01-03
  • 修回日期:  2014-02-18
  • 刊出日期:  2014-06-05

