构造了一个三维混沌系统, 简要分析了该混沌系统的平衡点性质、混沌吸引子相图和Lyapunov指数等特性. 在此基础上, 利用反馈同步思想设计了一种利用混沌信号部分信息实现混沌同步的方法, 完成了三维混沌系统的同步. 该方法仅利用混沌信号幅值信息即可实现两个混沌系统的同步, 其同步建立与混沌信号的极性无关, 此特性可有效提高混沌通信质量. 通过分析系统的条件Lyapunov指数证实该方法的有效性, 数值仿真表明该方法与利用混沌信号全部信息的线性反馈同步法相比, 同步建立时间基本相同.
- 三维混沌 /
- 混沌同步 /
- 条件Lyapunov指数 /
- 混沌通信
A three-dimensional chaotic system is presented. The equilibrium point, the chaotic attractor and the Lyapunov exponent are investigated. According to the chaotic system, we propose a novel chaos synchronization method in which only the amplitude of chaotic signal is used to realize chaos synchronization. This feature can be used in chaotic communication system to improve the communication quality and speed. By computing the conditional Lyapunov exponents and numerical simulation the synchronization method is proved to be feasible and effective. The synchronous speed of the method is the same as that of the traditional linear feedback method.-
- three-dimensional chaos /
- chaos synchronization /
- conditional Lyapunov exponents /
- chaotic communication
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[1] Pecora L M, Carroll T L 1990 Phys. Rev. Lett. 64 821
[2] Maggio G M, di Bernardo M, Kennedy M P 2000 IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Ⅰ 47 1160
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[15] Wu X J, Lu H T, Shen S L 2009 Phys. Lett. A 373 2329
[16] Fu S H, Pei L J 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 5985 (in Chinese) [付士慧, 裴利军 2010 59 5985]
[17] Chen M, Jiang C S, Jiang B, Wu Q X 2009 Chaos Sloitons Fract. 39 1856
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[19] Fang J Q 2001 Manage Chaos and Develop High and New Technology (Beijing: Atomic Energy Press) p35 (in Chinese) [方锦清 2001 驾驭混沌与发展高新技术 (北京: 原子能出版社) 第35页]
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[21] Zhang X D, Li Z P, Zhang L L 2005 J. Univ. Sci. Technol. Beijing 27 371 (in Chinese) [张晓丹, 李志萍, 张丽丽 2005 北京科技大学学报 27 371]
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