大爆炸宇宙模型的成功说明宇宙有可能是创生出来的。宇宙究竟是创生于“无”,还是创生于真空涨落?这是目前正在热烈讨论的问题。本文提出宇宙创生于真空涨落的一种可能的方案。我们提出,在单圈近似下的真空涨落创生了原初暴涨宇宙—原初deSitter宇宙,这时SO11,SU14或E8×E8对称性成立。由于规范耦合常数g和Higgs场自耦合常数λ的渐近自由,将使得原初大统一破缺发生一级相变,相变时释放出的潜热化为宇宙的原初物质,以使宇宙升温到接近Planck温度。这样所创生的宇宙即由原初暴涨阶段过渡到以辐射为主的标准模型。此后,例如SU5GUT成立,在创生后的10-35秒,将发生熟知的第二次暴涨。The success of the Big Bang model strongly suggests that the universe may be created, but whether the universe is created from nothing or from vacuum is a problem of controversy. In this paper, we put forth a possible proposal for the creation of universe from vacuum fluctuation. We note that the primordial inflationary universe-primordial de Sitter Universe, could be created from the vacuum fluctuation in one-loop approximation, wherce the SO11, SU14 or E8×E8 symmetry hold. By way of the asymptotic freedom of the gauge coupling g and Higgs self coupling λ, the primordial GUT breaks down and the latent heat releases during the first order phase transition. The released heat will heat the 'cold' universe to Planck temperature, so the created inflationary universe will pass into the standard model dominated by radiation. Thereafter, for example, the SU5 GUT holds and the well known second inflation will appear at 10-35 seconds after the creation.
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